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USA: Protesting to be made illegal.


Nov 17, 2011
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Goodbye, First Amendment: ‘Trespass Bill’ will make protest illegal


Washington: US park police detains a Christian religious activist during a pro-life demonstration in front of the White House in Washington on February 16, 2012. (AFP Photo/Jewel Samad)

Just when you thought the government couldn’t ruin the First Amendment any further: The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, whether or not you even know it.

The US House of Representatives voted 388-to-3 in favor of H.R. 347 late Monday, a bill which is being dubbed the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. In the bill, Congress officially makes it illegal to trespass on the grounds of the White House, which, on the surface, seems not just harmless and necessary, but somewhat shocking that such a rule isn’t already on the books. The wording in the bill, however, extends to allow the government to go after much more than tourists that transverse the wrought iron White House fence.

Under the act, the government is also given the power to bring charges against Americans engaged in political protest anywhere in the country.

Now that the act has overwhelmingly made it through the House, the next set of hands to sift through its pages could very well be President Barack Obama; the US Senate had already passed the bill back on February 6. Less than two months ago, the president approved the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, essentially suspending habeas corpus from American citizens.

Goodbye, First Amendment:
as much as economy goes down they will make more laws for control Americans but at the end they will failed . wasted trillions on wars and taking loans trillions was historical mistake of USA which will never forgive by history and nature . end is waiting for you USA .its not someone else impose on you but its you guys dig your grave by your own actions
It has only outlawed illegal tresspass of office building, still you can protest in public places.
And they dictate other countries to give freedom of speech and start supporting the criminals against governments to show that they are super humans and care about people rights.
Isn't this the country which barks about peoples rights to protest around the world?

The fall of America is in full swing.

its happen to every super power dear they are not something special i am happy that evil power USA finishing soon
Funny, I thought the USA was a role model for people all around the world?
Just skimmed the article, noted that the source was rt.com, which is unreliable, but im taking it at face value.

It is always the duty of the citizen to prevent overreach of power by the government. I am firmly of the belief that it won't make it past the president until revisions are made. If it does that I am absolutely sure that once it is exercised and appealed the case will be taken to the supreme court, where the law will be thrown out and declared unconstitutional, meanwhile the president is in the hotseat before an election year for signing this pos. He'll certainly have lost my vote if it is exercised in such a manner.

It isn't our government that makes democracy possible, as much as some may want us to believe so. It is our ability to take in unrestricted information, and our ability to do something about it, and more importantly have the will to do something about it.
American lay man dosent knows the real game that is being played..he is too busy drinking coke and playing GTA4...zionist american senators are selling fear so that no one questions them....why should american taxpayers money be spent to protect and save israel and do children of american senators serve in the armed forces?:undecided:
American lay man dosent knows the real game that is being played..he is too busy drinking coke and playing GTA4...zionist american senators are selling fear so that no one questions them....why should american taxpayers money be spent to protect and save israel and do children of american senators serve in the armed forces?:undecided:


I assure you there are very many people who will protest very loudly about this law if it is passed, much more so if it is exercised in the way it is implied in the article.

I assure you there are very many people who will protest very loudly about this law if it is passed, much more so if it is exercised in the way it is implied in the article.


why should american taxpayers money be spent to protect and save israel and do children of american senators serve in the armed forces?
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