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Vietnam extends contract, wants India's presence in 128 block

good joke,i think smart indian will ask their own army for protecting.
its so difficult for your Vietnam sea force to protect your fishmen. HAHA

Stop ridiculing.. They have demonstrated their capabilities to the mightiest of forces who have tried invading them. Their actions have earned them their voice. Being small does not mean being weak.

we have been hunting mad dog in our sea.

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hahaha just hope vietnam dont call india coward and useless when india withdraw from drilling like last time

Not only ****,but bow down to lick too.....:P

Like we kicked your sorry asss in 1962?:rofl:

we have been hunting mad dog in our sea.

But we trash your nation for thousand of years LOL, and make fish food of orange infected viet sailors not so long ago
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If Indian just simply comes and give us secretly some nuke warheads to mount on our nuke-capable missile Shaddock then that's enough to make china shj.t in her pant :lol:

wanna use nuclear weapons against China?I DARE YOU!LOL,that will spell total destruction of the place called Vietnam.and I don't think your Indian daddy can help you much in this field.lol...

China’s nuclear arsenal which started stockpiling in 1964, The most powerful ones among China’s nuclear arsenal have yields of over 4 megatons. In comparison, India’s strategic nuclear force which started stockpiling after the 1998 Shakti tests, The most powerful among India’s nuclear warheads has an yield of 0.05 megatons which is minuscule, compared to China. and China’s nuclear delivery system is far more advanced than India’s, with multi-warhead MIRV capable ICBMs like DF-5A [12000+ km] and DF-4 [7500+ km]. It also possesses submarine launched SLBMs like JL-1 [4500+ km] and strategic fighter bombers are in its nuclear weapons delivery arsenal.

a mini dog Vietnam barking nuclear attack against China,that will make people laugh their heads off,how pathetic,ha
wanna use nuclear weapons against China?I DARE YOU!LOL,that will spell total destruction of the place called Vietnam.and I don't think your Indian daddy can help you much in this field.lol...

a mini dog Vietnam barking nuclear attack against China,that will make people laugh their heads off,how pathetic,ha
We may not use it to destroy china mainland, but we may use it to send all bad chinese around ASEAN region to the hell and loot all gold, and china will not dare to help them bcz china's leaders won't risk their life a nuke war :P
hahaha just hope vietnam dont call india coward and useless when india withdraw from drilling like last time

Like we kicked your sorry asss in 1962?:rofl:

But we trash your nation for thousand of years LOL, and make fish food of orange infected viet sailors not so long ago

we have been beating dirty enemy ran away for thousand of years, don't feel shameless when bited suddenly like mad dog.
wanna use nuclear weapons against China?I DARE YOU!LOL,that will spell total destruction of the place called Vietnam.and I don't think your Indian daddy can help you much in this field.lol...

a mini dog Vietnam barking nuclear attack against China,that will make people laugh their heads off,how pathetic,ha
Don't worry sir, India is not a communist country it is democratic country. We don't do such things, like china.

India is known for non-aggresive steps and will carry this impression in future, when it comes to south china sea then don't forget that there are more than 5 countries which are protesting against your claim..And you are the only one supporting yourself, no one supports china..
Whereas Vietnam is supported by India, US and soon Russia.. So very soon china is going to learn a good lesson about how to act when a majority of nations oppose your claim..
we have been beating dirty enemy ran away for thousand of years, don't feel shameless when bited suddenly like mad dog.

dont show your weak intelligence again and again,you're not only win the super powers but also the aliens,your army is god unrivalled.
it seem korea style is infected monkeys.
i reaffirm again that only weak country like Vietnam、korea, try theirr best to convince others that how they are strong in history.but what is facts?china was their master and suzerain in a long time.
to a country that armed their women to fought,i never respect them even they just a animal,a monkey.HAHA...

sorry for insulting monkeys,monkeys are innocent.LOL
We may not use it to destroy china mainland, but we may use it to send all bad chinese around ASEAN region to the hell and loot all gold, and china will not dare to help them bcz china's leaders won't risk their life a nuke war :P

how?bomb your neighbors?and you should get your thousands of Vietnamese illegal immigrant in China back home first,lol..

Don't worry sir, India is not a communist country it is democratic country. We don't do such things, like china.

India is known for non-aggresive steps and will carry this impression in future, when it comes to south china sea then don't forget that there are more than 5 countries which are protesting against your claim..And you are the only one supporting yourself, no one supports china..
Whereas Vietnam is supported by India, US and soon Russia.. So very soon china is going to learn a good lesson about how to act when a majority of nations oppose your claim..

Vietnam is supported by US and Russia?where did you hear that,US claimed not taking sides and hope the issue can be solved peacefully and I heard nothing about Russia,you provide a link?
dont show your weak intelligence again and again,you're not only win the super powers but also the aliens,your army is god unrivalled.
it seem korea style is infected monkeys.
i reaffirm again that only weak country like Vietnam、korea, try theirr best to convince others that how they are strong in history.but what is facts?china was their master and suzerain in a long time.
to a country that armed their women to fought,i never respect them even they just a animal,a monkey.HAHA...

sorry for insulting monkeys,monkeys are innocent.LOL

You lies, Hunno, Mongolian (Juan) and Manchus (Man Qing ) were Your rulers, Chinese was servants of them, :P
You lies, Hunno, Mongolian (Juan) and Manchus (Man Qing ) were Your rulers, Chinese was servants of them, :P

you mean Han Chinese,we are all Chinese ,we all live in today's China from time immemorial and we all fight for China.tiny Vietnam is just a grain of dust in front of mighty China.

we are all Chinese and we all fight for China.soldier from all ethnic groups joined PLA and fought and died for China.any ethnic group in China can easily smash tiny Vietnam.





Sino-Vietnnam war hero,Mongol PLA soldier 白景茹 in scout mission.

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