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US NOT insisting on Pak to shutdown LeT because of Indian concerns: Clinton


Jul 30, 2011
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“Indian concerns” were one of the main reasons why the United States had not insisted on Pakistan shutting down the Lashkar-e-Taiba, the militant group behind the Mumbai attacks of 2008, said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this week.

At a Congressional hearing on the U.S. policy in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Ms. Clinton gave her response to a query from Representative Ed Royce, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who asked her whether the State Department would consider making Pakistani efforts to shutdown the LeT a condition of the U.S. “scorecard” on Pakistan.

Ms. Clinton initially refused to categorically answer the query, saying, “So I do not want to commit at this time to taking such a path because I think it's important that there be further consideration of all of the implications.” When Mr. Royce pressed her further on the matter, she indicated that rather than Pakistani opposition to such a plan, it was Indian concerns that mattered. :hitwall:

“Of course, we worry about that very much, and we discuss it in great depth with our Indian counterparts because it is, first and foremost, a concern of theirs,” she said.

In particular, she noted, the U.S. continued to emphasise the need for more action by Pakistan in prosecuting the alleged masterminds of the Mumbai attacks. “Certainly, every time we meet with the Pakistanis, we press them on LeT, about the continuing failure, in our view, to fulfil all of the requirements necessary for prosecution related to the Mumbai attacks. And we will continue to do so,” she said.

However, hinting that exerting further pressure on Pakistan to shut down the LeT could impact discussions between India and Pakistan, she added, “But I think that our policy has to be carefully coordinated with the Indian concerns. As you know, India is trying to improve relations with Pakistan right now, and there are actually some very productive discussions going on.” Ms. Clinton's remarks also suggested the State Department has been intensively discussing this issue with Indian counterparts. She said, “On my last trip to India, Director of National Intelligence [James] Clapper went with me and had many in-depth conversations.”

Mr. Royce firmly focused on Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence colluding with extremist groups of different hues, and the dangers that posed to regional peace.

The Hindu : News / International : Indian concerns on LeT take priority: Hillary
Funny the reason to not shutdown LeT is Indian concerns. It seems - MMS, SMK and Chidambram want to have romantic video conferencing with Pakistani generals. How stupid are we? I mean really.
Bl[i]tZ;2236874 said:
Funny the reason to not shutdown LeT is Indian concerns. It seems - MMS, SMK and Chidambram want to have romantic video conferencing with Pakistani generals. How stupid are we? I mean really.

Respect to MMS he is a true son of our soil - and a true friend to the land of his birth. :)
yes you may love him but we hate him very much even we Sikhs hate him he is a spineless coward who is looking to weaken India and keep our country from growing Rab Sukh rake Modi will be in power 2014!

A Congress win, is possible because certain parts of indian society will continue to support them, MMS is a good man, and Sikhs don't hate him most are proud of him and his achievements. He thinks well of the land of his birth, Gujranwala.
A Congress win, is possible because certain parts of indian society will continue to support them, MMS is a good man, and Sikhs don't hate him most are proud of him and his achievements. He thinks well of the land of his birth, Gujranwala.

recently the Congress has come under fire for corruption and even a public survey showed if an election was held today the BJP would take control over the majority of the parliament

a good man but weak and spineless he is nothing but a mere puppet of Sonia Gandhi and his achievements of leading arguably the worst corrupt gov't since the times of Indira Gandhi? his line of thinking is that of the weak socialist left wing cowards now if someone from the center or right comes to power we will not put up with any hegemony from you or our other enemy
recently the Congress has come under fire for corruption and even a public survey showed if an election was held today the BJP would take control over the majority of the parliament

a good man but weak and spineless he is nothing but a mere puppet of Sonia Gandhi and his achievements of leading arguably the worst corrupt gov't since the times of Indira Gandhi? his line of thinking is that of the weak socialist left wing cowards now if someone from the center or right comes to power we will not put up with any hegemony from you or our other enemy

Don't write Congress off too soon, in any election the regional and smaller parties will be king makers, and that will help Congress back into power, and MMS is the best leader you have had in a long time, Modi will just divide indian society, he is the worst thing that can happen to your country.
Respect to MMS he is a true son of our soil - and a true friend to the land of his birth. :)

What a preposterous comment!

What we are concerned about is the following -

There are two ways to go ahead with Pak.

1. Talk with them to deal with the issues.

2. Ignore Pakistan and use diplomacy to isloate it. We don't need to do much here. Pakistan is heading towards this with Mach 2 anyway. :P Let them reach their destination of becoming NK of Indian subcontinent.

I want my PM to do #2 and not #1.
We always knew, for amrika life of brown man is nothing compare to white man, armed terrorist attacking unarmed civilains in India is not even matter of concern for yanks. 700 billions dollars have been spend in Afghanistan fighting Taliban and these stupid Americans got nothing to show for.
Don't write Congress off too soon, in any election the regional and smaller parties will be king makers, and that will help Congress back into power, and MMS is the best leader you have had in a long time, Modi will just divide indian society, he is the worst thing that can happen to your country.

for Pakistan it is good for you if Congress is in power with weak and corrupt monkeys entrenching themselves within our gov't MMS is the puppet of Sonia it is reality that we have to unfortunately face Modi is a clean and good man and unlike MMS he has a spine and is willing to send India into the future to develop India and he doesn't take crap from anyone Modi won't divide anything the BJP ideology is focused on nationalism and national unity

look at Gujarat it is on par with Punjab in terms of development and has the fastest growing economy of any indian state Vajpayee was the greatest PM of India during the 5 years he was in power 40 million people were brought out of poverty and became apart of the Indian middle class and his continuation of many free market policies helped our growth

i'm guessing you do not like Modi because of 2002... i can understand your feelings of hatred toward him as i feel the same about Congress because of 84 but he was not directly responsible for those horrible events whereas it was the opposite in 84
Bl[i]tZ;2236920 said:
What a preposterous comment!

What we are concerned about is the following -

There are two ways to go ahead with Pak.

1. Talk with them to deal with the issues.

2. Ignore Pakistan and use diplomacy to isloate it. We don't need to do much here. Pakistan is heading towards this with Mach 2 anyway. :P Let them reach their destination of becoming NK of Indian subcontinent.

I want my PM to do #2 and not #1.

Something is burning ;) regarding MMS I believe he has genuine affection for the land of his birth.
Something is burning ;) regarding MMS I believe he has genuine affection for the land of his birth.

Yes, you're right, something is burning since there was a drone strike in SW yesterday. :P

This is the last series of Indian politicians who have any affection for Pakistan just because it was erstwhile India. The new generation is coming and it is going to be indifferent.
yes you may love him but we hate him very much even we Sikhs hate him he is a spineless coward who is looking to weaken India and keep our country from growing Rab Sukh rake Modi will be in power 2014!

Dude, why are you cursing MMS?. This is the same man, whose policies made India what it is today, and took us to a point where
Pakistan cannot match us in any field. This same guy's diplomacy helps India on the global world scenario. He is a great man,
but is surrounded by corrupt coalition partners.
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