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US exploiting Ukrainian crisis to strip Russia of its military might: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US exploiting Ukrainian crisis to strip Russia of its military might: Analyst

The United States is exploiting the Ukrainian crisis and reintegration of Crimea with Russia in order to portray its Cold War rival as an “expansionist” power, says a political commentator.

Speaking to Press TV on Sunday, Don DeBar said that there is sufficient evidence that the whole scenario in Ukraine was orchestrated to benefit the US.

“It seems that the United States sponsors and funds and provokes a coup in Ukraine intended to strip Russia, and in the larger picture the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and anyone who resists US imperialism, of the Russian military’s ability to project power into the Mediterranean and ultimately the Atlantic Ocean by stripping off Ukraine from its alliance with Russia and by stripping of more particularly the Russian Naval base in Crimea from Russia,” he stated.

“Given the disclosures of two telephone calls, the one with (senior US State Department official ) Victoria Nuland with the American ambassador to Ukraine actually caught selecting the next leader of Ukraine and the one with Catherine Ashton (the European Union's foreign policy chief) speaking with the foreign minister of Estonia admitting that the snipers at the Maidan, that were the provocateurs that pushed the final takeover of the government by the people on the street, were in the employ of the right-wing people who ended up taking power and ultimately the United States,” DeBar said.

“In other words the entire thing was staged… to make it look like this is a Russian expansionism taking place right before our very eyes.”

President Barack Obama is expected to meet with leaders of the G7 on Monday to try to isolate Russia from the international community. The leaders will discuss the possibility of permanently expelling Moscow from the G8.

“What will be clear for the entire world to see is that Russia is increasingly isolated, and that the United States is leading the international community in supporting the government of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine, and in imposing costs on Russia for its aggression,” national security adviser Susan Rice told reporters in advance of the meeting.

The US and Russia have been at loggerheads over the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea’s reintegration with Russia.

Crimea declared independence from Ukraine on March 17 and formally applied to rejoin Russia following a referendum a day earlier, in which 96.8 percent of the participants voted in favor of the move. The voter turnout in the referendum was 83.1 percent.

President Obama has announced two stages of sanctions that target senior Russian officials and Bank Rossiya. The US president has also issued an executive order to authorize additional sanctions that would target entire sectors of the Russian economy if necessary.

PressTV - US exploiting Ukrainian crisis to strip Russia of its military might: Analyst
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