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US must end discrimination towards Pakistan: Qureshi

The problem with Pakistan isn't that you got your Nuclear tech through unfair means. You are right India, Israel and SA didn't exactly use the right path. But the problem for Pakistan is that, your most esteemed nuclear scientist and national hero ran an illegal nuclear tech mandi for a number of years. And you refuse to either prosecute him or allow him to be interrogated by any other agency. The reasons could be any- Loss of face, revealing of names of other people etc. But this lenient attitude towards nuclear proliferation coupled with a dodgy past is what makes Pakistan a nuclear pariah.
First, since Pakistan is not an NPT signatory, running a proliferation network, primarily to support its own nuclear program, was not 'illegal'.

Secondly, since you accept that India, Israel and SA also obtained nuclear technology covertly, they probably ran their own proliferation networks to do so, so why merely single out Pakistan on this count?

Lastly, Pakistan has not shown leniency towards proliferation since the AQ Khan scandal broke, it has shown leniency towards an individual scientist regarded as a national hero, by not imprisoning him in a jail, but at the same time placing severe restrictions on his freedom.

On the proliferation side Pakistan dismantled the AQ Khan network and arrested all aides of AQ Khan in Pakistan, and shared that information with the international community, along with interrogating on the behalf of the international community AQ Khan. Pakistan also set in place a complex and comprehensive C&C system for its nuclear program, along with multiple systems and processes for security of its nuclear infrastructure and export controls, devised in collaboration and consultation with the international community, specifically the US.

By any account Pakistan has done a significant amount to dismantle the AQ Khan network and taken steps to prevent proliferation by any individual within the Pakistani nuclear program in the future.
The reasons could be any- Loss of face, revealing of names of other people etc. But this lenient attitude towards nuclear proliferation coupled with a dodgy past is what makes Pakistan a nuclear pariah.

Why aren't the US politicians responsible for proliferating to Israel prosecuted? Why aren't the PM and President of Israel prosecuted for involvement with South African nukes?

Qadeer Khan is just a scientist... these people alluded to above who have gotten away scot free were far more in control and more powerful.

If Pakistan is a "nuclear pariah", why is the US not opposing the installation of multiple Chinese nuclear reactors in Pakistan? Given the reality on the ground, your opinion on what constitutes a nuclear pariah status is meaningless. 2x600MW reactors have just been agreed to and a number of 325MW reactors have come online. There is universal consensus that Khushab - another relatively new project - is aimed primarily at nuclear weapons enhancement. Why aren't roadblocks/sanctions and other hindrances being created for Pakistan if we are a "nuclear pariah"? Please buy yourself some perspective.
now this what called a blatant lie.Accusing with no facts.
Provide valid facts along with solid reasoning.till then its just a rolling stone.

This coming from the national of a country which was sanctioned by the Bush administration for helping Iraq's WMD program, does not sound very credible. You must not be very well read on this subject... here is your proof. Now zip it.

The George W. Bush adminstration has sanctioned several Indian entities for transferring technologies and know-how to Iraq and Iran that could contribute to chemical or biological weapons programs. Independent analysts also allege that India’s procurement system for its own nuclear programs could leak or reveal nuclear know-how to other states or non-state actors.

Arms Control and Proliferation Profile: India | Arms Control Association

India illegally diverting heavy water to get around international safeguards
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In July 1998, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) seized eight Kg. of nuclear material from three engineers in Chennai. It was reported that the uranium was stolen from an atomic research center. The case still remains pending. On November 7, 2000, IAEA disclosed that Indian police had seized 57 pounds of uranium and arrested two men for illicit trafficking of radioactive material. IAEA had said that Indian civil nuclear facilities were vulnerable to thefts.

On January 26, 2003, CNN pointed out that Indian company, NEC Engineers Private Ltd. shipped 10 consignments to Iraq, containing highly sensitive equipments entailing titanium vessels and centrifugal pumps.

In 2004, when the issue of international nuclear black market came to surface, Pakistani nuclear scientist, Dr. A.Q. Khan was only blamed by America and Europe for proliferation activities by neglecting the western nationals and especially those of India. While in February, same year, India’s Ambassador to Libya, Dinkar Srivastava revealed that New Delhi was investigating that retired Indian scientists could possibly be engaged in “high technology programs” for financial gains during employment in the Libyan government.

In December 2005, United States imposed sanctions on two Indian firms for selling missile goods and chemical arms material to Iran in violation of India’s commitment to prevent proliferation. In the same year, Indian scientists, Dr. Surendar and Y. S. R Prasad had been blacklisted by Washington due to their involvement in nuclear theft. In December 2006, a container packed with radioactive material had been stolen from an Indian fortified research atomic facility near Mumbai.


Stolen: 19 Computers with Top-Secret Info on India's Nuclear Programs - Democratic Underground

Brief examples India's nuclear security record

"Nineteen computers belonging to top-secret establishments of the Defence Research and Development Organisation at Metcalfe House near ISBT have been stolen. For the moment, the defence establishment has no answers - only red faces. 'We don't even know the extent of loss of strategic data,' said sources at the Ministry of Defence. What's worrying the defence establishment is that the DRDO has provided the encryption back-up for protecting strategic communications in the context of India's nuclear arsenal."

Stolen: 19 Computers with Top-Secret Info on India's Nuclear Programs - Democratic Underground

BEIJING — China-based hackers stole Indian national security information

Researchers says China-based hackers stole India security information, Dalai Lama e-mails

Source: Indian Express

Tilak Rai Wednesday, Sep 10, 2008

The West Khasi police arrested four persons for trying to sell a kilogram of uranium that was reportedly stolen from the Atomic Mineral Division (AMD). The packet had the seal of the AMD and Government of India. Those arrested include the headman of Lumkya village in Ri-Bhoi district, Samuel Nongmalieh. This is the second time this year that the police have arrested people trying to sell “yellow cake” in a packet with seals of the AMD and GoI.

Irresponsible India and Al Qaeda’s Nuclear Bomb | Technology | MediaVerso.com
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