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Vegetarians live longer, study says


May 5, 2010
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Vegetarians live longer, study says



If we were to have a health wishlist points like live longer, improve brain health, reduce risk of disease and control waist size would sure feature.
While they might sound idealistic, a new study might have found the answer, and it’s easier to incorporate into your current lifestyle than you’d think.

The Loma Linda University in California has tracked the health habits of thousands of Seventh-day Adventists. A religious denomination that promotes vegetarianism and discourage drinking, smoking and drug use. The Adventist Health Study 2, which is midway to completion, includes over 90,000 people from America and Canada, and presents findings which many believe is revolutionary to the way we diet and live.

The study found that those who were vegan and vegetarian had far better health stats than those who were not. Foods frequently consumed by vegetarians, such as fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts, can reduce a person’s risk of getting many diseases, ranging from heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and some cancer. The study even suggested brain health was boosted and body mass index (BMI) could be controlled by adopting this diet.

When it came to vegans, the study found they are, on average, 13kg lighter than their meat-eating counterparts. They were also five points lighter on the BMI chart. Vegetarians and vegans proved less insulin resistant than others, while semi-vegetarians (irregular meat eaters) have “intermediate protection” against lifestyle diseases. Interestingly, researchers found that lean people are more likely to eat plants, exercise regularly and avoid cigarettes than overweight people.

Vegetarians live longer, study says

WTF? :sick:
Holla' at the Vegetarian! Hoooooot!

Ontopic: I tried switching over to vegetarianism, it's harder than it seems! I relapsed after a week. Can't live without meat. even if it means living a few years less!
What’s Missing in Vegetarian Diets?

Vegetarians are often deficient in vitamin B12, and those who avoid meat have long been advised to supplement with B12. While vegetarians are slightly more likely to suffer anemia than are meat eaters, this does not by itself explain why they do not enjoy greater longevity in their later years.

A fascinating paper recently published in the journal Mechanisms of Aging and Development presents an entirely new theory to explain why vegetarians do not live longer.41 It turns out that those who avoid eating beef suffer a deficiency of a nutrient (carnosine) that is critical to preventing lethal glycation reactions in the body.

For the benefit of new members, glycation can be defined as the toxic binding of glucose to the body’s proteins. Glycation alters the body’s proteins and renders them non-functional. While wrinkled skin is the first outward appearance of glycation, most degenerative diseases are affected in one way or another by pathological glycation reactions.

Diabetics suffer from accelerated glycation that contributes to the secondary diseases that result in premature death.42,43 For instance, glycation’s destructive effect on the arterial system results in a loss of elasticity, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.44-47 Glycation is involved in disorders as diverse as cataract, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.48-57

Unless aggressive steps are taken, many aging adults will suffer the devastating effects of glycation to proteins throughout their bodies. This fact was established recently when it was shown that even healthy people with slightly elevated glycation levels are at higher risk for heart attack.

Vegetarians have higher levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in their blood compared to those who eat meat.58,59 This is because an exclusively vegetarian diet would lack carnosine, nature’s most potent anti-glycating agent.

For vegetarians who fastidiously adhere to a diet devoid of meat, their “Achilles’ heel” may be lack of carnosine. This was confirmed in a paper published in October 2005 titled, “Glycation, ageing and carnosine: Are carnivorous diets beneficial?”41
This type of research are all sponsored by PETA to promote vegetarianism...non-vegetarians are their enemy.
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