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US may be India's future gas source

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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Gas-abundant US could emerge as the future supply source for energy-starved India.

With the crash in US gas prices, a dozen of gas importing terminals are in the process of converting to export terminals. For India, which faces an increasing demand-supply gap, it makes sense to explore gas imports from the US.

India’s biggest gas importer, Petronet LNG, has started talks with two companies. GAIL is also keen to source US gas. It recently signed an agreement to import 3.5 million tonnes (mt) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Sabine Pass, a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy. US has, so far, allowed only Cheniere Energy to export LNG from Sabine Pass terminal.

Qatar is the main import source at the moment.

“There are a dozen import terminals in the US who have applied for conversion to export terminals. Some of them are functional, while some are under construction. Some just had approvals to built terminals. They all now want to export. We are in talks with two such US companies, but I cannot name them at this stage,” said A K Balyan, managing director and chief executive officer, Petronet LNG.

“They may put some restriction. But if prices remain same, it would be attractive to look at the US market. The landed cost, considering whatever projections are available, may still be competitive,” he added.

Shale gas, natural gas formed from being trapped within shale formations, in the US has turned the market there from shortage to glut.

According to the US Energy Information Administration, the US has the world’s second-biggest shale gas reserve of 862 trillion cubic feet (tcf) after China’s 1,275 tcf. The boom has led to a crash in the US gas prices and proved a negative for companies such as Chesapeake and Exxon Mobil’s XTO.

The US gas price is currently in a range of $2.5 to 3 per million British thermal units (mBtu). In India, domestic gas is sold between a price range of $4.2 and $5.65 per mBtu. Imported gas is sold for $13-14 per mBtu. Of the 46.236 mt gas consumed in the country, imports account for 10.13 mt.

“Export of gas by the US will give support to domestic prices there. However, large exports may take four-five years, during which, the importing terminals will be converted to exporting terminals,” said an analyst.

For India, imported gas has become important in the event of an uncertain domestic output. RIL-operated Krishna Godavari D6 block, the country’s biggest gas field, has seen a 50 per cent drop in output since last financial year.

US may be India's future gas source
Shale gas is new big thing, reliance has also invested.
This is a good news and surprising. Although US is one of the few countries to have huge gas and oil reserves, it does not sell its gas and oil to other countries, but believes in exhausting natural reserves of other countries before using theirs. Surprising I should say
USA as a name itself sounds like a villain

true said. i mean come on yaar wtf we need from usa. we r not pakistan and have everything we need. we have the worlds fastest growing auto industry, we r completely independent in producing out heavy industry materials and quickly becoming independent in weapons. we will soon have our own gps system and out electronics industry will soon be as advanced as the developed world.

for natural resources we should deal with persia and arab. our trade with america should be only industrial and financial and service. india should never be dependent on america for anything.
no stay away from the america, dont need thier gas. look towards the arab and persia.

US is more dependable than either Arab or Persia, and certainly more stable. The action is more strategic than about the gas. It is really good to see US India relationship evolve to this point.
true said. i mean come on yaar wtf we need from usa. we r not pakistan and have everything we need. we have the worlds fastest growing auto industry, we r completely independent in producing out heavy industry materials and quickly becoming independent in weapons. we will soon have our own gps system and out electronics industry will soon be as advanced as the developed world.

for natural resources we should deal with persia and arab. our trade with america should be only industrial and financial and service. india should never be dependent on america for anything.

And from does come Pakistan ? Cant you idiots refrain from trolling...obsession is limitless that even you have to compare you super power country with Pakistan to get attention.
US is more dependable than either Arab or Persia, and certainly more stable. The action is more strategic than about the gas. It is really good to see US India relationship evolve to this point.

I can't believe you are saying that. They put unreasonable sanctions whenever they feel like. Ok, probably have them as one of the suppliers but not the only supplier.

And from does come Pakistan ? Cant you idiots refrain from trolling...obsession is limitless that even you have to compare you super power country with Pakistan to get attention.

@Karan21- Dude, let's leave it there. Don't bring Pakistan.

Samran Ali- Sorry.
I can't believe you are saying that. They put unreasonable sanctions whenever they feel like. Ok, probably have them as one of the suppliers but not the only supplier.

@Karan21- Dude, let's leave it there. Don't bring Pakistan.

Samran Ali- Sorry.

all i am saying that india should not deal with america when it comes to natural resources. screw them. if tom something happens they say no more. dont deal with america in anything that makes us dependent on them. india never takes loans from america for infra or anything. our foreign policy makers know this assholle country. they will always bite u.
google fracking or hydraulic fracturing, this gas comes with a price, and unless a more clean way is found to get this gas, it will not be extracted, since it will pollute all ground water beyond repair.
all i am saying that india should not deal with america when it comes to natural resources. screw them. if tom something happens they say no more. dont deal with america in anything that makes us dependent on them. india never takes loans from america for infra or anything. our foreign policy makers know this assholle country. they will always bite u.

If it wasn't for Americans like Norman Borlaug you probably would not even exist today :). Why don't you educate yourself on how the US held India's hand post independence with massive aid and support to every public institution from state owned enterprise to fertilizer plants, power generation, irrigation, hospitals and education, institutes that you now take for granted.

Go read the history of your space program and see which 'assholle' country helped India set it up. I hope you know which 'assholle' country's air force was patrolling the skies of India in 1962/63 after India received a sound beating from China. Ever heard of IIT? Go learn its history and contributions the country you refer to as 'assholle' made to CISR that resulted in learning institutes like IIT.
If it wasn't for Americans like Norman Borlaug you probably would not even exist today :). Why don't you educate yourself on how the US held India's hand post independence with massive aid and support to every public institution from state owned enterprise to fertilizer plants, power generation, irrigation, hospitals and education, institutes that you now take for granted.

Go read the history of your space program and see which 'assholle' country helped India set it up. I hope you know which 'assholle' country's air force was patrolling the skies of India in 1962/63 after India received a sound beating from China. Ever heard of IIT? Go learn its history and contributions the country you refer to as 'assholle' made to CISR that resulted in learning institutes like IIT.

Thankyou for your kindness.....Its the same "assholle" country which send ACs and war ships to attack India in 1971,and its the same "asshole" country which encouraged china to attack during 1971 war and told Iran and British to send their warships and aircrafts to support Pakistan in 1971,and for your kind info its the same "assholle" country which imposed technological sanctions on India ,which severely scrambled India research and domestic Industries,Thank you "assholle" country.
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