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US eyeing Kashmir for military base

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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US eyeing Kashmir for military base

David Barsamian, the American broadcaster and resistance intellectual, believes that America was eyeing Kashmir as its future defense base against China.
Alternative Radio founder and co-author of 'Confronting Empire' Barsamian who was in Kashmir recently also said that China was tacitly supporting the American war on Iraq.

"While USA views China as a dangerous parallel power centre, China was acting as an ally for the US in its war on Iraq".

Barsamian who was there to deliver a lecture hosted by Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society, a human rights group, predicted that American officials eyed Kashmir as its future defense base against China.

China and America are considered to be bitter rivals and the foreign policies of the two countries don't make any parallels. He said American officials thinks China is spreading it bases in Asia and East Asia and added that the America might use Kashmir as its base to keep the Chinese network in check.

"But don't be mistaken by China," Barsamian said. "Army controls many industries in China. While China takes name of communism it seems to be copying west in their own Chinese ways.

David asserted that India has been no different than the" oppressive states" which according to him fabricate and distort realities to suit their policies.

"India has dominated the discourse. In America we have very little information about Kashmir conflict. Americans are not aware of the Kashmir problem. It is because the Kashmiri voices are silent. The only voices heard from Kashmir are of the government spokespersons in New Delhi. Even the alternative media has fallen in this trap."

Although he admitted that Kashmir's real voices were not heard in America, he revealed that Noam Chomsky would shortly write on Kashmir problem.

Hey Guys Do you think there can any such possibility ???

I think there is
Didn't you, Ms. Journalist, just finish reading the complete transcript of Sec'y Gates (SECDEF) and Adm. Mullen (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff)? Wasn't that a litany of "Pakistan is sovereign", "haven't been asked", "not without Pakistan's invitation"?

The moment some "... American broadcaster and resistance intellectual" chimes in, though, you're all over it. Amazing.:hitwall: You are so eager to project your fantasies and conspiracies elsewhere.

Nothing stops any American from googling damn near all the news they can find time to read about Kashmir. Nothing is inaccessible any longer unless you live in China. Even there, some can read anything desired.

What you're suggesting is the re-establishment of listening posts directed at China. Big deal! That's been the case before. I know for a fact that U.S.A.F. personnel were manning such facilities in Pakistan's north during the late 60s. Further, it's not in the cards anyway-

"China and America ..foreign policies...don't make any parallels.

Riiiiight. Not on N. Korea. Ummm...what about Iraq? Didn't Mr. Barsamian suggest to the Jammu & Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society that China supported America in Iraq? Confusing. Does "foreign policies" include trading practices and patterns? Exchanges of delegations? Student exchanges?

Sloppy points by a blatant propagandist (broadcaster and resistance intellectual???) with an axe to grind. What? A radio program and a POV?

Plays nice to the intended audience, though. Look at you, Jana. Lapped it right up.:lol:
Didn't you, Ms. Journalist, just finish reading the complete transcript of Sec'y Gates (SECDEF) and Adm. Mullen (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff)? Wasn't that a litany of "Pakistan is sovereign", "haven't been asked", "not without Pakistan's invitation"?

The moment some "... American broadcaster and resistance intellectual" chimes in, though, you're all over it. Amazing.:hitwall: You are so eager to project your fantasies and conspiracies elsewhere.

Nothing stops any American from googling damn near all the news they can find time to read about Kashmir. Nothing is inaccessible any longer unless you live in China. Even there, some can read anything desired.

What you're suggesting is the re-establishment of listening posts directed at China. Big deal! That's been the case before. I know for a fact that U.S.A.F. personnel were manning such facilities in Pakistan's north during the late 60s. Further, it's not in the cards anyway-

"China and America ..foreign policies...don't make any parallels.

Riiiiight. Not on N. Korea. Ummm...what about Iraq? Didn't Mr. Barsamian suggest to the Jammu & Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society that China supported America in Iraq? Confusing. Does "foreign policies" include trading practices and patterns? Exchanges of delegations? Student exchanges?

Sloppy points by a blatant propagandist (broadcaster and resistance intellectual???) with an axe to grind. What? A radio program and a POV?

Plays nice to the intended audience, though. Look at you, Jana. Lapped it right up.:lol:

:) Take it easy Sir

I did not comment on the news i just wanted to know What you guys think about this.

Can Kashmir become a vital point for US to use as base ???

I wonder if US strategists had ever looked into it keeping in view the demography of Kashmir as whole???

being an ex-Millitary man Sir Whats your point of view (keep aside the propoganda aspect)
On one hand US is arming India keeping in view her future policies viz a viz China so in the same breath is it ot possible that Kashmir could be chosen for base for the same purpose in future??
"I know for a fact that U.S.A.F. personnel were manning such facilities in Pakistan's north during the late 60s."

It's been done before. I don't see it as geo-strategically earth-shattering. Maybe the Chinese do, but I'd really doubt it. Everybody spends time listening to one another. If we have permission at some point, we'll likely do so. If not, we won't. It's a miniscule issue for America, China, or Pakistan. Mr. Barsamian, of course, would have us believe that this is yet another critical stake in America's insidious plan to enslave the Chinese and Pakistani peoples.

Jana, there's serious news everyday from folks who are living these realities as leaders, warriors, diplomats, and politicians. Those folks hold the majority of my attention when choosing how and what to read each day. Smallwarsjournal.com offers 1.) A daily round-up of American and global newspaper opinion pieces on a wide variety of topics. I'll typically start my day there. 2.) They also offer the best collection of research links to professional journals of militaries from around the world, think tanks (RAND, IISS, CSIS, etc.), global newspapers, and more.

It's overwhelming and all-consuming if allowed. Once you realize all the really well-written and thoughtful work that's available from serious professionals, stuff like Barsamian seems lame and a pointless diversion.
Permission ????? :) well sir most of the policies and activities carried out by US never needed anyone's permission Sir.

Future strategies can never be termed out of question kinda things.

It is not the possibility of Using Pakistani side of Kashmir, but more likely to use the Indian Held Kashmir for the purpose and Keeping in view changing scenario and formation of new blocks it can not be impossible

I believ this is in pipeline and goin to be implemented soon. For this reason they can go to any extent even breaking Pakistan. But if Pakistan play its card well, allow excessive Chinese, commercial and military activities in Pakistan, it can be very well stopped.

Yes, not to be forgetting kashmiri jihadis. Activate them again dont let any one enter this region. It is vital to keep Americans out of Kashmir in order to make China parallel to USA. And this is Pakistan going to do and this is our salvation.

Jana what do you think on it!
AOA i think KASHMEER is gretest place for US coz

(1) they can see CHINA
(3) then can see what CHINA and PAKISTAN doing each other!!!
(4) and HIDEN NAME is RUSSIA !! US want to Cut Reletionship What RUSSIA and INDIA've !!!!!!!!!! i think.................

<(_|_)| AKBAR
It is vital to keep Americans out of Kashmir in order to make China parallel to USA. And this is Pakistan going to do and this is our salvation.

Jana what do you think on it!

yarmook there had been reports of some Kashmiri leaders and secrete round table meetings held in US sometimes back wherein the idea of a soverign Kashmir both outside the infulence of Pakistan and India was mainly disucssed.
In that case if US supports that Idea actively in future it means in case of materialization of it, she will not need to use Pakistan or India for utilizing Kashmir as base or whatever planning she has viz a viz China or other goals.

Now if we just brush the above away even in that case there is not only Pakistani side of Kashmir but there is also Indian Held Kashmir hence even if we resist US (if at all she wants to use Kashmir thats not clear at the moment) India can offer the same help.

I am looking forward to seeing US Army and Air Force die in Kashmir totally.

Chinese version


















Strong Sino-Pak Friendship can counter US ambition on Central Asia.
Unlikely. Any such moves would push Kashmir right back into chaos and I'm not sure India can afford this in the foreseeable future.

Also, the communist and conservative parties within India would never allow the USA to use it as a base without some sort of major (and virtually improbable) calamity like War with a disintegrated Pakistan... heck they don't even want to accept the nuclear deal just because it's with the USA.
yarmook there had been reports of some Kashmiri leaders and secrete round table meetings held in US sometimes back wherein the idea of a soverign Kashmir both outside the infulence of Pakistan and India was mainly disucssed.
In that case if US supports that Idea actively in future it means in case of materialization of it, she will not need to use Pakistan or India for utilizing Kashmir as base or whatever planning she has viz a viz China or other goals.

Now if we just brush the above away even in that case there is not only Pakistani side of Kashmir but there is also Indian Held Kashmir hence even if we resist US (if at all she wants to use Kashmir thats not clear at the moment) India can offer the same help.


agreed! but if in case Indians come out to lick US by offering them a base, Pakistan can always offer China to have there bases in Azad Kashmir and Baltistan area.

One thing remains positive, it will be hell difficult for Indians to offer US a base, as it might create massive internal resistance in that situation. As Pakistan will not be providing any help to them.

Yea, Pakistan must counter this thing, and it should be timely done.
this is just speculation I highly doubt india will let U.S make a base there.There is nothing to get worried about .
I dont think the Chinese will like this base idea.
Kamal hai!!!!! No body asked to India and built the US base in Kashmir. At least sleep in calm and do not dream always about India. Believe me India and Indians are not that much against as Pakistani friends think. This is era of economic progress in reality and not dreaming. These days Indians do not even think about Pakistan in their general life. Anti-Pakistan is no more saleable in India.

India is sovereign country as well as a democracy. She will never allow foreign military on her soil.
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