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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

I don't care about any Prince or Saudi's.. They are done now in Arab. Now time is about to change very soon. Saudi's will no longer be in government.
But that also means you would have to accept others regardless of their religion or sexual orientation be it hindus, atheists, satanists, cannibals, homosexuals, etc....
The above sentence makes you an absolute RACIST to the core & it"s funny that you are taking pains to explain that you are not.
so how did the WMDs turn out for US? Looks like yet another conspiracy theory from the land of free it seems.
If this thong succeeded then it would have been the harbinger of doom to the middle east. War could have surely followed.

Saudia Arabia is incapable of making war. They going to get mercenaries from Pakistan and have BAE handle your weapons?
So Iran and drug cartels were involved? It looks like Clint Eastwood is missing.
Just saw US attorney general at a press conference announcing their agencies have foiled a terror plot by Iran to kill Saudi ambassador , suspects belong to Al Quds force are arrested and charged with attempted murder.


Now, who are the advocates of conspiracy theories?
I am nor really sure why Iran would do something like that ? How does something like this benifit them ? I am sure they understand that that Saudi Arabia have enough people to put another amassador in the US ? Something doesn't add up .... Now, i have a question for the Iranian members here, how would the Iranians react to a US invasion to Iran ? From my understanding, a lot of Iranians are frustrated with the current regime, would they accept an invasion so they can get rid of such a regime and have democratic, and fair elections ? I am under the impression that most Iranians want a secular state, and nothing with a theocratic state anymore.
There is no advantage to Iran attacking Saudi Ambassador only beneficiary is American policy
Assalam alaikum

i m just surprised by the timing of the announcement yesterday it was disclosed that hamas had reached and agreement with israel
to swap their soldier with prisoned palistinians ( strange they tell u not to negotiate with terrorists and they make deal with them)
Now everybody is busy in talking about this incident palistinian state issue is gone

Amazing even though it was IRAN who tried to assassinate our guy WE are the ones called idiots and prostitutes....I think if Iran sent missiles and killed 3-5 Million Saudi one day all of you will be jumping in joy.
I don't suppose that the Pakistanis here, with their well-honed sense of selective blindness, bothered to remember that it is difficult to attack the Israeli embassy without also attacking the Pakistani one, as they are only about sixty feet apart.

The Israeli embassy compound is built more for security while the Pakistani one is more elegant. I daresay that an attack upon the Israeli embassy could result in more damage to Pakistan's embassy. They have that nice tree-like mirror mosaic facing the Israelis - wouldn't want that damaged, right?

is the israeli embassy near Van Ness? Never seen it before

have you seen the Emiraty embassy? It's quite a sight. A bit borderline gaudy, to be honest. But must be quite palatial inside i would imagine.

do you believe that this plot is real, or is it possibly a scare-mongering tactic being used on the American tax-payer? It's hard to imagine why Iran would be so DUMB to plot an attack in the most powerful country in the world. If they wanted to attack Saudi diplomats and interests, they could do it with more ease in other countries.

more importantly, how would they gain by whacking this guy?

your thoughts?

Amazing even though it was IRAN who tried to assassinate our guy WE are the ones called idiots and prostitutes....I think if Iran sent missiles and killed 3-5 Million Saudi one day all of you will be jumping in joy.

don't be ridiculous......we are praying that Saudis and Iran embrace eachother, as they are both Islamic countries and it doesnt look good that 2 influential Muslim countries view eachother with suspicion and paranoia. It's saddening for Pakistanis.
Typical America Propaganda I was listening to CNN and I can smell complete lies
I think it is BS to be honest..the plot sounds more like Hollywood movie story line.
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