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US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan
Updated at 07:29 PST Saturday, April 16, 2011

[US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan]
WASHINGTON: Central Investigation Agency (CIA) has established its spy network in Pakistan besides, there is no need of any assistance from Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to carry out drone strikes in the tribal areas, US newspaper quoted an official as saying.

According to the US official, CIA has established its spy network in tribal areas during the last two years.

A summit of spymasters this week eased tensions but failed to resolve issues over US drones and espionage that have imperiled the vital relationship between the CIA and ISI, a US official told a news agency.

The US spy agency is willing to expand consultations with Pakistan over drone operations, US officials told after CIA Director Leon Panetta hosted Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency.

But demands by some Pakistani officials for sharp cuts in drone attacks are unacceptable, the officials said, as are suggestions the United States should return to a Bush-era policy limiting the strikes to "high-value" militant targets.

"Panetta has an obligation to protect the American people and he isn't going to call an end to any operations that support that objective," one US official said.

US officials also worry that Islamabad has been slowing routine rotations of American personnel, including spies, diplomats and military trainers, which could become a serious drag on routine and secret US activities in the region.

Despite public protestations by Islamabad about the drone strikes, Pakistan hopes the United States will move ahead with long-stalled plans to supply a fleet of the remotely piloted aircraft, according to a source familiar with its wish-list.

US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan
in o0ther words they say to pasha you are our slave and we kick you as we like .BTW we no need isi because now pakistan is occupied country . go bark cry bash or hit wall we dont care.and mr.pasha no get lost from here.
We all know it anyway. US admitting this basically is trying to say Pakistan is out b***h. I lose faith each day in Pakistan, even know when someone dies others don't leave them alone, they make medicines out of the dead or do some weird sh*t may Allah have mercy on our nation.
I am seriously thinking of quitting PDF cos i can't take more kr*p news coming from Pakistan it stings me knowing what my nation has become.
We all know it anyway. US admitting this basically is trying to say Pakistan is out b***h. I lose faith each day in Pakistan, even know when someone dies others don't leave them alone, they make medicines out of the dead or do some weird sh*t may Allah have mercy on our nation.
I am seriously thinking of quitting PDF cos i can't take more kr*p news coming from Pakistan it stings me knowing what my nation has become.

look dear if you go down once you goes forever.pakistan become banana state since 2001 .we are not a sovereign nation any more .its our falt we select to be slave of US and do there dirty job .now they know what we are they are not scared from any pakistani in power they know we are puppets we can sale humans and we can sale what ever.they rise there own CIA wing in pakistan when isi was sleeping? its better to use word occupied pakistan now .first free your nation then talk abut something else .we are Palestine of USA
I think ISI should caught these beasts & hand over them to Taliban for execution, no point on ISI then all blame goes to Taliban
WASHINGTON: Central Investigation Agency (CIA) has established its spy network in Pakistan besides, there is no need of any assistance from Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to carry out drone strikes in the tribal areas, US newspaper quoted an official as saying.

ISI Amreeka ka chusa hua Aam hai ....:lol:
US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan
Updated at 07:29 PST Saturday, April 16, 2011

[US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan]
WASHINGTON: Central Investigation Agency (CIA) has established its spy network in Pakistan besides, there is no need of any assistance from Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to carry out drone strikes in the tribal areas, US newspaper quoted an official as saying.

According to the US official, CIA has established its spy network in tribal areas during the last two years.

A summit of spymasters this week eased tensions but failed to resolve issues over US drones and espionage that have imperiled the vital relationship between the CIA and ISI, a US official told a news agency.

The US spy agency is willing to expand consultations with Pakistan over drone operations, US officials told after CIA Director Leon Panetta hosted Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency.

But demands by some Pakistani officials for sharp cuts in drone attacks are unacceptable, the officials said, as are suggestions the United States should return to a Bush-era policy limiting the strikes to "high-value" militant targets.

"Panetta has an obligation to protect the American people and he isn't going to call an end to any operations that support that objective," one US official said.

US officials also worry that Islamabad has been slowing routine rotations of American personnel, including spies, diplomats and military trainers, which could become a serious drag on routine and secret US activities in the region.

Despite public protestations by Islamabad about the drone strikes, Pakistan hopes the United States will move ahead with long-stalled plans to supply a fleet of the remotely piloted aircraft, according to a source familiar with its wish-list.

US admits CIA spy network in Pakistan

It is too late to admit because CIA already got busted with Raymond Davis getting caught and their network getting exposed. Now after 3 months they are saying that they have a network.

If they had a network then they would not be trageting civilians randomly who is who, they do not know ? Time is coming where the US will exit Afgahnistan but not as discracefully as it happened in Vietnam. Back stabbing Pakistan will just put in the hole 100 meters deeper than they already are.
ISI Amreeka ka chusa hua Aam hai ....:lol:

nhi jani i think

I hope this time around Rehman Malik will resign.
I think ISI should caught these beasts & hand over them to Taliban for execution, no point on ISI then all blame goes to Taliban

Interior and foreign ministries are issuing visa and protection to foreigners in Pakistan.
look dear if you go down once you goes forever.pakistan become banana state since 2001 .we are not a sovereign nation any more .its our falt we select to be slave of US and do there dirty job .now they know what we are they are not scared from any pakistani in power they know we are puppets we can sale humans and we can sale what ever.they rise there own CIA wing in pakistan when isi was sleeping? its better to use word occupied pakistan now .first free your nation then talk abut something else .we are Palestine of USA

Imran Bhai.. IMO, it wasnt in 2001. It was much before that when Zia towed the US line in afghanistan and created the menace that the world today calls Taliban on USA's behest.
yey ganday manday~ lol, lekin phir bhi hamarey sher jawaan is koa pehanay kay liyey tayyar hain.....chi chi :woot:

abay bawaqofoo yai ISI ka model nehai hai.... our wassay ISI asay kam nehai kartee... but in some matters...
I think ISI should caught these beasts & hand over them to Taliban for execution, no point on ISI then all blame goes to Taliban

Here's an equation for you to remember.


They've basically merged with ISI being an American owned franchise.
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