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US blasted for supplying cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) has denounced the United States for planning to supply 1,300 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia.

“We are disappointed with the US decision to export cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia as both countries acknowledge the negative humanitarian impact of these weapons on civilians,” CMC Director Sarah Blakemore said on Thursday.

“Cluster munitions have been banned by more than half the world’s nations so any transfer goes against the international rejection of these weapons,” she added.

The US Defense Department announced on Tuesday that Textron Defense Systems won a contract valued at $641 million to build the bombs for the Persian Gulf state.

The contract, expected to be completed by 2015, formalizes the sale of CBU-105 cluster bombers. Congress was first notified about the deal in December 2010.

The company said the weapon, also known as a Sensor Fuzed Weapon, has "greater than 99 percent reliability," meaning less than 1 percent remain as unexploded ordnance.

The United States and its Middle Eastern ally have refused to sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the production, transfer, use, and stockpiling of cluster munitions.

The US has previously announced sales of CBU-105 cluster bombers to India, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Saudi Arabia has used cluster munitions in the past and stockpiles the weapons, but it is not believed to produce or export cluster munitions.

“The US should acknowledge the treaty’s ban on cluster munition exports and reevaluate the criteria for its export moratorium so that no cluster munitions are transferred,” Blakemore said.

Meanwhile, London-based Action on Armed Violence warned about the consequences of the use of the cluster bombs.

“That cluster munitions continue to kill and injure civilians for many years is one of the many reasons why the international community saw fit to outlaw their future use or transfer. Sixty percent of cluster bomb casualties occur while the victim is undertaking their normal activities,” the group said.

Saudi Arabia and the US are amongst the twelve countries that have used cluster munitions in the past (US in multiple locations; Saudi Arabia against Iraq in 1991).

PressTV - US blasted for supplying cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia
US Export of Cluster Bombs to Saudi Arabia at Odds with International Ban Treaty

The announcement this week that the U.S. has agreed to supply cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia is at odds with the international treaty banning these weapons, said the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) today. Neither the United States nor Saudi Arabia have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the production, transfer, use, and stockpiling of cluster munitions.

“We are disappointed with the US decision to export cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia as both countries acknowledge the negative humanitarian impact of these weapons on civilians,” said Sarah Blakemore, director of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). “Cluster munitions have been banned by more than half the world’s nations so any transfer goes against the international rejection of these weapons.”

On 20 August, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that a US $641 million contract has been awarded to Textron Defense Systems to supply 1,300 CBU-105D/B cluster bomb to Saudi Arabia as part of a deal that was first notified to Congress in December 2010. The CBU-105D/B cluster bomb, and other variants of this type of bomb produced to date, are known as a “sensor fuzed weapon” and are prohibited under the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, which comprehensively prohibits cluster munitions and requires their clearance and assistance to victims.

While the transfer deal is allowable under the US moratorium on the export of cluster munitions as the CBU-105D/B cluster bomb reportedly results in no more than 1% of its submunitions as unexploded ordnance, it is out of step with the growing international abhorrence to these types of weapons. Under the US export moratorium first enacted in 2007, cluster munitions must meet a less than 1% failure rate criteria and recipients must agree that the cluster munitions “will not be used where civilians are known to be present.” The US has previously announced sales of CBU-105D/B cluster bombs to India, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Saudi Arabia has used cluster munitions in the past and stockpiles the weapons, but it is not believed to produce or export cluster munitions. According to the U.S. Department of Defense notification, “Saudi Arabia intends to use Sensor Fused Weapons to modernize its armed forces and enhance its capability to defeat a wide range of defensive threats, to include: strongpoints, bunkers, and dug-in facilities; armored and semi-armored vehicles; personnel; and certain maritime threats.”

“This transfer announcement comes at a time when Saudi Arabia and the US have joined international condemnations of Syria’s cluster bomb use, ” said Blakemore. “The US should acknowledge the treaty’s ban on cluster munition exports and reevaluate the criteria for its export moratorium so that no cluster munitions are transferred.”

Saudi Arabia and the United States were among 107 nations that voted for a 15 May 2013 resolution by the UN General Assembly that strongly condemned Syria’s use of cluster munitions.

More than 100 countries are gathering for the fourth annual meeting of the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions in Lusaka, Zambia on September 9-13. The Cluster Munition Monitor, the civil society monitoring arm of the Cluster Munition Coalition, will launch its 2013 report at the UN in Geneva on 4 September.

Cluster Munition Coalition - News - US Export of Cluster Bombs to Saudi Arabia at Odds with International Ban Treaty
there is nothing at all to be worried about:no:

why r u so obsessed with democratic republic of saudi arabia???
huh? what is wrong with u irani girl?? r u a jew or sth?:rofl:

the only use of this weapons is going to be in heifa, not at all qatif:omghaha:
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Safavids :lol: PressTv :lol:

there is nothing at all to be worried about:no:

why r u so obsessed with democratic republic of saudi arabia???
huh? what is wrong with u irani girl?? r u a jew or sth?:rofl:

the only use of this weapons is going to be in heifa, not at all qatif:omghaha:

Hopefully the RSAF will never get into a situation where they can use them.

:lol: the Safavids can't take it! :lol:
Money talks B***t walks. Simple
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Safavids :lol: PressTv :lol:
Hopefully the RSAF will never get into a situation where they can use them.
:lol: the Safavids can't take it! :lol:

in what situation were u in safavids era?? oh! i remember!!! in a shitty situation (no insult)
and as i said im not worried about DRSA (democratic republic of saudi arabia)

Money talks B***t walks. Simple

as simple as your brain:rofl::omghaha::toast_sign:
:lol: Destroying your shrines! The ones you have been whining about for 30 years.
:rofl: :lol: :D :omghaha:
in what situation were u in safavids era?? oh! i remember!!! in a shitty situation (no insult)

and as i said im not worried about DRSA (democratic republic of saudi arabia)

That isn't what PressTV is saying :D
:lol: Destroying your shrines! The ones you have been whining about for 30 years.
That isn't what PressTV is saying :D

no, anything besides barbarism!! show me some creativity:smitten:
and i dont know , but what i remember is arabs begging for some food (real food , not .... u know:omghaha:)
from us:omghaha:
I didn't bring it up till you did :cheesy: just try not to take so much of a pride in your history, we always can afford the cheese - to counter your claims - :lol:
no, anything besides barbarism!! show me some creativity:smitten:
and i dont know , but what i remember is arabs begging for some food (real food , not .... u know:omghaha:)
from us:omghaha:
Americans supplied Saddam with orange Gas then bomb the shi.t out of him for having and using orange gas. I welcome the move by Americans to supply clusters bombs to Saudis.:yay::yahoo:
LOL, I see what you did there :azn:

Well done my friend, well done :)

whhaaat? if u joke and no one laughs at it, its ok but if u joke and u r the only one laughing at your own joke its something u know:rofl:
keep it up pals:smitten:

they never learn.
flatter yourself? u thought u really said something besides nonsence?? what an ego on this one:omghaha:

For once we agree.....
bite me:smitten:
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