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US and Iran relations


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
You know...I've always known this is a game. I think soon Iran will leave Syria and Hezbollah to their own.

In the past week we have seen a sudden change in dialogue between these two nations. This is the face of the West, you give in to what they want and they will open their arms for you. Especially, the media as of lately. It's all government owned. They are know portraying Iran in a good light and explaining to their viewers why Iranians were upset about the CIA interference in their affairs.

Suddenly, it seems like everything is on its way to working out.

This cannot be a recent development. My father has always told me this is all a game. I guarantee behind closed doors these two nations are best friends, Dad. He told me this a few years ago and he told me watch very soon you will see it.

The so called 'Supreme' leader came out of the closest and in reality he doesn't act in the it interests of Islam. He let go of his promises.

The only people who don't want to work and live for the west are being branded as 'terrorists' and are right now as we speak being hunted down and killed.

That's what it means to be a terrorist these days, to act against western interests.

And the West forces you to come to the table through inhuman ways by sanctioning and devastating your economy.

They still have the guts to tell people they're an example to the world.

What do you think about these new developments? This is really funny how it plays out.

I go back to my Islamic leaders who before they went to conquer Jerusalem went and fought the Shia's first.

These are the same people who in Iraq fought America for a few months than agreed to a ceasefire when they got what they wanted. While it was only Sunni Muslims who were branded as Al Qaeda in Iraq who still kept fighting the US and multiple fronts in Iraq.

I go and look at what our Ali(RA) told us of these people.

They are always true, Islam will never win but only by the real Sunni Muslims.
Not too fast buddy, I thought at least you don't have a sectarian bias.
While we have stood against Amercian interests, those 'Muslim' countries have backstabbed us numerous times, helping U.S to put sanctions on Iran and lobbying against Iran in the world. The very same Palestinians fought alongside Saddam Hussein against our country. I am seeing which country is helping the 'resistance' today. We will never easily let go of Hezbollah and Syria, don't worry about them please.

Why are you unhappy that U.S and Iran are giving diplomacy a chance? We have always said that as long as U.S stops its bullying policy towards our country and learn to talk and behave based on mutual respect, we have no problems to have relations with them.
Iran didn't let go any of its promises, while the 'real Sunni countries' that you are talking about have either officially recognized Israel as a country or have very close relations with U.S and western countries. Palestine and its fight to take back its land is long forgotten in these countries, don't hold your hopes high.
Your dad said Iran and U.S are best friends? Please ask him and tell us how he figured it out, because a best friend never puts inhumane and draconian sanctions against his mate, never threatens him with war and never applies double standards when it comes to that 'close friend'. We have had enough of these conspiracy theories.

And if you think the brave 'Al-Qaeda' will come to your help, good luck with that, because those cowards have not fired one single bullet towards Israel, they are only trained in targetting civilians and 'infidel non-believers'.

If we changed our principles, then you can start a tirade here, but not now, don't change sides too quickly.Nothing has happened yet.
No more big Satan ?! Lol.

The countries which are willing to pay money to big Satan to attack others have taken the position of big Satan :D

The countries which can use the so called big Satan for their own agenda are indeed The Real Big Satan!!!

You know USA was big Satan because it was serving the interests of Israhell but now they have found few Arab counterparts, though USA still serving them but few Arabs have gone far ahead. Shame USA, you lost your position to your biggest ally in Arab world:cheesy:
I think this is a great article explains Iran-US relationship and diplomacy.

Opinion: Iran’s Heroic Flexibility

Recent signs imply that Iran is going to show us a new face. Not only has the man who denied the Holocaust gone, but further remarkable changes in Iran are also taking place. In other words, it seems that Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has made a significant decision; he has decided to change the face of Iranian governance and policy-making.

It is becoming increasingly clear that President Rouhani possess the brilliant capacity to do this job in the best possible way.

How can we distinguish between two important categories?

First and foremost, what is the reason behind the recent changes in Iran? Secondly, do these important changes cover the essential elements or are they an accidental identity? These terms are mostly used in philosophy, but they can be used in politics too. Are we facing a strategic change or tactical maneuver in contemporary Iranian politics? This is the fundamental question.

Ayatollah Khamenei, as the main decision-maker in Iran, has taken three major positions, all of which were unexpected. Firstly, on the eve of the election, he demanded that all Iranians, including those who do not support the government, participate in the election in order to help their country. “They are against the government, not against the country,” he said.

Secondly, during a meeting with the commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC), Khamenei said it is not necessary for the IRGC to play a role in politics, or defend the country through political actions.

Third, Khamenei as a strategist said that sometimes we need flexibility in our positions, but such flexibility could and should be heroic flexibility. On Wednesday, Aug. 17, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told an audience of IRGC commanders that he was “not opposed to diplomacy,” adding that he believes in this idea of “heroic flexibility.”

Scholars, who are familiar with Khamenei’s background, remember his book about Imam Hasan’s peace with Mu’awiya.

In 1970, when Ayatollah Khamenei was a young cleric, he translated an Arabic book entitled Hassan’s Peace by Radhi Al Yaseen. In Persian, the title reads: Imam Hassan’s Peace: The Most Glorious Heroic Flexibility of History.

Imam Hassan is the second Shi’ite Imam who signed a peace treaty with Mu’awiya, handing him the caliphate. However Shi’ites do not necessarily view Imam Hassan’s peace treaty as a sign of surrender but rather as a noble act to avoid senseless bloodshed.

Fourth, in an interview with NBC last week, President Rouhani said that his administration would never develop nuclear weapons. He also mentioned that he has full authority to make a deal with the West on Iran’s disputed nuclear program.

I believe all these indicators tell us that we are on the eve of the reconstruction of Iranian-US relations.

I think that it is clear that all extremists in Iran, Israel, and the US, are against the strengthening of relations between the two countries. Let me focus on the extremists’ point of view.

In Iran, some hardliners have defined “heroic flexibility” based on their own views. For instance one MP said Ayatollah Khamenei wants to expose the true nature of America, by which he means America as the mother of all corruptions in the region and the wider world. President Rouhani should not waste his time on direct negotiations with the US. In addition, some of Ahmadinejad’s disciples say that the former president stood up to America and Israel, and since the new government is not as strong, the Supreme Leader had no choice but to accept this. They believe that this “heroic flexibility” theory is going to mark the end of Iran’s long resistance against America.

With regards to Israel, it is quite clear that the Israeli government is against any reconstruction of relation between Iran and America.

Turning to America, we are well aware that the Neoconservatives have always been against the idea of renewing relations with Iran, and therefore, Obama’s recent remarks did not sit well with them at all. For example, Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, is seeking to introduce a use-of-force resolution allowing the president to attack Iran at will.
All of this means we are facing an extremely complicated issue. I think President Rouhani’s election has provided Iran with a unique opportunity, which can be used to allow the world to see the reality of the situation in the country. Rouhani is also a very charismatic politician who can help the countries in our region solve their problems, including Iraq, Afghanistan and, of course, Syria.

Fortunately the drums of war are no longer beating, and we can now listen to the song of peace. We need to have this so-called “heroic flexibility.” There is a significant weight on the shoulders of Rouhani today, but I think he can pull it off. Rouhani’s recent article, published in the Washington Post on 19 September, focused on his national support in Iran.

“As I depart for New York for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly, I urge my counterparts to seize the opportunity presented by Iran’s recent election. I urge them to make the most of the mandate for prudent engagement that my people have given me and to respond genuinely to my government’s efforts to engage in constructive dialogue,” he said.

This means that Rouhani now enjoys the Supreme Leader’s full support, and is also supported by the reformists in Iran. In other words, as he says, he knows what he wants, and that is the key point in these crucial days.

Opinion: Iran
You know...I've always known this is a game. I think soon Iran will leave Syria and Hezbollah to their own.

In the past week we have seen a sudden change in dialogue between these two nations. This is the face of the West, you give in to what they want and they will open their arms for you. Especially, the media as of lately. It's all government owned. They are know portraying Iran in a good light and explaining to their viewers why Iranians were upset about the CIA interference in their affairs.

Suddenly, it seems like everything is on its way to working out.

This cannot be a recent development. My father has always told me this is all a game. I guarantee behind closed doors these two nations are best friends, Dad. He told me this a few years ago and he told me watch very soon you will see it.

The so called 'Supreme' leader came out of the closest and in reality he doesn't act in the it interests of Islam. He let go of his promises.

The only people who don't want to work and live for the west are being branded as 'terrorists' and are right now as we speak being hunted down and killed.

That's what it means to be a terrorist these days, to act against western interests.

And the West forces you to come to the table through inhuman ways by sanctioning and devastating your economy.

They still have the guts to tell people they're an example to the world.

What do you think about these new developments? This is really funny how it plays out.

I go back to my Islamic leaders who before they went to conquer Jerusalem went and fought the Shia's first.

These are the same people who in Iraq fought America for a few months than agreed to a ceasefire when they got what they wanted. While it was only Sunni Muslims who were branded as Al Qaeda in Iraq who still kept fighting the US and multiple fronts in Iraq.

I go and look at what our Ali(RA) told us of these people.

They are always true, Islam will never win but only by the real Sunni Muslims.
i think the reason for the relation improvement because iran is collapsing due to lost support from syria and iraq from the suuni uprising and iran want to maintain relation with US to strengthen iran to prevent threats from suunis because they have been helping assad and maliki against suunis.
Perhaps iran decided the pain of never ending sanctions were worse then the benefits of having an nuclear weapons which they could only use if they were planning on suicide.
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