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US lawmaker to move bill to stop aid to Pakistan

please tell me on whose behalf are you making this judgement? Kiyani, Pasha? who? im very curious.

doesn't need aid my @$$...

It really doesn't. The cost of being in this war is too high for this 'aid'. It brings negative revenue to Pakistan, you just need to open your eyes & look at the realities of the situation.
I think we REALLY need to have a concerted effort in finding out how much actually is this 'BILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR' aid after factoring in loss to the economy, the compensation paid for services, high salaries of foreign staff, buying weapons which are mostly of no use...
I think Pakistani economy is so tied to the West that a mere squeeze in textiles will force millions into even more poverty. However, still it would help to have all facts available before making such decisions.

PS. Contrary to what some say here the Pressler Amendment induced sanctions were never that harsh--want to know sanctions then study what Iraq went through the 90s. They were real sanctions.
It really doesn't. The cost of being in this war is too high for this 'aid'. It brings negative revenue to Pakistan, you just need to open your eyes & look at the realities of the situation.

YES pakistan does need aid for a few more years. After stabilizing the economy, it has to generate money from within the country. For that economic reforms have to start today. If pakistan feels that money for WoT is not reaching common man, it is not mistaken. Money for WoT is meant only for Armed Forces of Pakistan.

It is for the Armed forces and Civilian Govt to discuss where to funnel the money inside pakistan. If your forces and govt are not able to do that, then question them, question the Govt.
I will thank Allah when the aid stops. The corrupt politicians will stop minting money. We made more progress without aid and aid makes us less productive. JF-17, Pakistan nuclear program, educational institutions, Al-Khalid Tanks, missiles, all prospered under sanctions and when Western Governments did not want to issue visas to Pakistani students. When I was in Islambad a few years ago, just in twin cities tere were 118,000 students just in private and state colleges/universities. That is all the result of lack of foreign visas.

Allah, please convince US to stop our aid, so we can stop our politicians from stealing.

Good to hear that you made progress without our money, but wondering what brought you here?
Pakistan Armed Forces and intelligence need a reorganization.
I will thank Allah when the aid stops. The corrupt politicians will stop minting money. We made more progress without aid and aid makes us less productive. JF-17, Pakistan nuclear program, educational institutions, Al-Khalid Tanks, missiles, all prospered under sanctions and when Western Governments did not want to issue visas to Pakistani students. When I was in Islambad a few years ago, just in twin cities tere were 118,000 is private and state colleges/universities. That is all the result of lack of foreign visas.

Allah, please convince US to stop our aid, so we can stop our politicians from stealing.
Well not going into specifics but do keep in mind that aid do play a part in your economic recovery.....Banning/halting of aid will give a very negative signal to investors. WB has already declined to release the loan that GOP was seeking....Last thing that GOP would want at this stage is another signal that US is no longer backing her....
Well not going into specifics but do keep in mind that aid do play a part in your economic recovery.....Banning/halting of aid will give a very negative signal to investors. WB has already declined to release the loan that GOP was seeking....Last thing that GOP would want at this stage is another signal that US is no longer backing her....

As A.M pointed out, the cutting of this aid is exactly what we need to kick our politicians to enact reforms. State Owned Companies loose $3 billion annually, they have to be subsidized by the tax payers of Pakistan. The sale of these companies will generate more in revenue for Pakistan than what the US Government is giving us. Also dont be fooled by what the Americans say, they might have committed to giving out Pakistan $1.5 billion in aid annually but they only have released $300 million. Thus, cutting of this aid will have minimal effect on Pakistan.
Dikha di na apni oakat......................

My oakat is much more better then yours hater atleast i don't have hate inside me like you jerk... you are nothing but wasteless hater and troll.
Nothing of this equals to the pressure and sanctions we faced in 90s and Alhumdulliah came out sucessfully..to hell with american aid.....
This so called "american aid" has only generated corruption and helped incompetent leaders like zardari to come into power...this so called aid is actually a major disease...please stop this aid...

You came out of it because of 9/11 and subsequent focus of USA in the area....
please tell me on whose behalf are you making this judgement? Kiyani, Pasha? who? im very curious.

doesn't need aid my @$$...

First you want the Pakistani establishment to be independent of the US & it's influence, you hate the fact that the Pakistani Army has been bought by the US & is too subservient to it, & when Pakistan is being getting rid off this 'aid', you bash them again, saying that it needs this 'aid'. Which one is it? This is the kind of double talk I hate from people.
Yes, please stop the aid, e do not need aid. We need trade. US can use the money to reduce their own deficit. Stopping aid will stop our politicins from corruption.
please tell me on whose behalf are you making this judgement? Kiyani, Pasha? who? im very curious.

doesn't need aid my @$$...

I think it will be very fair to say that the vast majority of Pakistanis living in Pakistan would agree that cutting down the american involvment in our country is the need of the our.

Aid is used as leverage against Pakistan to make us conform to the american world view even if that world view is not in Pakistan's favour.
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