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VICE documentary on LOC

I am a kala angrez, I just can't find a shade of black or navy blue that would go well on a blazer or an evening suite with this awful brown shade of mine..care to lend a hand?:lol:

Ok. Bring your face close and I can slap some of this on you.

Ok. Bring your face close and I' can slap some of this on you.


Tried it, didn't work, when the one true lord couldn't manage what I want it was hardly surprising that a meager ointment failed at the task.:sick:

@Hyperion found a suitable thread that matches the criterion we had set yesterday, good potential for a flame/troll thread, if you are still around and happen to stumble upon this do do the needful. Times run out for me, hopefully you'll have whipped up all holy hell by the time I return.
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Just from this documentary you can see, objectively, the lunacy behind the policy the Pakistani state has pursued for decades now. Interestingly you can also see the toll this has taken on Pakistan as a whole i.e. Pakistan is burning.

Regardless of right or wrong on the core Kashmir issue, Pakistan is paying a high price for her actions and isn't gaining any ground, an exercise in futility doesn't even cover it.
You should be .. Considering how you were exposed in the racist murder thread.. Before that you were all gung-ho abt pushing tht bs tht you were a Nepali ..

What makes you think I am not a Nepali. Do you know anything about Assam?? Learn about it before you open your foul mouth and cook up lame conspiracy theory.

Assam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepali is also spoken in almost all parts of the state. There are approximately thirty lakhs of Nepali speakers spreading over the area of all the district of Assam. Assamese language being the main language, they are well versed in it. Assamese language is the main medium in educational institutions but Nepali language is also taught as a major Indian language.

And what racist murder thread?? Being born to a Nepali father who lives in Assam...I am a Nepali domicile of Assam currently residing in UK.
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