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Very dangerous earthquake near Dalaki, Borazjan area, Iran – at least 7 people killed and 45 injured

The SiLent crY

Nov 29, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Update 18:04 UTC : The official death toll stands at 7 and 45 injured – Other (to be trusted) Iranian sources are speaking about 9 people killed and 72 injured. The coming hours will give more certainty about these numbers.

Update 17:43 UTC : The picture below shows what cab happen during an earthquake if you are on the wrong place on the wrong moment. We are unsure whether people were in it, but if they would have been in it their faith should have been certain. In the meantime the number of injured has increased to 72 people. 27 are currently treated in hospital. This Borazjan earthquake is the most deadly one since the Bohol earthquake in the Philippines.


Important update 17:22 UTC : The death toll has increased to 9 people. Among the dead, 3 woman, 3 children en 1 older man. 59 injured as the latest reports are telling us.

Important update 17:10 UTC : A Sadly enough we have to report that at least 3 people have been killed by this earthquake. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims.

Update 16:55 UTC : At this moment we know that at least 45 people have been send to various hospitals and treatment centers. We will update when more details become available.

Update 16:12 UTC : As you can see on the map below, the epicenter of the earthquake is in a mountain range. Most of what we have written before was about the state of the bigger cities like Dalaki and Borazjan, but the mountain settlements are even more at risk. There must have been surely landslides in this mountain range who will give additional difficulties for rescue teams to reach the epicenter area.


Update 16:05 UTC : Still NO specific numbers on the extend of the damage and the number of injured people (it would surprise us at ER if this earthquake does not lead to injuries). 4 assessment and rescue teams have been send to the epicenter area soon after the earthquake occurred. The Iranian authorities are very well organized to cope with earthquakes.

Update 15:47 UTC : People are remaining on the streets out of fear for aftershocks.


Update 15:44 UTC : As the epicenter was across the Persian Gulf, the earthquake was also felt in some gulf states like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

Update 15:41 UTC : Some press reports are spreading some fear for the installations of the nuclear power plant at Bushehr. There is absolutely no reason to believe that such a moderate earthquake at +60 km from Bushehr would be dangerous for the plant. We expect that the max. radius for eventual damage, based on Magnitude and Hypocenter will be no more than 25 km.

Update 15:21 UTC : Local press talks about damage on houses (not clear to which extend) and so fat no reports of fatalities. Further details mentioned that the town of Daliki, closest to the epicenter has got the strongest shaking and that many houses where damaged there. Based on our experience, we know that it will take a couple more hours before some better estimate will be given (mostly by the Governor of the province in Iran)

Update 15:11 UTC : The Wapmerr theoretical damage model expects :
Injured Exp. min/max: 10/500
Fatalities Exp. min/max: 0/100

Update 15:05 UTC : First reports from the epicenter area (Borazjan) are talking about damaged houses and power outages.

Very dangerous earthquake near Dalaki, Borazjan area, Iran – at least 7 people killed and 45 injured

Strong quake near Borazjan
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