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US senate votes to override Obama veto of 9/11 bill

Senate overwhelmingly votes to override Obama veto on 9/11 bill

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to overridePresident Obama's veto of legislation allowing lawsuits against foreign sponsors of terrorism, setting up an almost certain and historic defeat for the White House on the bill.

The House is expected to follow suit within hours, making it the first veto of Obama’s presidency that has been overturned by Congress.

Obama vetoed the legislation Friday because he said the bill — known as the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA — would infringe on the president’s ability to conduct foreign policy. It was the 12th veto of his presidency.


But after an intense, lengthy push by 9/11 survivors and families of victims who want to sue Saudi Arabia based on claims the country played a role in the 2001 terror attack, even Obama’s Democratic allies on Capitol Hill voted to override his veto. The final vote tally was 97-1. Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-.Nev., cast the soul vote against override.

"In our polarized politics of today, this is pretty much close to a miraculous occurrence," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. Democrats and Republicans in both cambers have agreed, he said, that the bill "gives the victims of the terrorist attack on our own soil an opportunity to seek the justice they deserve.".

The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said he shared some of Obama's concerns but said the victims' rights outweighed them.

"We cannot in good conscience close the courthouse door to those families who have suffered unimaginable losses," Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said.

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This is going to get ugly.

Once a country is brought into court, there will be a lot of Classified papers released or read behind closed doors.

Geo-Politics are going to change, how the courts pass judgments and if the victims collect comes down to strength of the nation(s).
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House of representatives voted 348 For overriding the veto | 77 against.
Senate voted 97 for overriding the veto | 1 against.
I want to see some Saudi action then.

give $5 million for each family affected by 9/11 sounds right.

defunding madrassas would be a start too.

build a large monument in NYC dedicated to the firefighters that lost their lives as well.

not saying the U.S is clean and shouldn't be sued by Afghanistan,Iraq, and particularly Syria.
give $5 million for each family affected by 9/11 sounds right.

defunding madrassas would be a start too.

build a large monument in NYC dedicated to the firefighters that lost their lives as well.

not saying the U.S is clean and shouldn't be sued by Afghanistan,Iraq, and particularly Syria.
Talk about billions dollar claims ....its not individual sue..it will be companies holding offices inside the building...........spiral effect....from individual to companies....like goldman sachs etc etc
give $5 million for each family affected by 9/11 sounds right.

defunding madrassas would be a start too.

build a large monument in NYC dedicated to the firefighters that lost their lives as well.

not saying the U.S is clean and shouldn't be sued by Afghanistan,Iraq, and particularly Syria.

5 million by the American government sureeee but Saudi Arabia?HOW ABOUT NO. Saudi Arabia is in no way affiliated with or gave commands for the 9/11 attackers.

A large monument paid for by the U.S government

Not only is this a bill a disgrace to this country its the ultimate injustice and goes to show the bully mentality of America.

Was freeing war criminals not enough?
5 million by the American government sureeee but Saudi Arabia?HOW ABOUT NO. Saudi Arabia is in no way affiliated with or gave commands for the 9/11 attackers.

A large monument paid for by the U.S government

Not only is this a bill a disgrace to this country its the ultimate injustice and goes to show the bully mentality of America.

Was freeing war criminals not enough?

just a coincidence most of the hijackers were Saudis

just a coincidene Bin Laden was a Saudi

just a coincidence most of the hijackers were Saudis

just a coincidene Bin Laden was a Saudi

They were Saudis so what? Does that mean they were sponsored by the Saudi Government? NO

Were they given orders by the Saudi government? NO

were they under the command of the Saudis? NO

They were apart of Al Qaeda an unaffiliated terrorist organization based in Afghanistan. Also keep in mind that America sponsored the afghan mujahideen(which Osama bin laden was apart of) which went on to make the Taliban and Al Qaeda which later on went to commit 9/11.

If the 9/11 victims want money they should be suing their own state.
just a coincidence most of the hijackers were Saudis

just a coincidene Bin Laden was a Saudi

OBL was half Yemeni and half Syrian. The only reason why he even received Saudi Arabian nationality was due to his billionaire father's connections to the House of Saud and construction firm. Not to mention the fact that OBL became stateless back in 1994 as his Saudi Arabian nationality was annulled.


FBI and CIA already cleared KSA and concluded that there is no single evidence of Saudi Arabian involvement.

As for the 15 Saudi Arabian hijackers, most of Yemeni origin, so what? KSA had nothing to do with them. Not anymore than the US has anything to do with the 100's of American nationals who have joined ISIS, Al-Nusra and other groups in the Muslim world.

Anyway this law is not aimed at KSA nor will the victims of 9/11 receive a single penny.

In fact I believe that half of the world (almost) is entitled to sue the US for trillions due to their destruction of several countries from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

Talk about desperation.

give $5 million for each family affected by 9/11 sounds right.

defunding madrassas would be a start too.

build a large monument in NYC dedicated to the firefighters that lost their lives as well.

not saying the U.S is clean and shouldn't be sued by Afghanistan,Iraq, and particularly Syria.

Anyway I do not care about the 9/11 the slightest. Yes, it was unfortunate but the US has committed 1000's upon 1000's of such 9/11's that receive no media exposure. In fact, if karma is the criteria, you deserve 1 million more of such incidents. Not even that number would make up for all the innocents that you have killed in the past 100 years across the world. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, let alone KSA, are angels in comparison. Anyway your time will come like that of everyone else. I would definitely support China and Russia against you in case of war and I hope that KSA will be on that side of the coin in the future, House of Saud or no House of Saud.

In fact I believe that the world and the Arab world should start arming African-Americas and Latinos who will become a majority in a few generations. Especially since 10% of all Latinos are of Arab origin.

Talk about billions dollar claims ....its not individual sue..it will be companies holding offices inside the building...........spiral effect....from individual to companies....like goldman sachs etc etc

Yes, and when the time of the House of Saud has expired, the Saudi Arabian public should sue the US for its support of that dynasty. As for those American companies, they should first learn how to pay their taxes abroad and stop cheating people.

Your elites have harmed the wold more than anyone else in the past many decades.
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Isn't this a threat to America's sovereign immunity? Now other countries can sue America??
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