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US keen to partner India on defence modernisation


Sep 18, 2011
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WASHINGTON (PTI): The United States is keen to partner with India in its defence modernisation drive, the Pentagon has said amidst calls from the Indian armed forces for involving private sector in developing country's defence infrastructure and a strong manufacturing base.

"As we've often noted, we want India to have all of the capabilities it needs to meet its security needs and we want to be a key partner in that effort," the Defence Department spokesman, Jeffrey S Pool, told PTI.

"It's encouraging to see a call for changes to the FDI limits, and we continue to welcome greater private sector involvement as well," Pool said.

Pool was responding to question on a recent statement by the Air Marshal PP Reddy VM, DG (Inspection & Safety) of the Indian Air Force that Indian industry requires tax holidays and more industry friendly import and export regimes.

Research and Development funds should also be made available to the private sector companies, the IAF official had said early this week at the inaugural Session of 8th International Conference on Energising Indian Aerospace Industry in New Delhi.

The United States has already placed India in the category of 'closest partners' for defence cooperation.

The Joint Declaration on Defence Cooperation arrived at between the two sides in September says that they "look forward to the identification of specific opportunities for cooperative and collaborative projects in advanced defence technologies and systems, within the next year".

Such a move is the next step of defence co-operation and trade given that defence trade has shown significant growth in recent years with aggregate worth of defence acquisitions from US crossing USD 9 billion.

Soon after the White House meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama, the Deputy Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter had said the industry on both sides is enthusiastic about these proposals.

"Now it's in India's court. But it's only been two-and-a-half weeks or so since I left. And I'm going to do another round of them here, where we're going to go out to US industry again, because in the first round, I think we got a lot of very good proposals, but they were mostly from companies that had done some business in India and had kind of figured out how to work with India," he had said.

"We also want to draw in companies that haven't tried India yet or have been afraid to deal with India, and I believe we can reduce those barriers to entry to the point where India is a very attractive market," Carter said.

Cater in October had said the US has submitted a white paper explaining where India falls within US export control system.

"The paper we sent them covered several key areas from export controls rules themselves to end use monitoring and the need to identify proposals for co-production and co-development," Carter had said at the Center for American Progress.

US keen to partner India on defence modernisation - Brahmand.com

@Capt.Popeye, @sancho, @Srinivas - what do you make of it? they target next year to bring in some radical changes.
Then it all fits in whatever I was speculating at.
Next news related to all this will be Hawkeyes.

The most uncertain question here is - how does it fit into how much tech knowhow will the US be willing Indian industries to get based on the standard statements that "Russia is always ready to part with tech knowhow and the US will not".

"As we've often noted, we want India to have all of the capabilities it needs to meet its security needs and we want to be a key partner in that effort," the Defence Department spokesman, Jeffrey S Pool, told PTI.
Partnering USA is always a tricky one, They won't transfer technologies and they can put restrictions on India in times of war which may render the equipment useless.

India should not get overwhelmed by US defense industries rather go for JV's if possible with TOT.
The most uncertain question here is - how does it fit into how much tech knowhow will the US be willing Indian industries to get based on the standard statements that "Russia is always ready to part with tech knowhow and the US will not".

Specifically; wrt to EMALS: not much, bits and pieces. Offsets and such-like.
That does not matter----how many EMALS outfit sets will we want to buy install and operate?
Partnering USA is always a tricky one, They won't transfer technologies and they can put restrictions on India in times of war which may render the equipment useless.

India should not get overwhelmed by US defense industries rather go for JV's if possible with TOT.

All the reactions and statements say otherwise - is it possible to believe that we have moved beyond that stage of uncertainty? @Abingdonboy, @Dillinger
Specifically; wrt to EMALS: not much, bits and pieces. Offsets and such-like.
That does not matter----how many EMALS outfit sets will we want to buy install and operate?

I think we are moving ahead, all those proposals by Ashton Carter are probably on the table already.
All the reactions and statements say otherwise - is it possible to believe that we have moved beyond that stage of uncertainty? @Abingdonboy, @Dillinger

I think we are moving ahead, all those proposals by Ashton Carter are probably on the table already.

As long as a MRO/M-TOT package is provided with spares being stocked and rotables coming from in-country no amount of sanctions will effect us unless a MLU or complete refurbishing is required. As such we have not much to fear. As to those wondering, there is nothing called full TOT..even the Russians don't subscribe to that notion..
As long as a MRO/M-TOT package is provided with spares being stocked and rotables coming from in-country no amount of sanctions will effect us unless a MLU or complete refurbishing is required. As such we have not much to fear. As to those wondering, there is nothing called full TOT..even the Russians don't subscribe to that notion..

Exactly, this goes well with the suggestion that we have a variable TOT or in house production condition so has to not derail any tie ups.
As long as a MRO/M-TOT package is provided with spares being stocked and rotables coming from in-country no amount of sanctions will effect us unless a MLU or complete refurbishing is required. As such we have not much to fear. As to those wondering, there is nothing called full TOT..even the Russians don't subscribe to that notion..

TOT is a Great Mantra to recite again and again. But it does not get us any closer to Heaven !
I really don't believe these kinda statements.
Last time when similar statement was released "Javelin" was denied ;)

I hope they mean it this time.
@Capt.Popeye and @Abingdonboy are very certain but did anybody notice there is no official response from Indian side on both occasion or did I miss that ???

+ nobody seems to be interested in UCAVs not even predator
I really don't believe these kinda statements.
Last time when similar statement was released "Javelin" was denied ;)

I hope they mean it this time.
@Capt.Popeye and @Abingdonboy are very certain but did anybody notice there is no official response from Indian side on both occasion or did I miss that ???

+ nobody seems to be interested in UCAVs not even predator

Ummmm; As of now there only seem to be news reports. But I 'd think that there is some subtance to it. Not on the basis of the direct news report, but on the basis of all the attendant "chatter" .
But Mr.J.Hungary is likely to take umbrage at that, then !

The Javelin is not a case that is in parallel. Why? Because of the numbers involved.
And precisely because of the numbers, GOI will need to and will have to hold out for TOT. Likewise the IA was impressed by the Strykers, with the same issues involved. There is another common issue there, cost of acquisition of both. IA's Budgeted allocations are not open-ended. Hence I was sceptical then as well as now about both of those.

This is rather different in character. And the leaves in the wind seem to be more favorable.
Ummmm; As of now there only seem to be news reports. But I 'd think that there is some subtance to it. Not on the basis of the direct news report, but on the basis of all the attendant "chatter" .
But Mr.J.Hungary is likely to take umbrage at that, then !

The Javelin is not a case that is in parallel. Why? Because of the numbers involved.
And precisely because of the numbers, GOI will need to and will have to hold out for TOT. Likewise the IA was impressed by the Strykers, with the same issues involved. There is another common issue there, cost of acquisition of both. IA's Budgeted allocations are not open-ended. Hence I was sceptical then as well as now about both of those.

This is rather different in character. And the leaves in the wind seem to be more favorable.
US is a strange nation when Bush was leaning to India the whole administration was against it and now it seems Obama is doing it in the pressure from administration ;)

Even though some of news came out about trusting india with tech lets say Javelin was a economic problem But we were denied C2 system based on Delta Land warrior program and even US companies were not allowed to do consultancy work in 2012. Now according to another thread we are taking Israeli help.
Point being Uncle Sam's actions and words are not matching
US is a strange nation when Bush was leaning to India the whole administration was against it and now it seems Obama is doing it in the pressure from administration ;)

Even though some of news came out about trusting india with tech lets say Javelin was a economic problem But we were denied C2 system based on Delta Land warrior program and even US companies were not allowed to do consultancy work in 2012. Now according to another thread we are taking Israeli help.
Point being Uncle Sam's actions and words are not matching

US never gives key tech to other nations... specially with ToT...
guys americans consider them vulnerable and at same time sardonic to..

and funny things about americans is
see this--american movies--

1-every alien attacks america
2-every villian is russian
3-america has greatest weapons like aricraft carrier which moves in air
4-america always wins
5-schools focuses less in studies and more on basketball
6-every college has sex parties
7-every supernatural being exists in america like vampires werewolfs..
8-most of american citizens are undercover cop
9-america is most peice loving country
last but not least
10-american army always wins
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