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Vietnamese PM orders crackdown on offensive websites


Aug 23, 2012
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United States
HA NOI (VNS)— Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on Thursday gave agencies the green light to crackdown on websites posting distorted information against the Party and State.

Reports from the ministries and the Party Central Committee covering websites such as danlambao, quanlambao and biendong showed the websites posted false, slanderous and distorted information to tarnish the country's leadership by creating bad publicity.

PM Dung asked the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Information and Communications and the relevant authority to investigate and strictly deal with organisations and individuals responsible.

The Ministry of Information and Communications, in collaboration with the Central Commission for Publicity and Education, is responsible for providing accurate information about the current situation of the country.

Dung also asked the ministry to promptly propose a draft decree on the management, supply and use of the internet and online information services.

Nhan Dan (The People) newspaper, Vietnam News Agency, the Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, e-Government Portal and other mass media agencies were required to supply accurate and timely information, while rejecting false and distorted information that undermines the Party and State.

Cadres and civil servants of ministries, sectors and local authorities were urged not to spread information published on these websites. — VNS

PM orders crackdown on offensive websites - Social Issues - VietNam News
such as danlambao, quanlambao and biendong showed the websites posted false
Those websites are still in active :D. How about offensive websites in China ? can you read it in china without using fake IP soft ?
Those websites are still in active :D. How about offensive websites in China ? can you read it in china without using fake IP soft ?

Guess not? I'm not in China so I wouldn't know, But ask yourself this: Are those sites active because your goverment is nice, or they just lack the resource and money to sensor them out at this moment?
Who cares about Vietnam? It's just a third rate country without any relevance in the international stage. We should be talking about Japan, India or U.S instead. At least those three have some weight.
Guess not? I'm not in China so I wouldn't know, But ask yourself this: Are those sites active because your goverment is nice, or they just lack the resource and money to sensor them out at this moment?
The Govt. can crack down any websites they want, but you know, VNese never make a revolt. just by reading or listening some news on some websites. So to us, those websites are just the same with Humor Sites ^^.
Who cares about Vietnam? It's just a third rate country without any relevance in the international stage. We should be talking about Japan, India or U.S instead. At least those three have some weight.
good, we don't need your 'care', too:P
The Govt. can crack down any websites they want, but you know, VNese never make a revolt. just by reading or listening some news on some websites. So to us, those websites are just the same with Humor Sites ^^.

good, we don't need your 'care', too:P

So why are they cracking down on those sites now? must have a good reason right?
So why are they cracking down on those sites now? must have a good reason right?
Bcz those sites are criticizing PM Dung and the tycoons who support PM Dung heavily and it may make him lose his face, so only PM Dung need to crack them down when the others leader don't .
Bcz those sites are criticizing PM Dung and the tycoons who support PM Dung heavily and it may make him lose his face, so only PM Dung need to crack them down when the others leader don't .

So your PM Dung is a dictator?
So your PM Dung is a dictator?
We don't know, but 90 % he's not a dictator , just bcz he doesn't know how to run the VN economy well but he still refuse to resign, so some others leaders like President Sang,party general secretary Nguyen phu Trong decides to arrest some of PM Dung's tycoon like Mr. Kien to reduce his power and reboot VN's economy.
Mr. Kien also had his detractors and enemies. He clashed with the Vietnam FootballAssociation over allegations of corruption. He ruffled feathers by founding his ownleague. Mr. Kien was also rumoured to have been involved in a dispute over therunning of Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank orSacombank. It is likelythat some of the individuals involved in these squabbles sough the intervention byhigher ups to clip Mr. K
ien’s wings.

The second explanation for Mr. Kien’s arrest is that he is a victim of in
among Vietnam’s political elite.
Ever since Vietnam embarked on
doi moi
highgrowth rates have resulted in a more powerful state vis-à-vis the party. The highgrowth rates promoted by Prime Minster Nguyen Tan Dung led to an explosion of commercial activity that defied effective regulation. These shortcomings were
basically ignored during the good times, but now that Vietnam’s economy is
experiencing difficulties these weaknesses are all to evident. This is especially thecase in the financial and banking sectors.
The side effects of Prime Minister Dung’s policy of high growth rates has led many in
the party apparatus to fear political instability. Their cause appears to be
championed by president Truong Tan Sang. Sang’s coalition in turn has put pressure
on the party Secretary General to take action

Late last year this coalition succeeded in exposing a major scandal in Vinashin, one of the conglomerates favoured by the prime minister. Prime Minister Dung was forcedto accept personal responsibility before the National Assembly. Next, this coalitionmaneuvered to replace the Prime Minister as head of the Anti-Corruption SteeringBoard, a board he set up and chaired during his first term in office. The PrimeMinister was further weakened when another scandal emerged in Vinalines ,another of his beloved conglomerates. The anti-corruption campaign has now beenextended to other state-owned enterprises (SOEs).Currently the party Secretary General, Nguyen P
Thayer Vietnam: Why Was Nguyen Duc Kien Arrested?
Who cares about Vietnam? It's just a third rate country without any relevance in the international stage. We should be talking about Japan, India or U.S instead. At least those three have some weight.

That´s fine. You can go and play with the Indians. I think they will be very happy. China should stay away from Vietnam and ASEAN. Don´t intrigue and interfere in our influence regions!
That´s fine. You can go and play with the Indians. I think they will be very happy. China should stay away from Vietnam and ASEAN. Don´t intrigue and interfere in our influence regions!

aren't Vietnamese enjoying posting topics about China, I'm just here to show you we care about you equally. In fact I'm gonna go back and post a few more Vietnamese news.
aren't Vietnamese enjoying posting topics about China, I'm just here to show you we care about you equally. In fact I'm gonna go back and post a few more Vietnamese news.
What's strange is nobody ever talks about it. so I am gonna give you guys weekly updates from now on.

Really? That´s the first time I hear that a Chinese sees the Viets as equal. Luckily at present China is busy in dealing a dispute with Japan. Thanks to our friends in Japan, we can go ahead and increase our influence in the regions as long as the Chinese are distracted.

Upsss..now I have revealed too much.
That´s fine. You can go and play with the Indians. I think they will be very happy. China should stay away from Vietnam and ASEAN. Don´t intrigue and interfere in our influence regions!
Speak only for your monkeyland. You don't represent ASEAN. We'll use our influence whenver and wherever we want. Hell maybe we'll get Cambodia to block all your proposals at ASEAN if we wanted to.

Know your place in the world. You are nothing more than a stepping stone between great powers. Always has been and always will be.
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