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Use of Religiously Bigoted and Racist Terminologies on PDF

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Jun 26, 2011
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Since the day I joined PDF, I found this forum to be a very refreshing experience indeed. I learned so much new things from varied posters from different countries, societies and hues.

I enjoyed posting and arguing with other members on various subjects which were discussed. It was a thoroughly amazing experience as this forum allows freedom of posting to people as I have not seen anywhere else. Plainly stated, I like being here.

However, there are certain aspects which do need a measure of dignity and decorum while discussing various aspects. And this is where, many posters here use terminologies which are not only offensive, these are undignified, religiously bigoted and downright racist in nature.

Some examples are:

Highly insensitive and offensive utterances about our Prophet (PBUH) and his life.

Indians stating frequently that the terrorist meet his 72. This is an offensive religious slur, religious bigotry and is racist.

It is normal to say that Pakistanis would blow themselves up in the markets and bazaars etc. Suicide bombing kills people and such characterization of a group of people is extremely offensive. Most of the time, it is just meant to characterize Muslims and Pakistanis. I have even seen posters using such frivolity against unborn children.

Terrorist is always referred to as a Muslim or a Pakistani. In my opinion terrorism does not have a religion.

The term Wahabis and Salafis have become synonymous for many as terrorists. How can one classify a whole Muslim sect or a group of people to be terrorists based on a few who resort to such violence.

Using terminologies which may be common utterances in many Indian forums like BR, but are offensive, demeaning and are an expression of bigotry.

To have a clean and worthy discussion on any topic which is free of bigotry and racism is indeed enjoyable and worth the effort and time. To achieve such an environment, it is important that we should not resort to use of such terminologies which are offensive.

I may also like to request the ladies and gentlemen here to identify the terms which they feel are offensive and why is it. So that we all understand the sensitivity of various posters here and do not inadvertently hurt some one’s feelings in the manner.

In the end, I may request people to be very very patient as most of this may be offensive for most of us, one way or the other. However, I feel that we have to go through this in order to have congenial and healthy discussions on PDF.
FYI Indians mostly use this 72 hot virgins thing on terrorist (and in kashmir's case separatists) killed in indian territory not much to do with pakistan
FYI Indians mostly use this 72 hot virgins thing on terrorist (and in kashmir's case separatists) killed in indian territory not much to do with pakistan

It is taken as a religiously offensive comment here. Avoiding such a characterization may be appropriate.
while efforts to make an ideal forum are commendable, they are not achievable. it may be better to ignore the idiotic comments, report them and let the mods do their work.
racism and bigotry happen from all nationalities and most member have developed a thick skin not to be offended by it.
It is taken as a religiously offensive comment here. Avoiding such a characterization may be appropriate.

terms like snake god, monkey god, pagans, idolators, internet hindus, stone worshippers, infidels and saying stuffs like your religion is not true, its impure, satanic etc etc are constantly done by muslims here we never complained much :angel:
FYI Indians mostly use this 72 hot virgins thing on terrorist (and in kashmir's case separatists) killed in indian territory not much to do with pakistan
Nah ...Pdf Indians are quite liberal in equating every muslim= terrorist,and suicide bomber.even "chasing 72 virgins" term is often used liberally.you dont believe me then check the thread of Bangladeshi man arrested for planning to blow up the federal building thread.
while efforts to make an ideal forum are commendable, they are not achievable. it may be better to ignore the idiotic comments, report them and let the mods do their work.
racism and bigotry happen from all nationalities and most member have developed a thick skin not to be offended by it.

I agree with you that it happens in many places.

But lets try and avoid such uttering here.

Atleast lets make an effort. No harm in trying, is there.
^"PDF Indians" sounds like another stereotype OP is complaining about. like i said, racial bigotry is done by both sides, and there will always be idiots who do that. sane members only need to have a thick skin and not take internet so seriously
terms like snake god, monkey god, pagans, idolators, internet hindus, stone worshippers, infidels and saying stuffs like your religion is not true, its impure, satanic etc etc are constantly done by muslims here we never complained much :angel:you muslims are so insensitive

You should talk against this.

My religion clearly states that, "Do not insult other religions."

And we must not use such terminology which is offensive to someone's religion and belief.
^"PDF Indians" sounds like another stereotype OP is complaining about. like i said, racial bigotry is done by both sides, and there will always be idiots who do that. sane members only need to have a thick skin and not take internet so seriously
I'll broden the term for you how about "internet indians"?As for my experience indians in real life behave differently.
^"PDF Indians" sounds like another stereotype OP is complaining about. like i said, racial bigotry is done by both sides, and there will always be idiots who do that. sane members only need to have a thick skin and not take internet so seriously

But we all should stand up against religious bigotry and insults hurled against some one's faith.
I'll broden the term for you how about "internet indians"?As for my experience indians in real life behave differently.
you don't need to do anything for me. pdf is simply a source of cheap entertainment for me.
thankfully i don't take the interweb too seriously.
terms like snake god, monkey god, pagans, idolators, internet hindus, stone worshippers, infidels and saying stuffs like your religion is not true, its impure, satanic etc etc are constantly done by muslims here we never complained much :angel:

Pagan is not insulting. It describes a set of religions.

While we are at it, I must also make mention that some "mods" have a weak understanding of "racism".

Like members should strive for a more "disciplined" debate, the mods may also enhace understanding of some terms.
But we all should stand up against religious bigotry and insults hurled against some one's faith.
depends on if you take idiots that seriously. for good or bad, indians generally aren't that sensitive to religion.
Nah ...Pdf Indians are quite liberal in equating every muslim= terrorist,and suicide bomber.even "chasing 72 virgins" term is often used liberally.you dont believe me then check the thread of Bangladeshi man arrested for planning to blow up the federal building thread.

in that thread even some bangladeshis used terms like 72 virgins, jehadis which many conservative muslims might find offensive but i agree indians shouldnt use this 72 virgin part on non indians but we have the right to use that on idiots on our side of border
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