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Vietnam Ministry asks Taiwan to stop plans in Truong Sa


Nov 4, 2011
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Vietnam Ministry asks Taiwan to stop plans in Truong Sa

Updated : Thu, July 19, 2012,9:33 AM (GMT+0700)

A representative from the Foreign Ministry’s National Border Committee has said Vietnam has sufficient legal and historical evidence to affirm its sovereignty over Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelagos.

The statement was given on July 18 in the context that on July 15, Taiwan’s Liberty Times website reported that Taiwan is considering extending a runway an additional 500m on Ba Binh island in Vietnam’s Truong Sa archipelago.

The same day, the Taiwan Central News Agency (CNA) reported that Taiwan sent a delegation of young scholars of Cheng Gong University to visit the island.

“Activities of parties in Truong Sa archipelago without Vietnam’s permission violate Vietnam’s sovereignty and international laws, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, go against the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and cause tension in the East Sea,” the representative stressed.

The representative also asked Taiwan to stop similar activities and plans.

Earlier, in an article dated July 11 on the Feng Huang website (Hong Kong), member of Taiwan Kuomingtang Party Central Committee Qiu Yi said the waters around Tai Ping island (which is called Ba Binh by Vietnam ) belong to Taiwan.

Responding to reporters’ queries, the Foreign Ministry’s National Border Committee representative rejected the “wrong statement”.
Vietnam Ministry asks Taiwan to stop plans in Truong Sa

Updated : Thu, July 19, 2012,9:33 AM (GMT+0700)

Vietcong would never dare to attack Taiwan again. After their weak sneak attack and then scurry away with their tails between their legs, Taiwan is prepared for those drive by attacks and will surely sink the Vietcong junks.
Vietnam won't stand a chance in front of mighty Taiwan Navy.

Republic of China Navy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republic of China Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taiwan is a huge giant in front of Vietnam in both economy and military

List of countries by GDP (nominal)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

26 Taiwan(ROC) 466,832
57 Vietnam 122,722

List of states by foreign-exchange reserves

5 Republic of China (Taiwan) 391,024
5 9 Vietnam 16,760
Vietcong would never dare to attack Taiwan again. After their weak sneak attack and then scurry away with their tails between their legs, Taiwan is prepared for those drive by attacks and will surely sink the Vietcong junks.

we can take back any time we want. Taiwanese is weak.:P
we can take back any time we want. Taiwanese is weak.:P

You are even laughing at your fantasy posting. You Vietcong can only win if you dig a tunnel to the Spratlys. Maybe you guys are doing that as I type.
Taiwan does not have air refueler to bring their fighters to the fight in Spartly, which is 1600 km away from Taiwan. Right now, Viet Nam's Su30 will sink Taiwan entire navy in a blink of an eye. When we receive two of this Club-S.flv - YouTube in 2014, Taiwan is even more toasted.
When we receive two of this Club-S.flv - YouTube in 2014, Taiwan is even more toasted.

haha,a flash,that's laughable,making a flash to prove your point?Taiwan has tons of submarines,taiwan has a military airport in the Spratly and their planes can arrive on the battle fields much earlier than your limited number of airforce.

Taiwan sets up airborne unit for Spratlys
Agence France-Presse

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan’s defence ministry said Wednesday that it has formed a special airborne unit capable of scrambling to the contested Spratly islands in just hours, as tensions in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) mounted.

The unit has been set up under a plan named “airborne fast response and maritime support” which was unveiled for the first time in a report by the ministry to parliament, officials said.

No details of the unit, such as its size, were released to the public, but local media said that if needed, it can arrive on Taiping Island, the biggest in the disputed waters, onboard C-130 transport planes within four hours.

Despite protests from other countries with claims in the area, Taiwan in 2006 built a 1,150-metre (3,795-foot) runway on the fortified island, which is about 860 miles (1,376 kilometres) away from Taiwan.

Also on Wednesday, Taiwan’s coastguards said its troops stationed on Taiping will be armed with mortars with a range of 6,100 metres (20,000 feet), nearly doubling the range of mortars currently in use.

The moves come as an increasing number of Vietnamese fishing boats have been reported by Taiwan authorities to intrude into the restricted waters of Taiping.

The number of intruding Vietnamese boats surged to 106 last year, up from 42 the previous year, according to the coastguards, which added 41 Vietnamese fishing vessels had intruded into the waters in the four months to April.

Tensions in the West Philippine Sea have risen recently, with China and the Philippines locked in a maritime dispute over Scarborough Shoal (Panatag Shoal), a reef off the Philippine coast.

The tensions began when Chinese maritime vessels blocked the Philippine navy from arresting the crews of eight fishing vessels which had entered the area.

Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei, China, Malaysia, and the Philippines claim all or part of the potentially oil-rich Spratlys.

All claimants except Brunei have troops based on the archipelago of more than 100 islets, reefs and atolls, which have a total land mass of less than five square kilometres (two square miles).
haha,a flash,that's laughable,making a flash to prove your point?Taiwan has tons of submarines,taiwan has a military airport in the Spratly and their planes can arrive on the battle fields much earlier than your limited number of airforce.

Taiwan sets up airborne unit for Spratlys
Agence France-Presse

Taiwan would bomb the crap out of the Vietcong navy and sea ports if they dare to attack Taiwan again. Taiwan has F-16s, Lafayette Frigates, kidd class destroyer, subs. Vietnam has none of these.

And finally, US will back Taiwan against Vietcong if Vietcong attack first.
Taiwan would bomb the crap out of the Vietcong navy and sea ports if they dare to attack Taiwan again. Taiwan has F-16s, Lafayette Frigates, kidd class destroyer, subs. Vietnam has none of these.

And finally, US will back Taiwan against Vietcong if Vietcong attack first.
So would PRC, it would not end well for the viets..
Dealing with Vietnam is not a job for the Chinese navy. It is a job for the army. :cool:

As there is no conflict between China and Vietnam along the land border, land conflicts are unlikely unless they are started by Vietnamese for losing Spratlys.
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