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Vietnam provocation and what should China reaction?

Nov 5, 2011
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The ongoing disputes about the South China Sea mostly originate from Vietnam. The biggest challenge of China's insistence on a peaceful solution can also be laid at Vietnam's door.

Depending on how the situation develops, China has to be ready for two plans: negotiating with Vietnam for a peaceful solution, or answering the provocation with political, economic or even military counterstrikes. We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue.

Vietnam has been taking risky actions in the South China Sea for some time. It has occupied 29 Chinese islands. It has been gaining the most benefits from undersea natural gas and oil exploitation. It is also the most aggressive in dealing with China.

Vietnam is the major advocate of inviting the US into the South China Sea as a "balance." Its government is also consenting to a growing nationalistic sentiment among its people. Hanoi has been setting a bad example in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has been trapped in an unrealistic belief that as long as the US balances out the South China Sea issue, it can openly challenge China's sovereignty, and walk away with huge gains.

In previous military conflicts between the two countries, China tried hard to show restraint. But that seems to have only made Vietnam more daring still. Vietnam's interpretation of China's peaceful policy appears to be that whatever Vietnam does, China will refrain from using force.

Since a limited military conflict with China over the South China Sea in 1988, Vietnam has been increasingly aggressive in grabbing islands as its own, ignoring China's traditional policy of "shelving disputes and developing jointly." It is pushing the limits of China's national interest and dignity.

China has to send a clear message that it will take whatever measures necessary to protect its interests in the South China Sea. If Vietnam continues to provoke China in this region, China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces.

China should clearly state that if it decides to fight back, it will also take back the islands previously occupied by Vietnam. If Vietnam wants to start a war, China has the confidence to destroy invading Vietnam battleships, despite possible objections from the international community.

The US may add some uncertainty in the South China Sea. China will handle this carefully, and is not likely to engage in a direct confrontation with the US.

China's rise has come at the cost of increasing strategic risks in the south. China will continue its dedication to peace and development, but it has to be ready to face confrontation and showdown. The provocation from Vietnam may become a touchstone.

Thanks for sharing information!

If having nothing mean to say then don't try that blatant clownish spamming!!!

Who would execute this kind of troll, it freely challenge the forum policy and still live well here!!! :hitwall:


Don't take peaceful approach for granted

Recently, both the Philippines and South Korean authorities have detained fishing boats from China, and some of those boats haven't been returned. China has been increasingly confronted with sea disputes and challenged by tough stances from the countries involved. These events have been promoting hawkish responses within China, asking the government to take action.

China has emphasized its reluctance in solving disputes at sea via military means on many occasions. Peace is vital for its own economic development. But some of China's neighboring countries have been exploiting China's mild diplomatic stance, making it their golden opportunity to expand their regional interests.

What has recently happened in the South China Sea is a good example. Countries like the Philippines and Vietnam believe China has been under various pressure. They think it is a good time for them to take advantage of this and force China to give away its interests.

Their inspiration is illogical and it is rare to see small countries using "opportunistic strategy" on bigger countries. Hard-line response will cause trouble for China, but if the problems and "pains" these countries bring exceed the risk China has to endure to change its policies and strategies, then a "counter-attack" is likely.

The sea disputes that some countries have created not only threaten China's long-term interests over the sovereignty of its sea borders, but also challenge the unity of China's politics on the issue. Growing voices urging the government to "strike back" will eventually form through influence.

Currently, China's mainstream understanding is that it should first go through the general channels of negotiating with other countries to solve sea disputes. But if a situation turns ugly, some military action is necessary.

This public sentiment will influence China's future foreign policy. Countries currently in sea disputes with China may have failed to spot this tendency, as they still perceive China through conventional wisdom. Thus, the South China Sea, as well as other sensitive sea areas, will have a higher risk of serious clashes.

If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to prepare for the sounds of cannons. We need to be ready for that, as it may be the only way for the disputes in the sea to be resolved.

Conflicts and disputes over the sovereignty of the seas in East Asia and South Asia are complicated. No known method exists to solve these issues in a peaceful way. Although China has proposed a strategy that calls for countries in the region to put away differences and work on shared interests, few have responded.

The reality is that each country in the region believes it has what it takes to force China to bow down. China wants to remain calm but it is a lonely role to play. China will have to adjust itself for this reality.

Thanks for sharing information! :tup:

We always look forward to peaceful negotiations with China...

So after being panted down by me you then made up that red line to cover for your shameless trolling here???

What a coward, having guts to troll but so scare to be banned???

How much your government pays you for stationing here everyday spreading propaganda against China???

What a shameless viets who used to blame those Chinese members here are online-fighters with big mouths....while the reality is showing us YOUR viets are the most fit with that!!!
The ongoing disputes about the South China Sea mostly originate from Vietnam. The biggest challenge of China's insistence on a peaceful solution can also be laid at Vietnam's door.

Depending on how the situation develops, China has to be ready for two plans: negotiating with Vietnam for a peaceful solution, or answering the provocation with political, economic or even military counterstrikes. We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue.

Vietnam has been taking risky actions in the South China Sea for some time. It has occupied 29 Chinese islands. It has been gaining the most benefits from undersea natural gas and oil exploitation. It is also the most aggressive in dealing with China.

Vietnam is the major advocate of inviting the US into the South China Sea as a "balance." Its government is also consenting to a growing nationalistic sentiment among its people. Hanoi has been setting a bad example in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has been trapped in an unrealistic belief that as long as the US balances out the South China Sea issue, it can openly challenge China's sovereignty, and walk away with huge gains.

In previous military conflicts between the two countries, China tried hard to show restraint. But that seems to have only made Vietnam more daring still. Vietnam's interpretation of China's peaceful policy appears to be that whatever Vietnam does, China will refrain from using force.

Since a limited military conflict with China over the South China Sea in 1988, Vietnam has been increasingly aggressive in grabbing islands as its own, ignoring China's traditional policy of "shelving disputes and developing jointly." It is pushing the limits of China's national interest and dignity.

China has to send a clear message that it will take whatever measures necessary to protect its interests in the South China Sea. If Vietnam continues to provoke China in this region, China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces.

China should clearly state that if it decides to fight back, it will also take back the islands previously occupied by Vietnam. If Vietnam wants to start a war, China has the confidence to destroy invading Vietnam battleships, despite possible objections from the international community.

The US may add some uncertainty in the South China Sea. China will handle this carefully, and is not likely to engage in a direct confrontation with the US.

China's rise has come at the cost of increasing strategic risks in the south. China will continue its dedication to peace and development, but it has to be ready to face confrontation and showdown. The provocation from Vietnam may become a touchstone.


It's chinese propaganda, bro. Nothing more than lies, threat and bulling.

The ongoing disputes about the South China Sea mostly originate from Vietnam. The biggest challenge of China's insistence on a peaceful solution can also be laid at Vietnam's door.

Depending on how the situation develops, China has to be ready for two plans: negotiating with Vietnam for a peaceful solution, or answering the provocation with political, economic or even military counterstrikes. We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue.

Vietnam has been taking risky actions in the South China Sea for some time. It has occupied 29 Chinese islands. It has been gaining the most benefits from undersea natural gas and oil exploitation. It is also the most aggressive in dealing with China.

Vietnam is the major advocate of inviting the US into the South China Sea as a "balance." Its government is also consenting to a growing nationalistic sentiment among its people. Hanoi has been setting a bad example in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has been trapped in an unrealistic belief that as long as the US balances out the South China Sea issue, it can openly challenge China's sovereignty, and walk away with huge gains.

In previous military conflicts between the two countries, China tried hard to show restraint. But that seems to have only made Vietnam more daring still. Vietnam's interpretation of China's peaceful policy appears to be that whatever Vietnam does, China will refrain from using force.

Since a limited military conflict with China over the South China Sea in 1988, Vietnam has been increasingly aggressive in grabbing islands as its own, ignoring China's traditional policy of "shelving disputes and developing jointly." It is pushing the limits of China's national interest and dignity.

China has to send a clear message that it will take whatever measures necessary to protect its interests in the South China Sea. If Vietnam continues to provoke China in this region, China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces.

China should clearly state that if it decides to fight back, it will also take back the islands previously occupied by Vietnam. If Vietnam wants to start a war, China has the confidence to destroy invading Vietnam battleships, despite possible objections from the international community.

The US may add some uncertainty in the South China Sea. China will handle this carefully, and is not likely to engage in a direct confrontation with the US.

China's rise has come at the cost of increasing strategic risks in the south. China will continue its dedication to peace and development, but it has to be ready to face confrontation and showdown. The provocation from Vietnam may become a touchstone.


It's chinese propaganda, bro. Nothing more than lies, threat and bulling.
So after being panted down by me you then made up that red line to cover for your shameless trolling here???

What a coward, having guts to troll but so scare to be banned???

How much your government pays you for stationing here everyday spreading propaganda against China???

What a shameless viets who used to blame those Chinese members here are online-fighters with big mouths....while the reality is showing us YOUR viets are the most fit with that!!!

As same as it might pay you , Sinochallenger and a few others !!! Though must admit no one can beat your countrymen at propaganda
Whatever the way to solve the SCS affair, Military must be prepared for it, And it is must be the NO.1!
Solving the SCS problem is not easy, But the point is CHINA-USA strength balance, China should and must develop her force power to exclude USA from the SCS, that's the point. If China success, the dispute will be solved. Many countries have or will involved in it, Whatever what their intention. But china should not fall into disarray, just do it as the plan. If we don't admit any claim from the countries surround SCS. They can't get it permanently!!
And In fact, I hope there will be a war In SCS, we must do it, we don't fight in last 30 years, PLA need a war to prove itself!!
I went through the article and nowhere i can find a neutral stance from the author. Everything is viewed from the angle of a Chinese patriot.

Right, anything if it is a positive views on China will be viewed as a propaganda to your failed-ego indian! :angel:

It's chinese propaganda, bro. Nothing more than lies, threat and bulling.

It's chinese propaganda, bro. Nothing more than lies, threat and bulling.

ha, everything from China is propaganda, that show the world how you got branwahsed by your god damn government propaganda absolutely!!!

be like an adult for seconds looser, truth hurt but you have to admit it!!!


messing with Vietnam, is messing with hell :)

the americans got the taste, would chinese also want one?

ha, be careful with your words big mouth boy, your whole nation is suffering under the grand daddy protection everyday!!! How cocky you come up here and say such thing, I dare you say that directly in front of your grandpa USA!!!

China already opened fire on Vietnamese ships, captured 21 Vietnamese, cut cables of Vietnamese exploration ships, and patrol our coast guard close to Vietnamese shores.

I'd say we are an effective bully because Vietnam cries and cries but can't do anything about it. They know the moment they open fire on our coast guard, PLA rocket artillery will bombard Hanoi.

China already opened fire on Vietnamese ships, captured 21 Vietnamese, cut cables of Vietnamese exploration ships, and patrol our coast guard close to Vietnamese shores.

I'd say we are an effective bully because Vietnam cries and cries but can't do anything about it. They know the moment they open fire on our coast guard, PLA rocket artillery will bombard Hanoi.

We have chased the Chinese ship when it violated Vietnam's territorial seas

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