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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

Why does China start Stammering in front of a Full Fleged Navy like India, Japan, South Korea, Russia or US? :lol:

These countries you mentioned only look at India as their most valuable customer.

Allies? "Sure, you give me money, I'll protect you by giving you arms; extra charge if you want to know how to use them"
In 10 years time a title will say "China will crush USA"...

anyone who underestimates china is a fool. I hope china fucks the yanks.

You're dreaming. You will not see such title for the coming 100 years. The white man will always dominate the world.
:lol::lol: last time white man come to vietnam we kill you all and you run away crying. :smokin:

You don't understand what I'm saying. I'm talking about scientifically knowledge, military supremacy and cultural superiority. You Asian can never reach that kind of level. Keep dreaming while making some Chả giò.
You don't understand what I'm saying. I'm talking about scientifically knowledge, military supremacy and cultural superiority. You Asian can never reach that kind of level. Keep dreaming while making some Chả giò.

More than anything else, it is their innate aggressiveness and superiority that will keep them on top for the intermediate future.

BTW IMO there is no such thing as cultural superiority, every culture is different and can only judge by each of his own need.
I always find it curious how the Chinese reconcile their contradictions when they constantly attacked America and the West and their democracy, yet they are living in the very same countries and enjoying the very things they vilified. They lauded about China’s over-exaggerated “riches” and all these great and beautiful things about China, yet none of them live China, and they probably wouldn’t even want to return there.
I always find it curious how the Chinese reconcile their contradictions when they constantly attacked America and the West and their democracy, yet they are living in the very same countries and enjoying the very things they vilified. They lauded about China’s over-exaggerated “riches” and all these great and beautiful things about China, yet none of them live China, and they probably wouldn’t even want to return there.

It is a little unfair to point out Chinese alone.

The United States is a country of immigrants, and almost all first generation immigrants, disregard their origins, have their hearts and souls on their motherland. This is only natural and should be understood. From my experiences dealing with people in the US, the second generation on shift their alliances to the land they are born until further down the generations they will forget their ancestors' land.

This phenomenon does not apply to Chinese alone, and it's the same with every other nationality.
Philippine is protected by the US Defense Treaty. <= Don't tell me you didn't know.

As for Vietnam, they vowed to invade the mainland if its islands were seized by China, and Vietnam does stand a good chance of delivering a defeat to the PLA in ground combat.

The only invasion of the mainland that's going on is Vietnamese illegal immigrants jumping the border.

No Vietnamese soldier has ever seen the Chinese side of the border except as a prisoner in all of history. In fact, the same is true for Korean soldiers. No Korean soldier has ever seen China except as a prisoner. However, Chinese soldiers walked confidently on both Vietnam and Korea's territory as conquerors.

You don't understand what I'm saying. I'm talking about scientifically knowledge, military supremacy and cultural superiority. You Asian can never reach that kind of level. Keep dreaming while making some Ch&#7843; giò.

You can't take credit for the Anglo and Slav's achievements, sorry. Genetically, Anglos and Slavs are far different from Italians. Italy was the only European country in all of history to be defeated by an African one.
Vietnam and Philippines ? Are you FRIGGIN' KIDDING ?? They BETTER be able to take those two. AT THE SAME TIME !! BUT Chinas' airforce and navy couldn't crash and burn FAST ENOUGH against the U.S. NOW, and in TEN YEARS. You got a TON of WISHFUL THINKING while your thumb is up YOUR ARSE. Wanna make the Chinese crap their pants ? Cut the Japanese loose !! Let them militarize. Chinese flashbacks would start fast and furious !! CAN YOU SAY... NANKING ? YEAH. I THOUGHT YOU COULD.:usflag::rofl:

The US couldn't militarily defeat China 60 years ago when China was poorer than Africa and US was at the height of its 50's golden age. Instead, US/Korean/15 other nations forces combined were pushed back 400 km and never regained that land ever again.

The US can never militarily defeat China. 1 J-20 = 100 F-15s.
:lol::lol: last time white man come to vietnam we kill you all and you run away crying. :smokin:

The corrupt congress of the U.S. wouldn't let the U.S. win. If ROLLING THUNDER were allowed to escalate, the North would have begged for mercy. But as it is now, VIETNAM and the U.S. are on decent terms...considering.
Another comedian ,vietnam is probally the only country in the world being colonised twice(china and france):rofl: and you telling us vietnam never afraid LMAO, being colonised once is bad enough but twice OMG shameful very very shameful indeed.

You did not do better than us. China was a ONLY "big" country which was divided by 6 powers such as dividing a cake!

File:China imperialism cartoon.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"China -- the cake of kings... and emperors"
The corrupt congress of the U.S. wouldn't let the U.S. win. If ROLLING THUNDER were allowed to escalate, the North would have begged for mercy. But as it is now, VIETNAM and the U.S. are on decent terms...considering.

wrong. US did all it could. That's why it lost 3000 planes. Losing even 10 jet fighter is a disaster, wars have been lost on less. Israel only downed 4 Syrian fighters to win the entire 1973 war. Losing 3000 planes is a disastrous military loss. There aren't even 3000 fighters in the entire US air force now.

Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All told, the U.S. Air Force flew 5.25 million sorties over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, northern and southern Laos, and Cambodia, losing 2,251 aircraft

Twenty-one aircraft carriers conducted 86 war cruises and operated 9,178 total days on the line in the Gulf of Tonkin. 530 aircraft were lost in combat and 329 more to operational causes.

U.S. Marine Corps aircraft lost in combat included 193 fixed-wing and 270 rotary wing aircraft.
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