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Visiting Karachi in December: What Places should I see?


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
Hi, [Be warned: This will be a rather rambling post. Sorry]

I will be spending about 3 weeks in Karachi this December. I am excited. But between so many relatives and friends it will be hard to decide what to do. So I am here to seek help from the PDF brothers--especially from those who are living in Karachi! Others too are welcome to help. All help much appreciated.
A little background: I was born and raised in Karachi. Fluent in unaccented Urdu to the point of even attempting amateur poetry. But living in the States--with very little exposure to Desis and around 'Goras' (and 'Goris'!) for 22+ year, plus less than 6 months total in Pakistan in 22 years, has seemingly changed my personality. My Urdu now sounds like translated from English phrases. Plus the style of language, the metaphors...are from the 80's. They amuse everyone in Karachi who knew me. I am: The puzzled eye. The shaking of head in 'American Style'. The indifference to religious matters and conversations. The thanks to the Rickshaw drivers--to the food vendors. All betray me as a Desi who is from outside.

I don't get a 'reverse culture shock'. I am not a snob. I have become 'different'. I just need to figure out how to best spend my time and money in Karachi without attracting too much attention for security reasons. And I don't like wearing Shalwar Qamiz anymore nor like any facial hair. So please help.

The relative almost all sleep till 10-11 AM. And I am an early bird. How shall I kill time from, say, 7 AM till noon? Not even the nearby restaurants are open.

What place to see: I am thinking of Mohatta Palace, National Museum, Quaid Mausoleum, Visits to Karoonjhar Hills, Keti Bandar, Mubarak Village (fishing), various food place (which one?)

What about the security situation now? I hear it has gotten a bit better after the operation?

Will it be safe to carry my Nokia Lumia 920 in public?

Should I carry some cash just to give to potential robbers/cell phone robber so that they won't kill me for being empty handed?

Should I hide cash and credit card under my feet (inside the shoes)?

Should I carry any original IDs or just carry copies of them?

Would love to meet some PDF members!

Thank you!
lolz some of these questions are so innocent... looks like you are not in touch with anybody in pakistan for years. :sick:
The relative almost all sleep till 10-11 AM. And I am an early bird. How shall I kill time from, say, 7 AM till noon? Not even the nearby restaurants are open.

Go to some nearby park. That's the only activity at time I think. Or you can visit McDonalds for breakfast. They introduced some breakfast deals a few months ago.

What place to see: I am thinking of Mohatta Palace, National Museum, Quaid Mausoleum, Visits to Karoonjhar Hills, Keti Bandar, Mubarak Village (fishing), various food place (which one?)

Watch Waar at atirum. :D

other than that do try the Karachi foo.d There are dozens and dozens of restaurants where you can eat some really nice foo.d Also visit Dolmen Mall clifton Karachi for shopping. I am sure you would like it. There are many other places. I would mention you later.

What about the security situation now? I hear it has gotten a bit better after the operation?

Still a lot of improvement is needed. But anyways things are relatively better now.

Will it be safe to carry my Nokia Lumia 920 in public?

It depends more on the area you are present in. People carry there S4 and other gadgets openly. It all depends on the area. It is better to be a bit careful.

Should I carry some cash just to give to potential robbers/cell phone robber so that they won't kill me for being empty handed?

Lol. Why are you so sure that you are going to meet a robber in Karachi? Hopefully you won't face any such situation.

Should I hide cash and credit card under my feet (inside the shoes)?

Lol again. Hopefully you won't face any such situation. People carry cash and credit cards here too. So its pretty normal in my opinion.

Should I carry any original IDs or just carry copies of them?

Yes it is good if you carry your ID card with you. Many times policemen and rangers guys also ask for ID card.
Oh man! Try and make a trip to Anarkali Bazaar in Lahore too. The kababs there are nothing like you've ever had in this universe!!
Oh man! Try and make a trip to Anarkali Bazaar in Lahore too. The kababs there are nothing like you've ever had in this universe!!
how do u know?

If u really want kababs visit Ghari Habib Ullah town on the border of Azad Kashmir and Hazara region. Or just visit Abbottabad or Peshawar. Chapli Kabab of Peshawar is famous across the country and in other places they try to make them but what u know abt Anar Kali's Kababs r not even 10% of original Chapli Kabab of Peshawar from where they got famous. 
Before this thread i though yr an ISI operative who inspects this website but after this thread i have came to realize yr just same old American obsessed with Safety even like Talon yr also afraid of our National Dress.:rofl:.
Thank you very much for taking the time! Very helpful tips, sir!
@Umair Nawaz ,
Yeah, you keep mentioning that you used to think I was some ISI agent. And Iam not just an 'old Amercan'. Iam also an old Pakistani. And Iam certainly not ashamed of Shalwar Qamiz--but I don't like wearing them anymore; part of the reason I figuring out the NaRRa! (the lace).

Thank you all.
Thank you very much for taking the time! Very helpful tips, sir!
@Umair Nawaz ,
Yeah, you keep mentioning that you used to think I was some ISI agent. And Iam not just an 'old Amercan'. Iam also an old Pakistani. And Iam certainly not ashamed of Shalwar Qamiz--but I don't like wearing them anymore; part of the reason I figuring out the NaRRa! (the lace).

Thank you all.
try elastic then........ visit the Mud volcanoes that u were very fond of in their thread. Or Karachi mangroves.
elastic? I have bad memories of either friends pulling and snapping that on me or..simply pulling down the pajamas--okay not after I became an adult but still.
Yeah, the mud volcanoes are on my radar. I have even thought of asking folks at Pak Wheels for either a visit there or somewhere else. But I have been told that Baluchitan is off limits; heck, now even Hawke's Bay is off limit. WTF?!
[If this Topic is becoming just a bit too personal informational gathering exercise by me then Mods can close it--with my apologies in advance. But I think the discussion is pertinent to 'tourism' in Pakistan]

As I am trying to plan my trip I found out a potentially excellent car rental place in Karachi:
Affordable Rent a Car Service in Pakistan
I have been in touch with their owner/manager. In terms of American dollar, a chauffeur driven car from 9 am till 7 pm for possibly less than $30/day, all inclusive (rental with the chauffeur, insurance, gasoline, pickup/dropoff) is a BARGAIN! They would even take me to Keti Bandar and back for only Rs. 1,000 extra above normal charges. But family is very protective--or perhaps a bit jealous of my freedoms while in Karachi and insist that I avail the family car--but, as you know, those things come with quite a baggage!
how do u know?

If u really want kababs visit Ghari Habib Ullah town on the border of Azad Kashmir and Hazara region. Or just visit Abbottabad or Peshawar. Chapli Kabab of Peshawar is famous across the country and in other places they try to make them but what u know abt Anar Kali's Kababs r not even 10% of original Chapli Kabab of Peshawar from where they got famous.
Arre bhai, I wish I could make a visit to Peshawar, but getting permission is not easy. I was thus comparing those delicious Lahori kababs which I had the good fortune of having, with the ones you get in India! :-)

And the guys even refused to take money from me saying I was an 'honored guest' from India! Now that's what I call hospitality!

So I always wonder, why is there so much 'kolaveri di' against Indians on PDF?? :undecided:
Hi, [Be warned: This will be a rather rambling post. Sorry]

What place to see: I am thinking of Mohatta Palace, National Museum, Quaid Mausoleum, Visits to Karoonjhar Hills, Keti Bandar, Mubarak Village (fishing), various food place (which one?)

What about the security situation now? I hear it has gotten a bit better after the operation?

Will it be safe to carry my Nokia Lumia 920 in public?

Should I carry some cash just to give to potential robbers/cell phone robber so that they won't kill me for being empty handed?

Should I hide cash and credit card under my feet (inside the shoes)?

Should I carry any original IDs or just carry copies of them?

Would love to meet some PDF members!

Thank you!

Make copies of your IDs. Color copies of everything in your wallet. Its not bad enough to hide stuff in your shoes and underwear. Unless you have something to hide. What I do is keep 2 wallets depending on where I have to go. If I have to take aa trip to lyari or mangopir. I keep essential documents at home.

Your nokia 920 is a target if you keep it in the open more than you have to.

Quaids moseleum is not somewhere I would go with very few people. Mubarak village is good for fishing but not been there in a long time. The security situation was bad going towards hawkes bay. Mauripur side. Rest should be good to go.

Chapli kababs in shiri jinnah colony truck stop. As authentic as I have had them and the cook feels kind of racist as well. Old guy with the diesel smelling chapli kababs. Good times.

You can message me when in the city to ask about places I know about. Too many to list.
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