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US to supply IED detectors to India


Aug 8, 2011
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United States
The May 25 Maoist attack using a 25-kg explosive device in Darba has added impetus to the UPA government's plan to acquire state-of-the-art ground penetration radars from the US to detect buried improvised explosive devices (IEDs ) in low-intensity conflict zones.

The acquisition of ultra wide band microwave radars, which can detect a seven-feet underground IED, was discussed during the Indo-US homeland security dialogue last week, home ministry sources said. "Washington is more than willing to sell the high-tech radars to New Delhi for use by security forces," they added. Delegates to the meeting were led by home minister Sushilkumar Shinde and his American counterpart Janet Napolitano.

While Indian para-military forces still use hand-held metal detectors or mine sweepers to open roads for traffic in insurgency-affected zones, the US radar -- mounted on an IED-proof vehicle (like Husky or Stryker) -- scans the road ahead, jams the device's frequency and gives a 3D picture of the buried ordnance.

The US GPR, developed after a billion-dollar research, has successfully tackled IEDs in Afghanistan and Iraq. "The GPR will be extremely effective in areas afflicted by the left-wing extremists as Maoists typically bury huge IEDs under the roads and trigger them off through remote or wire detonation. The IED used in the May 25 attack was made of ammonium nitrate and hidden under the road," a senior ministry official said.

It is learnt that New Delhi will acquire these radars through the foreign direct military sales route after the radar's trials in Indian conditions. Two Virginia-based companies are market leaders in the segment and have supplied IED detection radars to the US Army.

The US is also willing to supply port scanners so that explosives and nuclear , biological or chemicals weapons do not make their way disguised as imports into India. This hi-tech equipment, which can scan a truck at one go, will be housed at major ports across the country.
Plz announce it even louder so Maoists can develop a counter plan......What a bunch of morons:cuckoo:
GOI should be careful, Last Time Pakistan received bomb detectors they are faulty and claimed lot of Human lives.

Better go for indigenous :cheers:
Plz announce it even louder so Maoists can develop a counter plan......What a bunch of morons:cuckoo:

There's nothing the Maoists can do to counter this tech- the US have used this system for year's in Afghanistan and the ingenious Taliban have found no counter for it.

The Radar deployed in front of a Husky:


GOI should be careful, Last Time Pakistan received bomb detectors they are faulty and claimed lot of Human lives.

Better go for indigenous :cheers:

Of course in the long term but this is an immediate, knee-jerk reaction by the GoI.
so we're going to buy few Strikers along with it or it'll be mounted on Indian MPV????
Just another GPR, i don't know why we're importing this stuff, when DRDO already developed one years ago. My professor of Electromagnetism worked on it.

His lectures on his work with DRDO was very entertaining, specially the technical problems he faced, and the solutions they came up with.
There's nothing the Maoists can do to counter this tech- the US have used this system for year's in Afghanistan and the ingenious Taliban have found no counter for it.

The Radar deployed in front of a Husky:


Of course in the long term but this is an immediate, knee-jerk reaction by the GoI.

Not that i am saying its a bad idea to buy this but last i checked majority of losses suffered by NATO in Afghanistan was via IEds so if the americans had this all along why didn't it work for them?
Not that i am saying its a bad idea to buy this but last i checked majority of losses suffered by NATO in Afghanistan was via IEds so if the americans had this all along why didn't it work for them?

The majority of NATO IED deaths have come from dismounted soldiers triggering IEDs. Nowadays these MRAPs/MPVs are so well protected they have somthing like a 97-99% survivability rate when hitting an IED. These radars aren't used to clear routes for dismounted personnel given their size- but are meant for road-clearing duties and this is what the issue was this week with the attack on the political convoy- the route wasn't cleared for IEDs.

This particular radar system simply couldn't save the majority of those NATO IED facilities unfortunately- that is not really in their remit.
Just another GPR, i don't know why we're importing this stuff, when DRDO already developed one years ago. My professor of Electromagnetism worked on it.

His lectures on his work with DRDO was very entertaining, specially the technical problems he faced, and the solutions they came up with.

Sir, I've looked into this and I have to say this GPR (VISOR) from NIITEK really is the best such system on the planet to date- bar none and has proven itself in the Western militaries. This system can detect, classify and jam an IED in the blink of an eye. I'd LOVE India to devlop such comparable tech but I dare say most nations/institutions just aren't there yet- one day but not today and the security forces on the ground don't have the luxury of time to wait for others to get up to this level.

India can't produce everything right now. Tomorrow is another story.........
Sir, I've looked into this and I have to say this GPR (VISOR) from NIITEK really is the best such system on the planet to date- bar none and has proven itself in the Western militaries. This system can detect, classify and jam an IED in the blink of an eye. I'd LOVE India to devlop such comparable tech but I dare say most nations/institutions just aren't there yet- one day but not today and the security forces on the ground don't have the luxury of time to wait for others to get up to this level.

How do you suggest to jam an IED, that is controlled by wire (the common type used by Maoists)?

The IEDs used in Iraq and Afghanistan were detonated by mobile phones, so jamming was easy in this case. Even short range radio waves can be jammed.
How do you suggest to jam an IED, that is controlled by wire (the common type used by Maoists)?

The IEDs used in Iraq and Afghanistan were detonated by mobile phones, so jamming was easy in this case. Even short range radio waves can be jammed.
Of course it is impossible to jam such an IED. ISAF forces have had the same issues in Afghanistan. The SOP for this GPR system is that a vehicle with the system attached (a Husky usually) rides at the front of a convoy- soemtimes 2 vehicles are used for larger convoys, in particuarly IED prone stretches the convoy slows down to almost walking distance, the GPR is deployed (it folds up hydraulically when not in use), the convoy backs off as the Huskies/GPRs do their work. When an IED is detected the EOD unit riding in the convoy comes other and checks it out either with a robot or on foot. They make an assessment and disarm it- controlled explosion most often. Procedure is nearly identical whether it is a wired or wirelessly triggered device.

This system will be very useful of Indian forces no matter what kind of IED they face- just knowing there is somthing there in the ground in front of you is a massive plus.
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