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US eyeing Kashmir for military base

Any form of foreign installation on Indian soil is absolutely out of the question China or no China. KENT get your head out of your nether regions. We know Manmmohan+Sonia combine are willing to sell India to the highest bidder, doesn't mean the Indian voter will let them get away with it that easy. Our left/commies might be a pain in the a$$ but they do have value.
I am not too sure as to how an exercise's limited duration can give us the surveillance and intelligence that is required in perpetuity.

Man if you had read my post correctly, I only referred the term "exercise" as India soldiers could get to exercise with well equipped soldiers as compared to fighting Insurgent, whereas I had kept the portion of survelliance and intelligence gathering away from exercise. There is absolutely no correlation between Military exercise and Intelligence gathering.

I only utilised the term "survelliance tactics" in cooperation with US by keeping in mind poor survelliance facility in the region bordering china, and I didn't used it with military exercise in mind.

CI training is how to undertake the basic operation i.e. physical part of it and not the intelligence part.

Definetly, but from my previous post, I had mentioned that object of Military exercise only to gain efficiency by fighting with well equipped soldiers and in contrast intelligence part I had used only to describe the poor state of survellience condition over eastern border.

I am not too sure what extraordinary insight we might get by this joint training. It was basically aimed to allow the insight into the India mode of countering CI.Technology is an aid - force multiplier - it is not the same thing as physical action which is totally different kettle of fish.

Correct! but it doesn't mean Indian Soldiers could not yield anything from it.
Any form of foreign installation on Indian soil is absolutely out of the question China or no China.

First of all go and read what I had written in previous post, I had just suggesting to allow US to install its Survellience equipment to have some intellegnce gathering across the chinese border and learn how to excel in survellience techniques and intellegance gathering as US has some best survellience technologies, I didn't mean let US forces to allow based themselves over Indian soil. I am more then mature enough to understand our soveriegn right.

KENT get your head out of your nether regions.

Don't let your tongue go haywire, Are you aware about the fact that how many chinese incursion being took place over Indian region bordering North East? What our government is doing about it? Today I even heard about the news of chinese incursion in Laddakh region as well. So abhay just tell me what our government is doing about it? so Abhy if you have anything to contribute about it and then come forward with any innovative planning to foil any of such chinese aggression over our frontiers.

We know Manmmohan+Sonia combine are willing to sell India to the highest bidder,

Whatever may be the case, afterall we are living in democracy and it is your opinion about politicion. But just yelling to our politician will not going to help either, we quickly need to take a taugh move against repeated chinese incursions.

doesn't mean the Indian voter will let them get away with it that easy. Our left/commies might be a pain in the a$$ but they do have value.

Those are the same lef/commies who are as spies of chinese in india and try to create a hurdle if our Indian government tries to take a tough action against china.
First of all go and read what I had written in previous post, I had just suggesting to allow US to install its Survellience equipment to have some intellegnce gathering across the chinese border and learn how to excel in survellience techniques and intellegance gathering as US has some best survellience technologies, I didn't mean let US forces to allow based themselves over Indian soil. I am more then mature enough to understand our soveriegn right.

KENT, 'survellience equipment' is a double edged sword. If it can 'spy' on China, then it can 'spy' on India too. It always starts with 'one' installation, then becomes two, then three and so on, untill you end up like our dear neighbour.

[/QUOTE]Don't let your tongue go haywire, Are you aware about the fact that how many chinese incursion being took place over Indian region bordering North East? What our government is doing about it? Today I even heard about the news of chinese incursion in Laddakh region as well. So abhay just tell me what our government is doing about it? so Abhy if you have anything to contribute about it and then come forward with any innovative planning to foil any of such Chinese aggression over our frontiers.[/QUOTE]

My apologies for the unnecessary insult. I being a humble, ordinary Indian citizen, don't have the power to change our spineless government's attitude. But i do have the power to contribute towards changing the government with my vote and i shall exercise that when the time comes.

The Chinese will not stop their antics because uncle is watching them, because uncle is always watching them regardless. Only thing that will change is that uncle will start watching us a lot more closely instead. If 'Indians' cannot handle India's problems, then we deserve what we get. Let foreign powers onto your soil and you end up becoming a playground for multiple foreign power politics. Again, look no further than your neighbourhood.

[/QUOTE]Whatever may be the case, afterall we are living in democracy and it is your opinion about politicion. But just yelling to our politician will not going to help either, we quickly need to take a taugh move against repeated Chinese incursions.[/QUOTE]

Who are 'we' ? Does the 'we' imply me and you or is the 'we' really our government ? Can me and you make 'any' moves, tough or soft ? No. We can only depend on our government to make a move. Which if it doesn't, 'we' can vote someone else in charge who will make the move. So bide your time and exercise your right.

[/QUOTE]Those are the same lef/commies who are as spies of chinese in india and try to create a hurdle if our Indian government tries to take a tough action against china.[/QUOTE]

I did mention that they are a 'pain in the a$$' didn't i ? I have no love for them. But they do have value in the sense of being an automatic balancing mechanism when a spineless government like the current day UPA goes out of its way to lick a third parties boot's, now be it China, America or Timbaktoo. Neither of them are a republic of saints you know.
KENT, 'survellience equipment' is a double edged sword. If it can 'spy' on China, then it can 'spy' on India too.

Aren't you satisfied with the way they armed Pakistan to contain India? if you have satisfied then let alone spying on India.

My apologies for the unnecessary insult. I being a humble, ordinary Indian citizen, don't have the power to change our spineless government's attitude. But i do have the power to contribute towards changing the government with my vote and i shall exercise that when the time comes.

So one need only a determination and courage to shake our government.

So it is reality but this is discussion forum and hence we definetly contribute by coming out with some innovative idea which will indirectly help us to take right move in future.

The Chinese will not stop their antics because uncle is watching them, because uncle is always watching them regardless. Only thing that will change is that uncle will start watching us a lot more closely instead.

Hence I am suggesting allowing temporory US surveilliance equipment over indian terrotery to learn from it.

Who are 'we' ? Does the 'we' imply me and you or is the 'we' really our government ? Can me and you make 'any' moves, tough or soft ? No. We can only depend on our government to make a move. Which if it doesn't, 'we' can vote someone else in charge who will make the move. So bide your time and exercise your right.

I did mention that they are a 'pain in the a$$' didn't i ? I have no love for them. But they do have value in the sense of being an automatic balancing mechanism when a spineless government like the current day UPA goes out of its way to lick a third parties boot's, now be it China, America or Timbaktoo. Neither of them are a republic of saints you know.

Man pls I urged you open some other thread to discuss this notion.
As for how to check the uncalled for Chinese bravado, start with officially recognizing the sovereignty of Tibet and Taiwan as legitimate nations under occupation and threat respectively. After an initial bout of high decible Chinese howling, you will see a great appreciation in their desire to settle the boundary dispute in a hurry.

Infact there is simply no need to even settle the Tibet issue from our side. Hold it as an ace of spades for any future negotiations over a variety of topics. Afterall thats exactly what the Chinese do. Strength respects strength, there are simply no two ways about it.
As for how to check the uncalled for Chinese bravado, start with officially recognizing the sovereignty of Tibet and Taiwan as legitimate nations under occupation and threat respectively. After an initial bout of high decible Chinese howling, you will see a great appreciation in their desire to settle the boundary dispute in a hurry.

In the past as well we had tried to play this trick. During 1950 when China starts annexsation of Tibet, India tried to raise its voice against aggressive chinese move, but in return china warn India that if it from now on tries to utter a single word about soveringity of Tibet, China will declare war against India. For the fear of war, it were the Indian politician get cave in against chinese aggression and decided to counter this threat by first initating Economic growth and modernisation of Armed forces.

Infact there is simply no need to even settle the Tibet issue from our side. Hold it as an ace of spades for any future negotiations over a variety of topics. Afterall thats exactly what the Chinese do. Strength respects strength, there are simply no two ways about it.

I think Abhy I wish suggest to suggest you to have some look over past history India vs China issue over tibet, I guess you would not then makes above statement.

In the end only option left with us is the Tit-for-Tat retrebution by imprassive and massive Economic foundation and associated growth as well as unprecendent amount of modernisation of our armed forces and simulenously improving ties with neibouring nations of china. And hence all this time I was advocating about bringing US into our ship, it means allowing them to base their survellience structures over eastern border and learning from it a hard leasson of countering china.
As for how to check the uncalled for Chinese bravado, start with officially recognizing the sovereignty of Tibet and Taiwan as legitimate nations under occupation and threat respectively. After an initial bout of high decible Chinese howling, you will see a great appreciation in their desire to settle the boundary dispute in a hurry.

Infact there is simply no need to even settle the Tibet issue from our side. Hold it as an ace of spades for any future negotiations over a variety of topics. Afterall thats exactly what the Chinese do. Strength respects strength, there are simply no two ways about it.

China has undebatable sovereignty over Tibet and Taiwan.

We don't need any White-brainbrushed, American Minions and India tell us where is our terrority!
:china: :pakistan:

However, a commonality in the geostrategic aims would coalesce the goals.

Agreed thats what i am asking about this possibility.

Forget about how and why India will allow US to have a base there.
i am just asking about the Strategic importance of a Base in Kashmir.

Can anyone please analyze in depth that how a base in Kashmir will be of utmost importance for the party that is having it ( be it US, China, Pakistan, Russia, India any power)
China has undebatable sovereignty over Tibet and Taiwan.

We don't need any White-brainbrushed, American Minions and India tell us where is our terrority!
:china: :pakistan:

Can it old boy!

Large type is just the way you Chinese want to make the world believe your junk!

The way Chinese are beholden to the US shows who is the roadrunners of the capitalist dogs to use your phrase!
Agreed thats what i am asking about this possibility.

Forget about how and why India will allow US to have a base there.
i am just asking about the Strategic importance of a Base in Kashmir.

Can anyone please analyze in depth that how a base in Kashmir will be of utmost importance for the party that is having it ( be it US, China, Pakistan, Russia, India any power)

It is not important at all!

It maybe important for Paksitan to give bases to fight the Moslems in
Afghanistan, but the same is not applicable to India!

Our sovereignty is more important that handouts. And it is possible since our economy is booming!
It is not important at all!

It maybe important for Paksitan to give bases to fight the Moslems in
Afghanistan, but the same is not applicable to India!

Our sovereignty is more important that handouts. And it is possible since our economy is booming!

I fully agree that India's sovereignty is paramount. Second thing in India goverment can not do what ever they want, public and media opinion is also very important. I do not think Indian public will allow this. A country dreaming for become a considerable power can not strategic blunders like this.

Its different issue that India can take technical help from US setup some surveillance base in Kashmir and share intelligence with US case by case.
CI training is how to undertake the basic operation i.e. physical part of it and not the intelligence part.

I am not too sure what extraordinary insight we might get by this joint training. It was basically aimed to allow the insight into the India mode of countering CI.

Technology is an aid - force multiplier - it is not the same thing as physical action which is totally different kettle of fish.

First, it is not going to happen, and on the second thought even if it does happen. What can India and U.S. probably do to challenge China in this specific scenerio? Does India want to be used from now on as a proxy country to do the uncle's dirty work? Lets just assume that U.S. doesn't even have access to China's bordering through Afghanistan. How possibly could U.S. benefit from the joint surveillance/intelligence gathering against China? Do the satellites no longer work?

In the end. Far fetched dreaming crap. Not realistic or important enough to happen.
First, it is not going to happen, and on the second thought even if it does happen. What can India and U.S. probably do to challenge China in this specific scenerio?

The intelligence post would be to collect the intelligence data & not challenge China directly. Whatever the analysis Pentagon does based on those reports it would allow US to adopt counter measures.

Does India want to be used from now on as a proxy country to do the uncle's dirty work?

Nobody in India would want an angry Leviathan in China breathing down our neck. This isn't happening. Atmost, there can be some intelligence sharing & thats it.

Dala Lama is American and Indian Minion!

If you do not have any respect for his holiness then atleast don't make it obvious here.. please!!!
First, it is not going to happen, and on the second thought even if it does happen. What can India and U.S. probably do to challenge China in this specific scenerio? Does India want to be used from now on as a proxy country to do the uncle's dirty work? Lets just assume that U.S. doesn't even have access to China's bordering through Afghanistan. How possibly could U.S. benefit from the joint surveillance/intelligence gathering against China? Do the satellites no longer work?

In the end. Far fetched dreaming crap. Not realistic or important enough to happen.

If you read my post carefully, you will realise I am saying that it will not happen.

Therefore, I don't see where is the disagreement.

But if you wish to know, nothing can replace Humint. It is being repeatedly proved. Iraq is an example.
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