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US to Help Ukraine Gain Energy Independence from Russia – Biden


Sep 24, 2010
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US to Help Ukraine Gain Energy Independence from Russia – Biden

MOSCOW, April 22 (RIA Novosti) – Washington will help crisis-hit Ukraine reduce its dependence on gas supplies from neighboring resource-rich Russia, US Vice President Joe Biden told reporters after talks with Ukrainian officials in Kiev on Tuesday.

“An American team is currently in the region working with Ukraine and its neighbors to increase Ukraine’s short-term energy supply,” Biden said. “More teams are coming to support long-term improvements so that no nation, to be precise, Russia, can no longer use energy as a political weapon against Ukraine and Europe,” he said.

“With the right investments and the right choices, Ukraine can reduce its energy dependence and increase its energy security. And we will stand with you helping every way we can for you to accomplish that goal,” Biden said.

Washington will provide Ukraine with a new $50 million aid package to help with economic and political reforms, the White House told Reuters Tuesday. The United States has also offered an additional $8 million in non-lethal military assistance, including radios and vehicles, according to a statement.

“Finally even as we pursue diplomacy, we are also providing non-lethal support to Ukrainian security services to deal with challenges of terrorism – we are providing communications here, bomb disposal technology, transportation and engineering equipment for Ukraine to protect against infiltrators and deal with explosive threats,” Biden said.

US security support now totals nearly $20 million, the US vice president said.

Last week, the US signed a $1 billion loan guarantee for Ukraine in support of its economic recovery. Washington has been the driving force behind the IMF working to provide a multi-billion package to Ukraine, which is expected to be finalized imminently.

Biden arrived on a two-day visit Monday to meet with Ukrainian authorities as the country struggles to find a way out of a deep economic and political crisis. Ukraine went through a regime change on February 22, which saw the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych and the rise of Western-backed ultra-nationalistic activists to power in Kiev.

Moscow and several regions in Ukraine have not acknowledged the legitimacy of the new authorities and have condemned its nationalistic policies, threatening the Russian-speaking population of the country.

Over the past five years, Russia has supplied Ukraine with nearly 150 billion cubic meters of gas. While importing the Russian gas, Ukraine has systematically delayed payments. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated earlier this month that Ukraine owes Russia $17 billion in gas discounts and another $18.4 billion has been incurred as a minimal take-or-pay fine.
They give Ukraine with about 1 billion and more, while Ukraine needs more than 30 billion. How can this little money can help Ukraine?
They give Ukraine with about 1 billion and more, while Ukraine needs more than 30 billion. How can this little money can help Ukraine?

who said that EU & USA would make substantial efforts to help out Ukraine to overcome this mess ..... ???
who said that EU & USA would make substantial efforts to help out Ukraine to overcome this mess ..... ???

1. Ukraine's deficit is around $15 billion.

2. Ukraine already has a "bridge loan" from US of almost $2 billion. This amount may not have to be repaid.

3. IMF has set up a line of credit now for Ukraine for at least $9 billion, perhaps more.

4. Russia can STILL participate by honoring it's intial $3 billion line of credit, if not more.

5. The best solution for one and all is joint financial and economic aide for all of Ukraine as "one system" of loosely affiliated states, but with ONE national budget.

I hope some Russian financial advisers read this humble sight if they haven't already come to this conclusion.
1. Ukraine's deficit is around $15 billion.

2. Ukraine already has a "bridge loan" from US of almost $2 billion. This amount may not have to be repaid.

3. IMF has set up a line of credit now for Ukraine for at least $9 billion, perhaps more.

4. Russia can STILL participate by honoring it's intial $3 billion line of credit, if not more.

5. The best solution for one and all is joint financial and economic aide for all of Ukraine as "one system" of loosely affiliated states, but with ONE national budget.

I hope some Russian financial advisers read this humble sight if they haven't already come to this conclusion.

My Dear financial crises is not the actual challenge which Ukraine is facing now, their main issue is political and more specifically 'political integrity' ..... they are in this condition because of 'foreign interference' ..... end of the day its Ukrainian Nation who has to come out with 'indigenous solution' of their problems ..... otherwise they have no escape zone available to avoid the 'obvious future'.
More empty talk from one of the biggest clowns going around (Biden).
1. Ukraine's deficit is around $15 billion.

2. Ukraine already has a "bridge loan" from US of almost $2 billion. This amount may not have to be repaid.

3. IMF has set up a line of credit now for Ukraine for at least $9 billion, perhaps more.

4. Russia can STILL participate by honoring it's intial $3 billion line of credit, if not more.

5. The best solution for one and all is joint financial and economic aide for all of Ukraine as "one system" of loosely affiliated states, but with ONE national budget.

I hope some Russian financial advisers read this humble sight if they haven't already come to this conclusion.

Ukraine lost Crimea, its once most profitable tourist and agricultural region. It's going to lose Donbas on May 11, where all of its industry is. After that, Ukraine is going to lose Odessa, its only remaining sea port. You think a few billion USD can save Ukraine? :disagree: Plus, Ukraine can't free itself from oligarchy, which will kill its economy anyway.
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Ukraine lost Crimea, its once most profitable tourist and agricultural region. It's going to lose Donbas on May 11, where all of its industry is. After that, Ukraine is going to lose Odessa, its only remaining sea port. You think a few billion USD can save Ukraine? :disagree: Plus, Ukraine can't free itself from oligarchy, which will kill its economy anyway.

You are immaturely mistaken. Wait and see what comes next by the West. No point in telling you, let it be a pleasant surprise.
Chicken feed?

Can't believe the US is still providing Ukraine with aids in millions of dollars not hundreds of billions of dollars。

Is Ukraine really so cheap?

Ukraine needs at least 200 billion USD foreign financial aid over the next 5 years,otherwise it will turn into another basket case after a revolution agitated by the West。

And Ukraine will henceforth be subject to the will and explotation of the West。
Chicken feed?

Can't believe the US is still providing Ukraine with aids in millions of dollars not hundreds of billions of dollars。

Is Ukraine really so cheap?

Ukraine needs at least 200 billion USD foreign financial aid over the next 5 years,otherwise it will turn into another basket case after a revolution agitated by the West。

And Ukraine will henceforth be subject to the will and explotation of the West。

This was bound to happen.

It was the treachery of Turchynov and his ilk that has brought about so much misery to his country, destroyed their economy and threatened the very integrity of his nation. He is an illegitimate leader who is installed with brute force and not the choice of people.

Russia did very well in taking Crimea back. Hope they take eastern Ukraine also back.
1. Ukraine's deficit is around $15 billion.

2. Ukraine already has a "bridge loan" from US of almost $2 billion. This amount may not have to be repaid.

3. IMF has set up a line of credit now for Ukraine for at least $9 billion, perhaps more.

4. Russia can STILL participate by honoring it's intial $3 billion line of credit, if not more.

5. The best solution for one and all is joint financial and economic aide for all of Ukraine as "one system" of loosely affiliated states, but with ONE national budget.

I hope some Russian financial advisers read this humble sight if they haven't already come to this conclusion.
why should we give you our money, ukraine is yours crimea ours. Its your job bailing it out and paying its debt.

Typical western colonialism logic with maximum winning, = gets new territory and is even demanding the loser to bail it out for them.

We wont give anything

Chicken feed?

Can't believe the US is still providing Ukraine with aids in millions of dollars not hundreds of billions of dollars。

Is Ukraine really so cheap?

Ukraine needs at least 200 billion USD foreign financial aid over the next 5 years,otherwise it will turn into another basket case after a revolution agitated by the West。

And Ukraine will henceforth be subject to the will and explotation of the West。

they wont give anything, they naturally are hostile to orthdox eastern slavic people who they view as different race. For them ukraine shouldnt be integrated by the west but they should obey the west and assimilate. Thats why they are demanding from ukraine itself to be western and even paying for that. Right from the start they could have given yanokowhich this 10 billion dollars but they demanding reforms and other sh*t. Yanokowhich refused because he knew the kremlin could pressure ukraine in a moment when hard reforms would implemented by the imf resulting into some kind of maidan but led by anto IMF protests.
All these 100s of deaths could have been saved during the protests if they would have given him 10 billion dollars before but the EU wanted him to be changed and these protests. All these pro EU protesters were being used by the West and they are too stupid to realize it.
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The West Can 'Win' Ukraine, But It's Going To Cost A Lot Of Money - Forbes
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How the West can win Ukraine.” Despite its title, piece primarily talked about the success of Ukraine’s Western neighbor Poland. Engelhart openly suggests that Poland’s two decade-run of economic growth (described as a “golden age” by the usually-reserved World Bank) provides a template for transforming Ukraine from a bankrupt, corrupt, inefficient, oligarch-dominated, and poverty stricken mess into a modern European industrial democracy. http://www.macleans.ca/author/katieengelhart/

Poland has, in general, done quite a good job of throwing off the shackles of communism: it’s just not possible to go into Slate mode and suggest that the country is actually an enormous failure. Living standards have improved tremendously, and Poland’s GDP has soared. While it still has its problems, particularly the emigration of highly skilled and highly educated young people, Poland’s transformation into a vital part of the European Union is genuine. It ought to be celebrated not just because it represents a victory for “Europe” but because it has enormously bettered the lives of Poland’s citizens.

The problem, unfortunately, is that Poland hasn’t discovered some magic formula for reform-driven growth that can be subtly re-worked based on a particular country’s unique needs. While Poland did enjoy very adept economic and political stewardship, stewardship that was far better than Ukraine is ever likely to get, the “Polish miracle” has also depended on huge infusions of Western aid. I had known that Poland benefited from EU “structural adjustment funds” but I honestly didn’t know their full magnitude. According to Engelhart Poland has “received more than $154 billion in foreign aid” over the just past decade and is scheduled to receive another $150 billion between 2014 and 2020. So over a roughly 20 year span Poland will have received over three hundred billion dollars worth of external assistance. That’s an enormous and sustained economic stimulus which puts Poland’s accomplishments in a very different light. “Country is heavily subsidized by its wealthier neighbors, experiences economic growth” isn’t a very captivating tale.

Now the United States and the European Union are capable of offering Ukraine a similarly generous deal. There is nothing preventing either of them from opening their checkbooks and promising Ukraine tens or hundreds of billions of dollars. Both the US and the EU are much wealthier than Russia, and if they wanted to outspend it they could easily do so. With some basic economic reforms, the Polish experience suggests that funneling tens of billions of dollars into Ukraine could achieve some real results in terms of GDP growth and poverty reduction.

The problem, however, is not financial but political: Ukraine hasn’t been (and won’t be) much of a priority for the US or the EU while it is Russia’s single most important foreign policy objective. Given the still-ongoing economic turmoil in the developed world, slumping average wages, elevated unemployment, growing inequality, lackluster growth, it’s simply not realistic to expect the onset of a massive package of aid to Ukraine. If a member of congress or a senator went down to Capitol Hill and introduced an aid package to Ukraine worth $300 billion, they’d be lucky to escape without being sent to a sanatorium.

In other words, while a Poland-sized program of economic aid would obviously do quite a lot to transform Ukraine and could conceivably make it a part of “Europe,” there is no chance whatsoever of such a program being adopted. In an era of austerity and voter fatigue, there aren’t going to be any more great transformative projects and there aren’t going to be any great gobs of foreign money headed towards Kiev. If Ukraine wants to finds its way into Europe it’s going to have to do it on its own.
You are immaturely mistaken. Wait and see what comes next by the West. No point in telling you, let it be a pleasant surprise.

Sure ,go ahead.Then West and Russia will be smoldering ruins for sure. Make no mistake on that.
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