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US Army Breakthroughs In Long Range Fires Raise Novel Questions About Targeting, Organization & Comm


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The U.S. Army’s top modernization priority is to increase the reach and lethality of its fires, meaning artillery and tactical missiles. To say it has been making steady progress toward that goal would be an understatement; in the near future it will begin deploying weapons that far outclass their Russian and Chinese counterparts.

Some of the new systems, such as the Precision Strike Missile being developed by Raytheon Technologies RTX, will fit neatly into the Army’s existing doctrine and organization for defeating enemies at a distance. But other next-generation fires emerging from Army laboratories are so capable that they raise unprecedented questions about how targeting information will be generated, what kind of unit will host the weapons, and how their use will be authorized.

Two weapons in particular break the mold on what the term “fires” has traditionally connoted in Army circles. The Strategic Long Range Cannon will combine a new gun barrel, projectile and propellant to precisely hit targets up to 1,000 nautical miles (1,150 statute miles) away. That’s greater than the distance from Berlin to Moscow.

A hypersonic glide missile being developed in concert with the Navy and Air Force will reach even further, presenting enemy defenders with the nearly impossible task of intercepting a maneuvering munition that is moving at five times the speed of sound. The Army last year selected Dynetics, a Leidos LDOS unit, to manufacture the missile’s uniquely resilient glide body.

Army studies indicate that the two new systems will be complementary. The hypersonic missile will be more expensive per round, but pack such a punch that it can destroy targets like hardened underground command posts. The long range cannon will generate less kinetic force, but be cheaper per round. Like the hypersonic missile, it will have pinpoint accuracy, thanks to GPS guidance.

On August 4, I attended a small dinner hosted by my think tank at which the head of the Army’s “cross functional team” for long range fires, Brigadier General John L. Rafferty, was the guest of honor. Rafferty spent much of the dinner discussing progress on systems such as the Extended Range Cannon Artillery being developed for use on an upgraded version of the BAE Systems self-propelled howitzer, known as Paladin.

But it was the part of the discussion bearing upon very long range fires that provoked the most reflection, because the Army may soon have ground-based fires that exceed the unrefueled combat radius of fighter jets—fires that adversaries will be powerless to counter. That will enable the Army to quickly unravel the anti-access strategies of near-peer adversaries in wartime, but it also raises interesting questions about how the new weapons will be employed. Here are three such questions.

Who provides the targeting information? Target TGT spotting for field artillery typically is provided by warfighting systems organic to the Army, such as scout helicopters and reconnaissance drones. But when targets potentially are a thousand miles away, a different approach will be needed. Gen. Rafferty says much of the targeting information will be provided by space-based assets. That presumably means relying on what used to be called “national technical means,” or spy satellites. Targeting information might also be provided by the F-35 fighter, which is nearly invisible to enemy radar and has extensive recon capabilities.

Rafferty acknowledges that the classification (secrecy) level of overhead collections will need to be changed to gain access to much of the required information, but that’s just the beginning of the challenge. The Army will need a network that connects sensors to shooters with minimal delay. The Army informally refers to overcoming the sensor-to-shooter challenge in next-gen systems as “convergence,” but optimizing the use of very long range weapons will require a targeting network that spans the entire joint force and beyond, because key sensors have diverse owners.

Who owns the assets? Weapons with a reach of a thousand miles or more aren’t the sort of asset likely to be assigned to a standard field artillery unit. Just as the targeting challenge demands a multi-service, multi-domain approach, so the organizational challenge entails thinking beyond the Army.

Gen. Rafferty envisions a “strategic fires battalion” equipped with both the hypersonic missile and the long range cannon that would work in concert with other services and coalition partners. The details haven’t been fleshed out, but when weapons have the kind of ranges being contemplated, it is pretty clear that wartime operations and peacetime training will need to transcend the immediate tactical concerns of Army commanders.

Who calls for fires? The Army is probably going to regret using the term “strategic” in the name of its long range cannon, because in American usage that implies complicated release authority for weapons whose use could raise far-reaching issues. It might not be the case in the Pacific, where distances are so great that a thousand miles is the range at which some tactical targets might need to be engaged (think Chinese warships). But in the close quarters of the European theater, a weapon with that sort of reach potentially raises major geopolitical questions. After all, it is only 700 miles from Warsaw to Moscow.

Gen. Rafferty says it is “not clear yet who will generate calls for fire to the strategic fires battalion.” His job is to develop the weapons to a point where such questions need to be addressed. The pivotal make-or-break year looks to be 2023, by which time both the hypersonic missile and long range cannon likely will have proven themselves (tests to date have been promising). But any weapon that can destroy diverse targets with high accuracy at ranges in excess of a thousand miles will inevitably require discussions of when and how it should be used, potentially involving national command authorities (i.e., the White House).

New technologies often raise these kinds of questions. It is a testament to what Gen. Rafferty has accomplished during his two years leading the cross-functional team for long range fires that people are beginning to ask such questions. Rafferty is not inclined to speculate about matters beyond his job description, but it seems the Army is on the verge of securing fires far superior to those any country has possessed in the past, and that may lead to big changes in how the joint force conducts warfare.

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