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Via terror plot suspect says Criminal Code 'not a holy book'


Sep 5, 2012
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Via terror plot suspect says Criminal Code 'not a holy book' - Canada - CBC News

One of two men accused of an al-Qaeda-directed plot to derail a Via Rail passenger train appeared to question the authority of a Toronto court on Wednesday, saying that the Criminal Code should not apply to him because it's "not a holy book."

Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal, asked to address the court and was warned to be careful with what he said because it could be used in future appearances.

"All of those conclusions was taken out based on Criminal Code and all of us we know that this Criminal Code is not a holy book," Esseghaier said. "It's just written by a set of creations and the creations they're not perfect because only the Creator is perfect.

"We cannot rely on the conclusions taken out from these judgments."

The judge thanked him for his comment but told him to "save that for another court."

Esseghaier, who the Tunisian Embassy in Ottawa confirmed Wednesday is from that North African country, was represented by duty counsel but said he did not want a lawyer and would like to represent himself.

He was charged with five offences including conspiracy to commit murder for the benefit of a terrorist group, conspiracy to interfere with transportation facilities for the benefit of a terrorist group, and participation in a terrorist group.

The judge ordered Esseghaier remanded into custody until his next appearance on May 23, the same day his co-accused, 35-year-old Raed Jaser, is scheduled to be back in court.

Esseghaier was also told not to communicate with Jaser.

Watched for almost a year

CBC News has learned that RCMP had been following Esseghaier since May 2012. At that time, two undercover surveillance officers watched him on an Air Canada flight to Cancun, where he was to attend a biomedical conference.

Esseghaier's behaviour on the plane was "bizarre," and he had an altercation with a female flight attendant after he went to the washroom, sources say.

As well, sources told CBC News that the arrests of Esseghaier and Jaser were made because the behaviour of one of the suspects had become increasingly unpredictable, although which one isn't known.

CBC News has also learned that a member of al-Qaeda living in Iran, on the border with Afghanistan, was guiding and motivating the alleged suspects.

Idiot. Whether or not he is innocent, this moron would just bring bad name to Islam.
why is he bringing bad name to Islam everyone knows he is a lunatic

This is always the mode of operation..use something that is held to be dear by many to justify or defend your actions..then watch the reactions...as those among Muslims who are confused will turn into apologists..the voices of reason from within Islam will get stifled...repeat this enough times and Muslims will believe that its a huge conspiracy against them and that their faith is in danger- result:- growing fanaticism and extremism and increased sympathy for terrorists.

Scumbag this particular one is. :hitwall:
why is he bringing bad name to Islam everyone knows he is a lunatic

unfortunately Islam's name has already been tarnished by the fundoos.
---- No surprise this time.

We the Pakistanis better get rid of this Islam first approach. Otherwise we will remain in the deep $hite until the Kingdom comes.


p.s. By the way this disease and pagal punna is common among all terrorist fundoos. That Daaaktar Halfia Siddki, KSM, shoe bomber, the underwear bomber all had the same attitude, same delusional ranting in the court.
Radicalism must be stopped, whether its Islamic radicalism, Christian radicalism, or radical branch of any religion for that matter.
These radical pieces of sh1ts must be monitored, that's why I'm pro Internet monitoring by the governments. In case of Boston bombers if they had track IP address of anyone who goes to these nutjob fundamentalists websites and hunt them down and send them to Gitmo bay we would see less incidents like this.
unfortunately Islam's name has already been tarnished by the fundoos.
---- No surprise this time.

We the Pakistanis better get rid of this Islam first approach. Otherwise we will remain in the deep $hite until the Kingdom comes.


p.s. By the way this disease and pagal punna is common among all terrorist fundoos. That Daaaktar Halfia Siddki, KSM, shoe bomber, the underwear bomber all had the same attitude, same delusional ranting in the court.

they just happened to be muslim who were brain washed and misguided about Islam non of them were actually muslim in my mind, like the ones who did suicide bombing in Sri Lanka were hindus and the one blowing up Oklahoma city building was christian.
Cause common people do not get to hear the thoughts of everyone, but loonies like him.

And the tragic fallout of incidents like this are that perfectly sane and rational people who only share some circumstance with him (accidentally at that) like religion, country of origin etc. will get smeared as a consequence.
they just happened to be muslim who were brain washed and misguided about Islam non of them were actually muslim in my mind, like the ones who did suicide bombing in Sri Lanka were hindus and the one blowing up Oklahoma city building was christian.

The 'Tamils' in Sri Lanka or the Oklahoma city bomber didn't do it in the name of religion. Nor did their actions had any hint of religion in them. When the Tamils - Hindus, Christians and even Muslims - were bombing in Sri Lanka, entire Tamil population came under scanner. They did it for ethnicity, so all ethnics were mistrusted. Same is true for Muslims. A few idiots claim to be doing this in the name of religion.

People look for common grounds. If they find common grounds in multiple terrorists, they would mistrust entire population sharing it.
Im glad he was actually stopped. A lot more PR damage would have resulted for muslims otherwise.

You should ask your leaders to make drastic changes to your immigration policy to make it difficult for people like this to enter Canada. Or else , soon, instead of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police , you'll have the Royal Canadian Camel Mounted Police :omghaha:
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