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US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ


Apr 28, 2011
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US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ

Washington, May 17(ANI): The United States and Pakistan are engaged in a billing dispute, with Washington rejecting over 40 per cent of the claims submitted by Islamabad as expenses to fight al Qaeda and other terrorists along the Afghanistan border, according to a report.

According to internal Pentagon documents, the US- increasingly suspicious of what it sees as Islamabad's mixed record against militants- has been quietly rejecting more than 40 per cent of the claims submitted by Pakistan as compensation for military gear, food, water, troop housing and other expenses, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Those records detail 3.2 billion dollars in expense claims submitted to the US for operations from January 2009 through June 2010, the report said.

According to the documents and interviews with officials, Pakistan has routinely submitted requests that were unsubstantiated, or were deemed by the US to be exaggerated or of little or no use in the war on terror-underscoring what officials and experts see as a deep undercurrent of mistrust between both nations, it added.

"This is about how much money Pakistan can extract," said Moeed Yusuf, South Asia adviser for the United States Institute of Peace, an independent research organization funded by Congress.

Pakistani officials deny they are trying to bilk the US, and say that the increased American scrutiny has sent the message to the Pakistanis that Washington considers the army to be full of cheats, said the report.

A senior Pakistani official called this "detrimental to bilateral trust," adding that while Islamabad understands the need for some scrutiny, the US has gone too far.

"People have to give a receipt for every cup of tea they drink or every kilometer they drive," said the official.

Meanwhile, US officials say that Pakistani claims have been rejected for a number of reasons, including failure to confirm that expenses were incurred in support of American operations in Afghanistan and the war against terrorism.

Some US officials also fear that some of the aid is being diverted to the border with Pakistan's traditional rival, India, the report said.

Secret diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks show that US officials were taken aback by Pakistani claims as early as 2006, including a 26-million-dollar charge for barbed wire and pickets, and for almost 70 million dollars in radar maintenance, "although there is no enemy air threat related to the war on terror."

The documents show that denial rates have climbed from a low of 1.6 per cent in 2005, to 38 per cent in 2008 and 44 per cent in 2009. Claims are generally processed six months to a year after submission, said the report.

US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ
US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ

Pakistani officials deny they are trying to bilk the US, and say that the increased American scrutiny has sent the message to the Pakistanis that Washington considers the army to be full of cheats, said the report.

A senior Pakistani official called this "detrimental to bilateral trust," adding that while Islamabad understands the need for some scrutiny, the US has gone too far.

"People have to give a receipt for every cup of tea they drink or every kilometer they drive," said the official.


US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ

Now the highlighted part is funny if not ridiculous. If the Pakistan military is being treated like a pilfering thief by the US establishment then they should perhaps tell the US government to do an audit alternatively to keep the payments
Pakistan has huge loan to pay.IMF has already stop loan for this year.
Who will pay,China? Interesting to see...
Case against ISI is already started,how USA gonna use this?O man lot to come in this interesting game?
Amazing -- is this really Pakistan's war? If it is how is it that US has to pay for it?

Let's be fair, this is just a giant con game - the US will pretend to pay, the Pakistanis will, regardless of payment or not, connive to defraud.

Only by allowing Pakistan to sink or swim, will Pakistan decide if it wants to be a modern nation state or a Islamist hellhole.
Oh boy! This is humiliating.

This actually no longer possible for Pakistan -- humiliation is mothers milk to Pakistan, it's the "practical" bargain our leadership have made with us and the foreigners.

The Foreigners give us free money, the elite steal it and we cheer the "Awaam" and Islam this and that BS - Humiliation is for nations and states with self respect.
Amazing -- is this really Pakistan's war? If it is how is it that US has to pay for it?

Let's be fair, this is just a giant con game - the US will pretend to pay, the Pakistanis will, regardless of payment or not, connive to defraud.

Only by allowing Pakistan to sink or swim, will Pakistan decide if it wants to be a modern nation state or a Islamist hellhole.

As you wrote the above, did you also consider the fact that most of the supposed "aid" has been gravely misused ?

Also, I'm sure you have read contradictory posts around here. I've still not understood which side Pakistanis are on. On the thread about the chopper intrusion, someone claimed that "Americans are already leaving Afghanistan in body bags" and got thanked generously.

I know it is Human to be partial, but the extent to which facts are ignored is almost surreal.

Why should USA give aid (that is misused) to a nation whose agencies had been safeguarding the very thing they wanted most ? How can Pakistanis wish ill for the same hand that feeds them ?

Sure, there are unfortunate civilian deaths in the process of cleansing the bad guys, but does that mean we should stop cleaning up the mess and take the situation from bad to worse ?
This my advise to Pakistani govt.Now this is a time to start charging some taxes on NATO containers as they are damaging their roads and properties.

Every day more than 500 containers passes through Pakistan to Afghistan.If Pakistani govt. start charging their road taxes & other taxes let say $10,000 per container then it will give them an income of $5 million dollars per day which means $1.825 billion dollars per year.
This my advise to Pakistani govt.Now this is a time to start charging some taxes on NATO containers as they are damaging their roads and properties.

Every day more than 500 containers passes through Pakistan to Afghistan.If Pakistani govt. start charging their road taxes & other taxes let say $10,000 per container then it will give them an income of $5 million dollars per day which means $1.825 billion dollars per year.

Someone wake this kid up......
Pakistan should only fight if it thinks, it is for its own. Otherwise Pakistan should reject those aid and stop fighting.
Its funny to see, taking money for fighting a war... something unique indeed.
quite contradictory.. isn't it? on one hand pakistani leaders are claiming that it's their own war & on the other hand they are sending invoices to US! what's going on? A war outsourced by US, like everything else?
US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ
Meanwhile, US officials say that Pakistani claims have been rejected for a number of reasons, including failure to confirm that expenses were incurred in support of American operations in Afghanistan and the war against terrorism.

Some US officials also fear that some of the aid is being diverted to the border with Pakistan's traditional rival, India, the report said.

Secret diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks show that US officials were taken aback by Pakistani claims as early as 2006, including a 26-million-dollar charge for barbed wire and pickets, and for almost 70 million dollars in radar maintenance, "although there is no enemy air threat related to the war on terror."

The documents show that denial rates have climbed from a low of 1.6 per cent in 2005, to 38 per cent in 2008 and 44 per cent in 2009. Claims are generally processed six months to a year after submission, said the report.

US rejects over 40% ‘dubious’ Pakistani ‘war on terror’ bills: WSJ

look at the highlighted part, they are actually trying to put expense on eastern front as war on terror expenses.
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