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Using anti-Americanism for survival



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Oct 18, 2010
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Using anti-Americanism for survival

Syed Nooruzzaman

A view of NATO fuel tankers set on fireTHE PPP-led Pakistan government, which has been in the most difficult straits after it failed to come up to the people’s expectations during the flood-caused crisis, seems to be trying a new strategy to save its sinking ship. The strategy is based on anti-Americanism, getting stronger with every passing day. This explains why Afghanistan-bound NATO trucks passing through Pakistan were getting torched almost every second or third day without the authorities doing anything to prevent it till Sunday when the closed Torkham border crossing was reopened. The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan had claimed responsibility, sending across the message that the US drone attacks on the extremist outfit’s bases have only helped expand its following. According to media reports, the military drive launched against the Pakistani Taliban is hardly noticeable these days. Pakistan’s armed forces look the other way when the extremist elements vent their anger against the US.

The Pakistan Army had stopped cooperating with the US forces after three Pakistani soldiers were killed and many injured in a cross-border NATO strike on September 30 despite a top US military official, Admiral Mike Mullen, in a letter to Pakistan Army Chief Gen Ashfaque Parvez Kayani expressing his apology for the “regrettable loss” of lives. Pakistan had added to the US woes by closing the key Torkham crossing on its borders with Afghanistan.

Islamabad, despite depending considerably on US military and economic aid, is feeling emboldened in taking an anti-US line because Washington is showing signs of nervousness with the time of US troop withdrawal — July 2011 — from Afghanistan nearing fast. Pakistan’s unhelpful attitude could be easily noticed during a recent meeting between NATO Sectreaty-General Rasmussen and Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi when the US official admitted that the “attacks (on Pakistani troops) were deliberate”, according to The Nation.

When Mr Rasmussen urged the Pakistani minister to get the closed border route for entering Afghanistan opened soon, “the Foreign Minister’s body language and the tenor of his conversation with the NATO chief was firm this time around”, as The Nation commented in an editorial. Mr Qureshi told the NATO chief that the public sentiment prevented the government from allowing vehicular traffic through the key border crossing.

Anti-Americanism is, perhaps, the only issue on which there is unanimity among President Asif Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Army Chief Ashfaque Kayani. While it is believed that this will add to the goodwill the Pakistan Army has among the public, taking a stand not helpful to the US is considered the most effective remedy at the moment for saving the beleaguered Zardari-Gilani government. The talk of their getting replaced for bad governance is no longer there.

The US, instead of forcefully telling Pakistan to behave in this hour of crisis, is busy with appeasing tactics. It has prevailed upon Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai to hold reconciliation talks not only with the Taliban identified with the Quetta Shura but also with the pro-Pakistan Haqqani network.

According to The News, the Karzai government has held direct negotiations with the Haqqani group, though the latter has been fighting fiercely against the NATO troops in Afghanistan. The Haqqani network, based in Pakistan’s North Waziristan tribal area, is known for its close links with foreign militant groups, including Al-Qaida.

Earlier, Dawn quoted Wall Street Journal to say that the ISI did all it could to dissuade the Taliban factions from holding negotiations with the Karzai government. The ISI obviously tried to convince the Taliban that the Karzai ministry in any case could not survive after the US-led foreign forces left Afghanistan.

The significance of anti-Americanism for achieving political objectives can be understood from the fact that former military ruler Gen Pervez Musharraf, too, indulged in such rhetoric while announcing the formation of his All-Pakistan Muslim League in London. Strangely, neither General Musharraf nor the government in Islamabad is worried about the fact that pandering to the anti-American sentiment may lead to the US Congress forcing a cut in aid to Pakistan, which currently stands at $7.5 billion spread over the next five years.

Using anti-Americanism for survival
I never knew there was a press named SANA news in Pakistan.
From which hole this article was digged from???
SANA news was a website registerd last year,and nobody knows them,and that shows how credible their articles are..

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