Do you know the distance between south Lebanon and occupied Haifa? Not even 35km
You do not understand the difference between Tel Aviv and Haifa? Both are different cities.
Do you know the distance between south Lebanon and occupied Haifa? Not even 35km
And Hezbollah has rocket launchers that can launch 72 rockets at once (actually I thought 72 but by my count it's 80)
View attachment 931838
How many of those 10 batteries are in occupied Haifa or occupied Tel Aviv? 10 of those small rocket launch vehicles is enough to deplete Iron Dome. The reason for Iron Dome's relative effectiveness against 'rockets' from Gaza is that those are very primitive rockets, many of which don't even cross into occupied Palestine and the majority of those that do land in open areas. A much higher proportion of rockets from Hezbollah will have to be intercepted, meaning two things: (1) interception rate (or rather, success rate, since their interception rate numbers are heavily manipulated) will fall and (2) Tamir interceptor stocks will be much more rapidly depleted.
Is that BM-21 Grad or its derivative in the photo? You should mention the root source. These rockets do not seem to have the range to reach Tel Aviv. These might reach Haifa at most.
Palestinian rocket arsenal has considerably expanded with support of Iran:
Palestinian armed groups have also thrown more rockets at Israel than Hezbollah ever did in a series of conflicts with Israel:
Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism.
But Iron Dome is used to intercept rockets in calculated manner:
And Iron Dome batteries will be
REFILLED during the conflict.
Israel has
also created underground shelters and medical facilities to protect Israeli civilians from harm:
Shelters also opened up in Jaffa, Givatayim, Bnei Brak and Haifa - Anadolu Ajansı
'Fortified hospital' at Rambam Medical Center will ensure that thousands of patients can receive normal care even during abnormal times
Rambam Health Care Campus, the primary hospital for northern Israel, is committed to treating patients under all scenarios
Just 1000 meters from a rocket strike, Sheba Medical Center moves the tiniest patients into an underground ward.
This is why these rockets are not able to achieve much inside Israel.
True, a few thousand rockets or even ballistic missiles won't destroy another state. Those that talk about destroying the occupation entity in such a way are indeed exaggerating.
It's more accurate to talk about the ability to inflict serious damage that creates deterrence against the hegemonic and militaristic Zionist occupation entity. This ability of the resistance axis has been growing exponentially in the past decades.
However, the Zionist regime is a uniquely vulnerable settler-colonial society with a lack of any strategic depth, many of whom possess dual citizenship. It is not out of the question that a full-scale war with the resistance axis (or even just Iran) could expose those vulnerabilities.
Over-optimistic members seem to think that Hezbollah rockets are silver bullets that can level entire cities and defeat a well-equipped army in clashes. This is an unrealistic assessment. Hezbollah can certainly disrupt life in Haifa and other settlements near South Lebanon with significant rocket attacks. Hezbollah might also be able to score some hits on IDF infrastructure with use of guided rockets, UAVs, and cruise missiles in a full-scale war.
But Israel has done its homework as well.
Over-optimistic members seem to evaluate this conflict in unidimensional terms. Over-optimistic members seem to forget that IDF has a fairly good idea about Hezbollah military infrastructure by virtue of its increasingly sophisticated surveillance apparatus and efforts of MOSSAD. Over-optimistic members seem to forget that IDF will use its TBMs, UAVs, artillery systems, and jet fighters to engage, degrade, and destroy Hezbollah military infrastructure in a full-scale war. Some members seem to forget that IDF can dispatch its ground forces to South Lebanon to engage, degrade, and destroy Hezbollah military infrastructure in a full-scale war. IDF ground forces are much better equipped to fight a war in the present as compared to 2006.
Full-scale war with Israel is not a joke. This is what I am trying to tell over-optimistic members here.
Attack Israel and find out otherwise. What is the point to making tall claims here on PDF? Is this an ego-boosting measure? Trolling for the sake of it.
Why should they start total war over those strikes which 99% of the time have only material damage? One of the biggest strengths of the resistance is their strategic vision - they will start the war on their terms.
Why should they start total war over those strikes which 99% of the time have only material damage? One of the biggest strengths of the resistance is their strategic vision - they will start the war on their terms.
If Hezbollah and Iran are so easy to destroy, why hasn't the Zionist regime managed to do this while facing thousands of Iranian-supplied rockets rain down on settler heads throughout the occupied territories, regularly sending settler rats scurrying to bunkers every year? It goes both ways, you are very biased and only present the pro-Zionist and anti-resistance POV here.
Putting words in my mouth now? I never claimed that Israel will find it easy to defeat Hezbollah and Iran in a war. Israel does not share a border with Iran and the latter is geographically huge as well. IDF conventional options for Iran are limited and expected to be mission focused. IDF can intercept Iranian ballistic missiles on the other hand. Iranian strategy is to call upon the Palestinian armed groups and Hezbollah to attack Israel from the ground. But IDF has sufficient warfighting capacity to invade Gaza to dismantle Palestinian armed groups and South Lebanon to dismantle Hezbollah in a full-scale war if it comes down to this. How long this will take? No idea; might take month(s). Israel will suffer property damage and IDF will suffer losses on the ground? obviously, this is a given.
Iran has also attempted to expand its axis of resistance to Israel in Syria but:
You might have a strategic vision, but Israel is responding to it.
I am very biased and present the pro-Zionist and anti-resistance POV here? Did you see me speak in favor of Israel attempting to gobble up Palestinian lands with illegal settlements? Did you see me bashing Palestinians?

There is a difference between being realistic about Israel and being pro-Zionist. Attempts to wipe out Israel have added to misery of Palestinians, and Palestinian resistance efforts continue to backfire as well.
Israel gained some territory formerly granted to Palestinian Arabs under the United Nations resolution in 1947. Egypt and Jordan retained control over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank respectively. These armistice lines held until 1967. 3.0 shell
Between June 5 and June 10, Israel defeated Egypt, Jordan, and Syria and occupied the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. 3.0 shell
Israel called off its occupation of Sinai in exchange from recognition from Egypt in 1982.
As stipulated in the 1979 peace agreement between the two countries, Israel completes its evacuation of Sinai and returns the peninsula to Egypt.
Israel called off its occupation of some Palestinian lands courtesy of the Oslo Accords in 1994:
Despite attempts by extremists on both sides to sabotage the peace process with violence, the Israelis completed their withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho in May 1994. In July, Arafat entered Jericho amid much Palestinian jubilation and set up his government–the Palestinian Authority. In October 1994, Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Peres were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts at reconciliation.
After decades of bloody animosity, representatives of Israel and Palestine meet on the South Lawn of the White House and sign a framework for peace.
Related information in following link:
The conflict in the Middle East has erupted anew. Historical maps reveal how the political boundaries between Israel and Palestine have gradually shifted over the past decades. A story told from the perspectives of both sides.
However, clashes between Palestine and Israel have continued in recent years and situation on the ground is like this:
Palestine was erased from the world map. Here, it is revived.
Hezbollah in South Lebanon was able to handle Israel in a war in 2006 (refreshing development)
but Israel has adapted to this model of warfare as well. Iranians have ended up teaching Israel how to fight a HYBRID WAR by supporting Palestinian armed groups in Gaza and Hezbollah. Good going at this rate.
So all those rockets thrown at Israel have achieved what exactly?
Now "one state solution" looks feasible:
Amid this year’s rising tide of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, a new poll released last week by Khalil Shikaki and Dahlia Scheindlin brings more sobering news. In the study, pollsters found that in Israel, for the first time, support for a nondemocratic regime (unequal rights...
It’s time to give up on the two-state solution.
Try this for a change.
What a ridiculous claim
That Wikipedia page which alleges 631 casualties among Iran/Hezbollah/Syria/Russia links to a Zionist newspaper report based on a "Airwars" report which is no longer online. It is quoted as saying:
"Based on local Syrian reporting, at least 631 militants were killed between January 2013 and October 2021. In Deir ez-Zor governorate alone, between 253-334 fighters were killed in 23 Israeli airstrikes"
Iranians and Russians are militants now?
So some random Western-backed Syrian group invents casualty claims, that gets cited and support by some report (which is no longer online) and Zionist propaganda media, then uploaded to Wikipedia and then in this process of Chinese whispers it is cited by a PDF moderator as evidence of "hundreds of Hezbollah and Iranian troops" killed by the Zionist occupation forces
Really impressive stuff Mr Moderator
One way to describe it, don't be such a fool
This is a shadow war. No side will provide details to your satisfaction. Wikipedia article contains information about a large number of Israeli strikes on Hezbollah and Iranian assets in Syria, nevertheless. Why don’t you investigate each incident and make a count?
And even if you are privy to Hezbollah losses in Syria, I do not expect from you to disclose them:
"To minimise the threat that Syria will serve as a conduit for Iran to upgrade the military capacities of Hizbollah, Israel has carried out more than 100 strikes on convoys and warehouses serving Hizbollah’s Syrian supply lines. Preventing the delivery of precision-guided missiles to the Shiite movement appears to have high priority. Hizbollah has generally played down the effectiveness of these attacks, and largely refrained from direct retaliation."
Related information in following links:
The recent surge in Israeli airstrikes targeting Iranian installations in Syria has sparked queries about the underlying situation in the Arab country and within the military and security apparatuses
Loss suffered by Arab countries in conflict were catastrophic. Egypt suffered more than 11,000 casualties, compared to 700 for Israel, 6,000 for Jordan, and 1,000 for Syria...
We have seen him post essays of pro-Zionist propaganda and talking points
Since he is so balanced, please show me the essays where he did the opposite and posted essays of anti-Zionist talking points
Don't waste your time, "conservative" is not the right word
Your talking points give the impression of being a part of a propaganda regime; I have common sense instead.
But common sense talking points are lacking in appeal so try something different for a change. Go ahead and request Hezbollah to liberate Palestine. Less gloating and more substance please. Let's see.