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US man dies after botched execution

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
Lethal Injection or Sword? which is less painfull? You decide


April 30, 2014

US man dies after botched execution

Problems likely to intensify the debate over how states handle lethal injections

Oklahoma prison officials halted an inmate’s execution after a new drug combination left the man writhing and clenching his teeth on the gurney. He later died of a heart attack after the execution was halted, and its problems were likely to intensify the debate over how states handle lethal injections.

Clayton Lockett, 38, was declared unconscious 10 minutes after the first of three drugs in the state’s new lethal injection combination was administered Tuesday. Three minutes later, though, he began breathing heavily, writhing, clenching his teeth and straining to lift his head off the pillow.

The blinds were eventually lowered to prevent those in the viewing gallery from watching what was happening in the death chamber, and the state’s top prison official eventually called a halt to the proceedings. Lockett died of a heart attack a short time later, the Department of Corrections said.

“It was a horrible thing to witness. This was totally botched,” said Lockett’s attorney, David Autry.

The problems with the execution are likely to fuel more debate about the ability of states to administer lethal injections that meet the U.S. Constitution’s requirement they be neither cruel nor unusual punishment. That question has drawn renewed attention from defense attorneys and death penalty opponents in recent months, as several states scrambled to find new sources of execution drugs because drugmakers that oppose capital punishment - many based in Europe - have stopped selling to US prisons and corrections departments.

In Ohio, the January execution of an inmate who made snorting and gasping sounds led to a civil rights lawsuit by his family and calls for a moratorium. The state has stood by the execution but said Monday that it’s boosting the dosages of its lethal injection drugs.

Defence attorneys have unsuccessfully challenged several states’ policies of shielding the identities of the source of their execution drugs. Missouri and Texas, like Oklahoma, have both refused to reveal their sources and both of those states have carried out executions with their new supplies.

Tuesday was the first time Oklahoma used the sedative midazolam as the first element in its execution drug combination. Other states have used it before” Florida administers 500 milligrams of midazolam as part of its three-drug combination. Oklahoma used 100 milligrams of that drug.

“They should have anticipated possible problems with an untried execution protocol,” Autry said. “Obviously the whole thing was gummed up and botched from beginning to end. Halting the execution obviously did Lockett no good.”

Republican Gov. Mary Fallin ordered a 14-day stay of execution for an inmate who was scheduled to die two hours after Lockett, Charles Warner. She also ordered the state’s Department of Corrections to conduct a “full review of Oklahoma’s execution procedures to determine what happened and why during this evening’s execution.”

Robert Patton, the department’s director, halted Lockett’s execution about 20 minutes after the first drug was administered. He later said there had been vein failure.

The execution began at 6:23 pm., when officials began administering the midazolam. A doctor declared Lockett to be unconscious at 6:33 pm.

Once an inmate is declared unconscious, the state’s execution protocol calls for the second drug, a paralytic, to be administered. The third drug in the protocol is potassium chloride, which stops the heart. Patton said the second and third drugs were being administered when a problem was noticed. He said it’s unclear how much of the drugs made it into the inmate’s system.

Lockett began writhing at 6:36. At 6:39, a doctor lifted the sheet that was covering the inmate to examine the injection site.

“There was some concern at that time that the drugs were not having that (desired) effect, and the doctor observed the line at that time and determined the line had blown,” Patton said at a news conference afterward, referring to Lockett’s vein rupturing.

After an official lowered the blinds, Patton made a series of phone calls before calling a halt to the execution.

“After conferring with the warden, and unknown how much drugs went into him, it was my decision at that time to stop the execution,” Patton told reporters.

Lockett was declared dead at 7:06 pm.

Autry, Lockett’s attorney, was immediately sceptical of the department’s determination that the issue was limited to a problem with Lockett’s vein.

“I’m not a medical professional, but Mr Lockett was not someone who had compromised veins,” Autry said. “He was in very good shape. He had large arms and very prominent veins.”

The American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma, which was not a party in the legal challenge to the state’s execution law, called for an immediate moratorium on state executions.

“This evening we saw what happens when we allow the government to act in secret at its most powerful moment and the consequences of trading due process for political posturing,” said ACLU executive director Ryan Kiesel.

US man dies after botched execution | GulfNews.com
Cutting the head off is the quickest and least painful way to pass one on.

You sure dude? People dont instantly die after their heads come off, its well known that some heads severed by guillotine continue to blink with eye movement.

50 cal in the head is messy but probably a sure instakill.
Or we may kill people the happy way.. giving continuous orgasms might be the way to go. :tongue:
Lethal Injection or Sword? which is less painfull? You decide


Bring in the firing squad

Cutting the head off is the quickest and least painful way to pass one on.

Head chopping is not as easy as it sounds. You need to strike exactly between C2 and C3 vertebrae in order to cleave head in a single stroke. Hitting anywhere else on neck cause blunt fore trauma and requires multiple hits.

You sure dude? People dont instantly die after their heads come off, its well known that some heads severed by guillotine continue to blink with eye movement.

50 cal in the head is messy but probably a sure instakill.

Gullitone still would be much more humane than beheading by Sword. A 50-Cal would kill instantly only if it hits medulla oblongata for which it has to be delivered at very close range.

Probably most painless way of dying is

Inert gas asphyxiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@anonymus I don't think any country will start gassing anybody no matter how painless considering the history behind gassing lol.
How about ending Death Penalty all together?

& You guys are f'ed up. The 8 Amendment was created to stop all of the things you guys just listed:

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially the part about the "Cruel & Unusual punishment"

Cruel and unusual punishment is a phrase describing punishment which is considered unacceptable due to the suffering, pain, or humiliation it inflicts on the person subjected to it.

Cruel and unusual punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How about ending Death Penalty all together?

& You guys are f'ed up. The 8 Amendment was created to stop all of the things you guys just listed:

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially the part about the "Cruel & Unusual punishment"

Cruel and unusual punishment is a phrase describing punishment which is considered unacceptable due to the suffering, pain, or humiliation it inflicts on the person subjected to it.

Cruel and unusual punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i agree. They should stop this. US and china have unusually high death penalty.
Doesn't sound 'botched' to me. He's dead. If you saw what this animal and his buddies did to the girls they kidnapped you would be sick. **** 'em !!!:tdown:

Good riddance!

They should have done this at this point:

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Doesn't sound 'botched' to me. He's dead. If you saw what this animal and his buddies did to the girls they kidnapped you would be sick. **** 'em !!!:tdown:

I am not against the death penalty.

I started this thread for the members just to debate which form of execution is less painful.
@anonymus I don't think any country will start gassing anybody no matter how painless considering the history behind gassing lol.

You will be surprised to know that United States has a history of using gas chambers for execution, even after the part of history that you are indicating was discovered.Probably some of the states in US still have that as a method of execution.

The difference is in the way the gas is administered.The Germans used Zyklon B to administer the gas, which is nothing but pellets made of absorbent materials that gives away hydrogen cyanide in room temperature.The US prisons probably used to add acid to Sodium Cyanide to create hydrogen cyanide gas inside the gas chamber.
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