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US policies responsible for regional instability, says Sartaj Aziz


Aug 6, 2015
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US policies responsible for regional instability, says Sartaj Aziz

The 'holy warriors' of Afghan war contributed to decades of instability in Pakistan and the region, said the foreign affairs adviser. ─ Reuters/File
ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, on Monday said United States (US) policies were responsible for instability in South Asia, urging the Obama administration to analyse its role – and that of its allies – in the the region.

Winding up discussion on an adjournment motion in the Upper House, moved by Senator Mushahid Hussain, about US President Barack Obama's recent remarks that instability will continue for decades in Pakistan, Aziz said: "Pakistan's answer to instability is the strengthening democracy in the country."

Read: Pakistan among states that will face turmoil for decades: Obama

"The US created 'holy warriors' in our tribal areas during the 'Afghan Jihad' and then left them as soon as the war was over, a factor which contributed to decades of instability in Pakistan and the region," asserted Aziz.

Talking about external threats to the country's stability, Aziz added that since 2013, Pakistan has been pursuing a policy of non-interference and is not taking part in other nations' wars.

Related: UAE minister warns Pakistan of ‘heavy price for ambiguous stand’ on Yemen

The foreign affairs adviser said, "We have decided that we are not going to indulge in fighting other countries' wars now, and this policy is being pursued vigorously by the government."

"Pakistan has also taken a strong stance against terrorism. Operation Zarb-i-Azb in tribal areas and the operation against criminals in Karachi have helped improve the internal security situation of the country," he said.

In his last State of the Union address, US President Obama had warned: “Instability will continue for decades in many parts of the world – in the Middle East, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in parts of central America, Africa and Asia.”

Obama also identified a link between militancy and instability and warned that some unstable regions might become safe havens for terrorists.

“Instability will continue for decades in many parts of the world – in the Middle East, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in parts of Central America, Africa and Asia,” he had said.

Aziz had reacted to the statement the very next day and termed Obama's predictions as distant from ground realities.

Read more: Obama's statement on Pakistan not ground reality: Aziz‏
Why are you dancing on the indication of USA. Why are you afraid of them. Why you develop their policies in Pakistan. Why you transferred USA Afaghan war to Pakistan and declare it our war not USA war. USA fight Indian war against Pakistan since 1947 do you not know?. If USA become your friend then you have no need of the enemy, it is universal truth.
Blaming others for one's own failings will never work.

OBL, Al Qaeda, Taliban, once an ally of U.S and Saudi Arabia in the war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan
Saddam Hussain of Iraq once an ally of U.S and Saudi Arabia in the war against Iran
Arming rebels, killing Muammer Gaddafi, planting puppet government in Libya

Arming rebels and trying to topple Bashahr Al Assad in Syria
Arming rebels and trying to plant puppet government in Yemen
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No sir it was Pakistan that started the holy war against the soviets bcz we were feeling confident
jihadi material was printed in US university of Nebraska sir

What has happened ..... I mean this sudden turn at this level ....... maybe because of Obama's speech regarding Pakistan.......... and If Hillary wins upcoming elections will it be good for pak
How is this blaming others? Even Hilary has accepted this.

US created Taliban and abandoned Pakistan, says Hillary - - DAWN.COM
Wrong , instability in SA is just because of Pakistani foreign policy, not because of any other country. How can any other country intervene in your internal and foreign affairs when we have strong and independent foreign policy!! It was you who invited US in the region. Now you are blaming US for no reason. US has done what an independents country does for its own interest. You can't blame them.
The general unofficial consensus among British military officers is something similar. An interview with a Major on BBC4 a few months ago voiced their frustration with the U.S. approach to every problem anywhere in the world by jumping in, guns blazing.
European countries need to get out of NATO, it's causing more harm than good at this point. This would diffuse tensions with Russia as it won't see us as a pressing threat. The European bloc should instead maintain a combined defensive force of our own. We will mind our own business without playing global police, because that simply does not work. The world is a much more dangerous and unstable place since the misadventures of the U.S. into the Middle East.
A country's development is measured in not how much it can bomb third world countries, but how much we can develop technologically. We should focus on serious social development projects instead of cutting the welfare our forefathers fought so hard to acquire, instead of throwing that money into the war-furnace.
Wrong , instability in SA is just because of Pakistani foreign policy, not because of any other country. How can any other country intervene in your internal and foreign affairs when we have strong and independent foreign policy!! It was you who invited US in the region. Now you are blaming US for no reason. US has done what an independents country does for its own interest. You can't blame them.
Let me know; when US does same to India. I see Modi with begging bowl; urging US for further explorations in India
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