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Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

My father always told me never to lay a hand on another female, and no where in the Quran does it say you can. These are no Muslims, they are despicable human beings. I hope Allah burns them in hell.
Its a shame to all Pakistanis that we cant even protect our Pakistani sisters from these animals.

A big shame on us Pakistanis.
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My father always told me never to lay a hand on another female, and no where in the Quran does it say you can. These are no Muslims, they are despicable human beings. I hope Allah burns them in hell.

thats what i was told as a kid... it was like there is never an excuse for hitting a women... this just ruined my day and i am not even one of you. well i think its one of those things that you dont want to see as human beings. but then again i think arms should have been regulated properly in pakistan from day one its kinda too late now as there are like 15 million guns out there in the country maye a guns buyback program...

or maybe (this is something i wont like as an indian but pakistan should consider) get :china: to clean it up... let them have a base there in exchange??? :cheers:
Our people are being beaten up and what is the government doing? This is the Islamic law that we gave Swat? Might as well throw our people into torture cells!
It is very interesting comment the narrator makes " The alarm bells are ringing across washinton, london and dehli, but islamabad response has been failed, this part of the country will never be the same." One just wishes that it does not grow to other provinces.
On the other side, you think this video is bad, you should see how US troops and US mercenaries treat people in Abu Ghraib and at Baghram base in Afghanistan...

You know it could have been worse, yeah they are giving her a whipping and for some sensitive viewers that's a "OMG!!!"...But I'm just saying these "Taliban" or some of us who believe these are agents of foreign powers, as bad as their reputation is in the eyes of those who criticize them, things could have been much worse.

Compare to Abu Ghraib and Baghram base, this was not nearly as bad.

I maybe a bit off topic....

But here's something to think about!!!

This video of "Taliban" flogging a woman in Swat Valley was allowed to surface and be played on a major internet news online source and now circulate, and allowed to be shown to the public.

But in Abu Ghraib and Baghram we haven't even seen those videos! (not all of them, many of them are withheld even today) Even after years later, so imagine how terrible and horrendous those tapes must be! That we the public are not even allowed to have a glimpse, imagine the immense and total outrage. The Second those videos are seen you will see on the news ticker 300 US Soldiers dead in Iraq after a car bomb explosion.

Get what I'm saying here...Just trying to show you something from a different dimension.

Can you Sir really honestly shut the hell up ...if you are interested in what American's did in Abhu ghraib or baghram ..open another thread, instead of bringing a irrelevant topic. I am pretty sure people will discuss that.

No offence, but the video's kinda disturbed me.

This is Horrible and sad. I coudnt stand when the girl was crying and that stoned bastard was murmering some ****.

Hope somebody does something about this, but unfortunately the feeling is that moderate pakistani's are now too afraid to speak up or they are no longer present in pakistan.

Hope Kayani sees this video and does something about it.
I was really disturbed by the video. I think it's time for good muslims of Pakistan to wake up and declare Jihad against these animals. It's time for real muslims to get back thier country.
For the love of god if one man, Jinah, can make a country for 160 million muslims, I am pretty sure few thousand good muslims can get this country back to track and get this country back. De-stablized Pakistan is no one's interest.
I DO NOT understand why GOP wants peace with these people?
I feel sorry for he woman. i hope she does not remained scarred for life, physically and mentally.

i don't know what comment to make, its just crazy. i think it will be a great day for all when the saudi regime stops doing and spreading this ideology.

let there be freedom.
Protecting societies from zina
How can four witnesses be brought against the man and woman who commit zina in the present age?
How can we advise our Muslim youth against this evil action? May Allaah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allaah.


The scholars have listed the ways of establishing proof of zina, and there are four ways:

1- Testimony of witnesses

2- Admission by the parties concerned

3- Pregnancy of a woman who has no husband or master

4- If the husband engages in li’aan and the wife refuses to take part in li’aan

With regard to witnesses to zina, they should be four people whose testimony is acceptable, and they should state that they have seen the zina in clear terms, i.e., they should have seen the man’s penis in the woman’s vagina. If some of them only testify that they saw them naked, or they describe certain positions or movements, that is not sufficient to proof that zina took place.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (6/157):

They should describe zina in clear terms, such as saying: “I saw his penis in her vagina”. There is no alternative to that. If they say: “We saw him on top of her and they were naked”, that is not acceptable. Even if they say “We saw him doing with her what a man does with his wife,” that is not sufficient as testimony. They must say “We bear witness that his penis was in her vagina.” And this is very difficult, as the man said who was testified against at the time of ‘Umar: “If you were among the (four) thighs you would never be able to give this testimony.” Hence Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah mentioned that at his time no case of zina was proven by means of testimony from the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) until the time of Ibn Taymiyah. If no case was proven from that time until the other, then we do not know of any case that was proven by testimony up till our own times, because it is very difficult. End quote.

This strictness with regard to testimony about zina serves only to achieve the purpose aimed at by sharee’ah, which is to conceal people and not spread immorality, and to make societies avoid accusations against people’s honour and aspersions on their lineages. ............................... http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/88051

As for those convicted, punishment may be depending on the case; 100 lashes or stoning. The punishment for unmarried individuals is to be flogged 100 lashes. Allah said in the Quran:

The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

Surah 24 Verse 2
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