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US fueling arms race in Asia - Telegraph UK



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Aug 23, 2009
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India was once a bulwark against cold war militarism – but now, under US influence, it is buying weapons at an alarming rate

"We both seek a more secure world for our citizens," wrote US secretary of state Hillary Clinton on the eve of her recent visit to India last month.

Clinton made no secret of the prospects of stronger ties between the US and India. With its ever-growing economy and regional clout, large pool of labour and equally massive markets, India is a juicy prospect for American planners, and business.
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It seems Pakistan is visibly distressed at India's giant economic and military leaps. But they shouldn't be worried. Most Indians do not have any hidden motives to capture or destroy. But we do have our global aspirations -

India was once a bulwark against cold war militarism – but now, under US influence, it is buying weapons at an alarming rate

Article has wrong conclusions i think. India was already in the market before relations warmed up with the U.S.. And the continued animosity between India and Pakistan shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. Which means Inida wants to upgrade its defenses. India could also see a weakness in it's long time partner Russia being able to sustain it's industrial base, technology, and economy. In fact it is India that has kept the PAK-FA project alive with cash.
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It seems Pakistan is visibly distressed at India's giant economic and military leaps. But they shouldn't be worried. Most Indians do not have any hidden motives to capture or destroy. But we do have our global aspirations -


not as much as india moans about Pakistan acquiring weapons be it F-16s, Type-214, or heck even UAVs.
global aspirations? for sure pakistan and china wont let that happen.... and indian people have no "hidden motives to capture or destroy" pakistan? dont know about that but one thing is for sure the amount of propaganda indian media creates in india last year almost 90% of indians wanted to go to war with pakistan and politicians used that platform to win elections..
not as much as india moans about Pakistan acquiring weapons be it F-16s, Type-214, or heck even UAVs.
global aspirations? for sure pakistan and china wont let that happen.... and indian people have no "hidden motives to capture or destroy" pakistan? dont know about that but one thing is for sure the amount of propaganda indian media creates in india last year almost 90% of indians wanted to go to war with pakistan and politicians used that platform to win elections..

Nothing anyone can do about it....with economic growth comes money to buy a lot of stuff.Pakistan has no money so she will always lag.
not as much as india moans about Pakistan acquiring weapons be it F-16s, Type-214, or heck even UAVs.
global aspirations? for sure pakistan and china wont let that happen....


Well.. Pakistan has little say in international affairs, be political or economic. The only international organization in which Pakistan can claim to have some sought of influence is Organization of Islamic Countries. Thats about it. So, the issue of "Pakistan hindering India's global aspirations" is laughable. At best, it can support more Mumbai-like terrorist attacks but these attacks have shown that Pakistan will suffer even more if it continues with such tactics as India will gain more international sympathy and Pakistan will get more isolated.

Regarding China.. in 2008, its trade with India grew faster than with any other country. With deepening economic relations, China's stance has mellowed down as seen during the border talks. Anyways, China alone cannot change India's rise - this was witnessed during NSG waiver and ADB's economic aid package - both these organizations went ahead with their pro-India decisions despite large-scale opposition from China.

To end, there is no way the Indian juggernaut is going to stop unless Indians themselves hit their foot with a hammer.

It seems Pakistan is visibly distressed at India's giant economic and military leaps. But they shouldn't be worried. Most Indians do not have any hidden motives to capture or destroy. But we do have our global aspirations -


East Pakistan. :agree:
Pakistan can stop the war in afganistan in its tracks just by stopping the supply lines and the world know this (and USA knows this). India does not control more than 40% of its territory (naxalities etc). Put your ownhouse in order before you embark (misadventure) on your global aspirations.
Pakistan can stop the war in afganistan in its tracks just by stopping the supply lines and the world know this (and USA knows this). India does not control more than 40% of its territory (naxalities etc). Put your ownhouse in order before you embark (misadventure) on your global aspirations.

You really think that Pakistan has a choice in allowing the US thro to Afghanistan? It was made very clear to your president Musharaff what will happen if Pakistan did not help the US against the Taliban after 9/11.
East Pakistan. :agree:

Those were different circumstances.

Had Bengalis themselves not revolted against Pakistani government, had Pakistan not killed thousands of innocent civilians, had these people not immigrated in large numbers to India, we would not have intervened in East Pakistan.

Had we actually captured East Pakistan, then you could rightfully say that Indians have an expansionist policy.
Those were different circumstances.

Had Bengalis themselves not revolted against Pakistani government, had Pakistan not killed thousands of innocent civilians, had these people not immigrated in large numbers to India, we would not have intervened in East Pakistan.

Had we actually captured East Pakistan, then you could rightfully say that Indians have an expansionist policy.

Then Pakistan doing the right thing to apply same logic to Kashmir problem. :tup:
Then Pakistan doing the right thing to apply same logic to Kashmir problem. :tup:

Hmm.. you mean targeting innocent civilians? :tdown:

We fought our war face-to-face with your army, we didn't fight our war against unarmed women and children. Only eunuchs fight or support such a war.
Then Pakistan doing the right thing to apply same logic to Kashmir problem. :tup:

And besides, there is a lot difference between the anti-India sentiment in Kashmir and the anti-Pakistan in erstwhile East Pakistan.

Firstly, several pro-India political parties like NC and PDP are extremely popular in J&K. Anti-India sentiment in Kashmir valley is not as widespread as Pakistanis are made to believe.

Secondly, India is not economically neglecting Kashmir similar to the way Pakistan neglected East Pakistan. As a matter of fact, Kashmir is one of the largest recipients of state-grants.

Thirdly, Kashmir enjoys fair rights and representation in terms of politics be it autonomy, democracy or seats in the Indian parliament.

Fourthly, agreed that Indian security forces have made some blunders. But some of these atrocities are nothing compared to those committed under Operation Searchlight. At least we are willing to accept our mistakes and strive to correct them.

Kashmir valley has and will always remain a part of India. Slowly but surely India will improve over its mistakes and eventually peace will prevail.

It seems Pakistan is visibly distressed at India's giant economic and military leaps. But they shouldn't be worried. Most Indians do not have any hidden motives to capture or destroy. But we do have our global aspirations -


Global aspirations indeed.

A country where over 800 million people don,t have access to a sh..ter (toilet) or clean water and because of their religous beliefs are not allowed to progress and even buy land or property. Oh yeah this is a solid basis for becoming a super power. More like a solid basis for future disintegration.
India without a doubt has made strides in its economy and improved its financial standing, but it still beggers belief that such money would be used on its global "military" aspirations rather than getting rid of poverty, disease, corruption and racist and bias cultural issues.
Regarding the issue of pakistan being distressed, my friend whether we purchase massive amounts of weapons or not your Bharat Mata knows that if it comes to the crunch pakistan has the capability to give the whole of bharat a nuclear pyre all at once (do teen dhamako mai tumhara ram naam sath kar de gey), so please don,t worry about us being distressed.

You really think that Pakistan has a choice in allowing the US thro to Afghanistan? It was made very clear to your president Musharaff what will happen if Pakistan did not help the US against the Taliban after 9/11.

Listen mate, you worry about your exit strategy and don,t make it a disgracefull one like embassy tops in vietnaam.
Global aspirations indeed.

A country where over 800 million people don,t have access to a sh..ter (toilet) or clean water and because of their religous beliefs are not allowed to progress and even buy land or property. Oh yeah this is a solid basis for becoming a super power. More like a solid basis for future disintegration.
India without a doubt has made strides in its economy and improved its financial standing, but it still beggers belief that such money would be used on its global "military" aspirations rather than getting rid of poverty, disease, corruption and racist and bias cultural issues.

I don't understand the fascination some people have here with poverty in India. Pakistanis pointing out poor people in India who lack basic needs is laughable.

How many of you know that India has a higher per capita income (PPP and nominal) than Pakistan according to World Bank, CIA and IMF? We are ahead in almost every socio-economic index, be Human Development Index, literacy rate, or Quality of Life index. Yes, our income inequality is a bit higher than that of Pakistan's but thats about it. So.. why do Pakistanis keep taunting India about poor people? Anyways, according to current estimate our capita income will more than quadruple by 2020 -


And by 2050, we will have one of Asia's highest per capita income. Our per capita GDP will rise to $20,800+ while Pakistan's per capita GDP would be a mere $7,500 -


I'm not trying to criticize or ridicule Pakistan but seriously, cut this "poor India" crap.

And what do you talk about people not being able to buy land because of religious beliefs? Are you referring to Emraan Hashmi's allegations? That same guy who backed out from his allegations putting the blame on miscommunication and was criticized by several Muslim org. including Indian-Islamic Cultural Center? You tell me.. how many non-Muslims have become President of Pakistan? How many non-Muslims are there among Pakistan Rich List? How many non-Muslims are there in Pakistan's entertainment industry? Yes, some disgraceful incidents like Gujarat riots have taken place in the past, but India has learned from its mistakes. Tell me.. how many times did the BJP win general elections after Gujarat riots? Answer - not even once. The BJP was even kicked out of Orissa after anti-Christian riots there in 2008. And all this stands testimony to the secular democratic fabric of India.

And you talk about disease and other issues? Have a look at this -


India has made massive strides in most socio-economic aspects. Top Asian science and tech schools -

Asiaweek.com | Asia's Best Universities 2000 | Overall Ranking

And 2nd best Business school in Asia -

Business school rankings and MBA rankings from the Financial Times

We have our share of problems - malnutrition, environmental degradation, and poverty. But there is no need to point these problems out, especially to us Indians. We know what problems plague India. Thanks but no thanks.

Most Indians wouldn't even care to reply to such ignorant taunts. We are all aware of the anti-India propaganda in Pakistani media. So.. say whatever you want, it makes no difference as your taunts only depict ignorance.

And, by the way, it is not as if only Indians talk about India as a potential superpower -

India Rising | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
India's surprise is the world's hope | csmonitor.com

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