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US says no to nuclear power plant to Pak

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Nov 29, 2009
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WASHINGTON: The US has categorically told Pakistan that it would not get any atomic power plant or civilian nuclear deal on the lines of the one signed with India.

"The United States is working closely with Pakistan to help meet its growing needs. Nuclear power is not currently part of our discussions," a senior Administration official told PTI.

Leaders of Pakistan, who have been pitching hard for a nuclear power plant, have been told about in recently.

The senior Administration official, preferring anonymity, said the US has also told Pakistan that there is no way that they can get a civilian nuclear deal similar to the one the Obama Administration has signed with India.

The Indo-US civilian nuclear deal is specific to India only and there is no thinking going on in the administration to create a template for it, the official said.

Moreover, given the past experiences that the US had with Pakistan on nuclear proliferation issue and the episode of disgraced Pakistani scientist A Q Khan accused of transferring sensitive technologies abroad, the official said both the top American lawmakers and those in the US Government have serious concerns about the safety of Pakistani nuclear weapons.

Under these circumstances, it is quite difficult to consider "that (nuclear power)" option for Pakistan, the officials pointed out.
There are more number of threads on this topic then the number of nuclear plants allegedly denied by US.
Hmm, is there any othe way we can acquire civillian nuclear technology other than USA, I am very sure they are other ways.We don't have to always depend on USA.
No problem we have deal with France , and China underway

Also we are getting gas pipleline and electricity from Iran as well - so

no problem
oh yaar i was wondering......... haven't we progressed anything in Nuclear Plants yet? i mean are we not capable of creating small nuclear plants at least?

I have heard we designed 50MW Nuclear plant in Khushab back in 1980s....... so are we still not capable of building a little bigger plant indeginously? may be if not bigger plants then make couple of small plants indiniously and try to design bigger plants in future?
No problem we have deal with France , and China underway

Also we are getting gas pipleline and electricity from Iran as well - so

no problem

What deal???

Don't be in illusions nobody can overrule NSG/NPT.

And China is already supplying covertly for years.

As for Iran:

1. Do u want to become hostage and lifetime dependent on Iran?

2. What if government changes in Iran or its policy changes or they start blackmailing by charging exorbitant rates?

3. What about country's proud and independence in regards to energy?
^^ TROAL.....
arnt we already ghetting a NPP from China??? or russia i heard it like 6 months ago ..
3. India is able to build big nuclear power plants as big as 700 MW of its own because of having good higher education system, strong manufacturing industries and money to support and experiment.

This whole article is most probably about Pakistan, why do you have to always bring India to the equation and boast off about India's nuclear capabilities. We know about India's capabilities here, and we are not interested in it.Furthermore most of the Pakistanis were talking about how we could acquire civillian nuclear technology,so before it ends up into a flame war, I suggest you to leave India out of this, unless another Pakistani mentions about India's capabilities
why china is not there or US don't see her dark future.some years after every country has nuclear tech and no one care UN or IAEA.
This whole article is most probably about Pakistan, why do you have to always bring India to the equation and boast off about India's nuclear capabilities. We know about India's capabilities here, and we are not interested in it.Furthermore most of the Pakistanis were talking about how we could acquire civillian nuclear technology,so before it ends up into a flame war, I suggest you to leave India out of this, unless another Pakistani mentions about India's capabilities

Read complete post and context, i was replying to the member asking why pakistan don't have it's own and i have replied his query reason for it. So, no India in this.
Read complete post and context, i was replying to the member asking why pakistan don't have it's own and i have replied his query reason for it. So, no India in this.

Read again my friend, you have included India in this and he as just asking this,and I have totally read this in context.

I have heard we designed 50MW Nuclear plant in Khushab back in 1980s....... so are we still not capable of building a little bigger plant indeginously? may be if not bigger plants then make couple of small plants indiniously and try to design bigger plants in future?

He was not asking for India's capability or anything, so I should see no reason for you to include this

3. India is able to build big nuclear power plants as big as 700 MW of its own because of having good higher education system, strong manufacturing industries and money to support and experiment.
The US does not want a strong Pakistan, in fact it wants to slowly chip away from its nuclear technology until it is no more. The leadership of Pakistan is letting them, instead of doing what is best for Pakistan's future, they keep on hopping along with the US and the west.

If the governance of Pakistan keeps doing this: I believe Pakistan will end up being a permanent post-apocalyptic wasteland trying to survive, holding on with their teeth to a rope above a cliff.
US will give the deal if it feels Pakistan has money to buy the nuclear plants and there is a track record of not giving out the sensitive technology to rouge nations on both accounts Pakistan's record is not good
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