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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

But in any case, the point was merely that the poster has a right to offer his opinion about what he/she believes VCheng is implying - VCheng has the right to correct the impression, if it is indeed incorrect, by responding. Passing an analysis on an entire nation and peoples, as you did in your response to Sur, is neither appropriate nor relevant.


All I can do is discuss politely and present facts, opinions and commentary that I believe to be correct and appropriate. How others use that to form their impressions is beyond my control, since I cannot and will not mold my posts in order create the "preferred" sort of impressions.

Back to the topic, the rhetoric from both sides is dying down and that is a good thing.
US is merely trying to divert attention of Pakistan Army and engage it in uncalled for confrontation at another front and thus create another mess in Pakistan as next elections are approaching. thats all no physical attack is in sight so far.
if US attacks pakistan ,it is the worst moment for india:

1)some ex-army think tanks have this misadventrous ideas to bomb india if US strikes pak,if army is taking it seriously its bad you are then looking at indo-pak war 4.

2)to attack karachi ports and pak navy in western waters you'll need indian navy support,india will decline flatly.

3)think of the refugees that will want to come over here.

and china will be mute,all pakistanis forget china holds billions of dollars worth US bonds,one signature from head of treasury china will lose a hell lot of money and they know it pretty well

but given america's economy and also american citizens are fed up of the war they wouldnt attack pak
No need to underestimate the enemy.

US can attack through sea and Afghanistan. Also, northern routes are much safer then Pakistani routes contrary to your belief.

First of all, the US is not the enemy. Pakistan wants to have a good working relationship with the US to root out terrorism in the AfPak region. But the problem arises when the top leadership in the US slanders against Pakistan, or shows inconsistency in their policy. Yes, the US can attack through sea, but through Afghanistan, most of their bases are in Eastern Afghanistan, & they can be taken out very easily. The next closest country to Pakistan on the West is Tajikistan, & the US has no bases there. An air warfare would not last very long. And yes, the US can cause plenty of damage to Pakistan through the sea, but it will lose out more. And the region will be destabilized, which is anything but the US wants. The Northern routes are rife with international Al-Qaeda terrorists, & I can give you indepth information from international reports on the various terrorist insurgent groups operating from there. So in short, no one is underestimating the US, it can give Pakistan hammering blows (suffering the same itself) in case of a direct confrontation (which if happens, will be initiated by the US).
Catastrophic Mistake?? You've said it..

A few people have done some analyses and i have one of my own.

For their attacks, US's policy has always been "No boot on Soil" for the first wave. Lets just analyze what US has to do that to Pakistan.

1. They usually use bases of neighboring countries which in case of Pakistan can be India and Afghanistan. I don't think India will be stupid enough to allow that because each and every inch of India can be targeted by our Missiles. If they use Afghanistan, then again their bases can be targeted by Missiles.
2. They also use carrier based launching of Missiles and air crafts so if they station their carriers in the Arabian or Indian Ocean they can also be taken out by our missiles.
3. Whether they can use ICBM's to first neutralize all of our missile and nuke sites is a different question, even in that case they'll get some sort of a reply courtesy China.

In any case, i hope the Pentagon has thought this through....

Tell me honestly....how old are you????

You know nothing abt war.
if US attacks pakistan ,it is the worst moment for india:

1)some ex-army think tanks have this misadventrous ideas to bomb india if US strikes pak,if army is taking it seriously its bad you are then looking at indo-pak war 4.

2)to attack karachi ports and pak navy in western waters you'll need indian navy support,india will decline flatly.

3)think of the refugees that will want to come over here.

and china will be mute,all pakistanis forget china holds billions of dollars worth US bonds,one signature from head of treasury china will lose a hell lot of money and they know it pretty well

but given america's economy and also american citizens are fed up of the war they wouldnt attack pak

US will never have to fight an actual war.A systematic economic blockade and the job will be done.
what should India do in this scenario. Can India do anything to support pakistan and prevent the war.
US senator threatens Pakistan with war
Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:51AM GMT


US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
A high-profile American senator has said that the United States should consider military action against Pakistan if Islamabad continues to sponsor militant attacks against US troops in Afghanistan.

“The sovereign nation of Pakistan is engaging in hostile acts against the United States and our ally Afghanistan that must cease,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Associated Press reported Sunday.

"They're killing American soldiers," he noted, adding, "If they continue to embrace terrorism as a part of their national strategy, we're going to have to put all options on the table, including defending our troops."

Graham warned that Pakistan should choose between supporting the Haqqani militant network and helping the US fight al-Qaeda.

The remarks come as the outgoing US Joint Chief of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said on Thursday that Pakistan's spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was supporting the Taliban-allied Haqqani network of militants, blamed for a recent assault on the US embassy in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

“In choosing to use violent extremism as an instrument of policy, the government of Pakistan, and most especially the Pakistani Army and the ISI, jeopardizes not only the prospect of our strategic partnership but Pakistan's opportunity to be a respected nation with legitimate regional influence,'' Mullen claimed.

Graham also urged Washington to reconsider its financial assistance to Islamabad.

Washington has frequently blamed Pakistan for not doing enough to fight terrorism in its troubled northwestern tribal belt, which runs along the Afghan border.

Also souring bilateral ties have been the US unauthorized drone attacks on the Pakistani soil, which Islamabad regards as violation of its sovereignty. Many Pakistani civilians have fallen victim to US drone attacks in the country.

The security situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan has severely deteriorated since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan under the pretext of 'war on terror' with steadily growing terror attacks in both countries.
us is a master of deception
Stop the chest thumping. It will be just like Iraq all over again. Those who think they can take on the USA dream on. Even with the economy declining our military budget is still strong and our equipment is 10 times better than yours. And IF nukes are used....then Goodbye 90 percent of Pakistan and 10 percent of Afghanistan.
Stop the chest thumping. It will be just like Iraq all over again. Those who think they can take on the USA dream on. Even with the economy declining our military budget is still strong and our equipment is 10 times better than yours. And IF nukes are used....then Goodbye 90 percent of Pakistan and 10 percent of Afghanistan.

some good points,but mate iraq was a confrontation against incumbent iraqi baath party but here its main motive is terrorist groups so hard to predict exactly what might happen
After all this if US reverses it's heightened hostility towards Pakistan it would be a very shameful thing to stay with for them
And your point is? Do you think posting one liners without an explanation make you look smart?
I may not look smart .....but I dont wanna look dumb by making stupid claims.

All the points you mentioned in your post are beyond reality. Pakistan doesn't have any capability to take on USA. Economically - militarily - diplomatically.

One more thing.. Stop depending on other nations to defend you. No one will come to support you in case USA decides to attack.
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