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US $ 1 billion project to rebuild India and world's oldest uni

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Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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India's US $ 1 billion university, the world's oldest


Allies & Morrison, Snohetta and Maki & Associates have lost out to a renowned Gujarati practice in a $1 billion competition to design a new campus for India’s most ancient university.

The competition to masterplan and design Nalanda International University in Bihar was won by Vastu Shilpa Consultants wich was founded by 85-year-old Balkrishna Doshi who worked with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh and Ahmedabad.

Judges, who visited the site in north-east India last week, included architects Liu Thai Ker of Singapore, Li Xiaodong of China, Osamu Ishiyama of Japan and Neelkanth Chhaya of India.

The ancient Buddhist university at Nalanda existed from the fifth to the end of the 12th century and was home to more than 10,000 students from as far as Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia and Turkey.

Its library was so large it was said to have burnt for three months when the university was sacked and destroyed by iconoclastic Muslim invaders in 1193.

The new university will be built on a 180ha site some 10km from the ruins of the original brick campus. It will be fully residential like the original.


Its good to know that we are rebuilding the oldest university with the US$ 1 billion project.
Nice to see at last we are investing in right direction. . .
It's sad to hear all the knowledge gathered through ages got burnt by the invaders.
You should visit the sites of Nalanda and Vikramshila University in Bihar. Both were sacked by barbaric Islamic invaders.

The scale of these complex is just mind boggling and awe inspiring. I hope they ll make a similar university in Vikramshila too.

Vikramshila University, Bhagalpur, Bihar, Established 783-820, Destroyed by Bhaktiyar Khilji-1200




LOL another fake news, How actually desperate the Indians are.

The oldest university is in Taxila in Pakistan. Yes it was a buddist university.
The oldest yet functional University is Al Azhar University in Egypt which was established in 988 AD.
It would be nice if they design the buildings in the original ancient architecture.

LOL another fake news, How actually desperate the Indians are.

The oldest university is in Taxila in Pakistan. Yes it was a buddist university.
The oldest yet functional University is Al Azhar University in Egypt which was established in 988 AD.

Do you wish to renovate Taxila University. :what:
Actually the oldest would be Taxila in modern day Pakistan..Along with Nalanda were pinnacles of education of the Buddhist civilization in the subcontinent
Actually the oldest would be Taxila in modern day Pakistan..Along with Nalanda were pinnacles of education of the Buddhist civilization in the subcontinent

Its still debatable whether Taxila was a full fledged university or not.

By some accounts, Taxilla was considered to be amongst the earliest universities in the world.[6][35][36][37][38] Others do not consider it a university in the modern sense, in that the teachers living there may not have had official membership of particular colleges, and there did not seem to have existed purpose-built lecture halls and residential quarters in Takshashila,[39][40][41] in contrast to the later Nalanda University.

LOL another fake news, How actually desperate the Indians are.

The oldest university is in Taxila in Pakistan. Yes it was a buddist university.

Yes look at this desperate Indian.

Oldest university on earth is reborn after 800 years
This place where university is being built is just 2 km from my village. Boundary wall have been completed. But the campus work is yet to start. I will post picture of temporary office in the evening. I will try to post picture of site.
Bhai zakir the desperate Bull. s.h.i.t spreader at it again yesterday he was flying off the handle cause he claimed i changed the heading yet today he starts a thread hides all the facts.

I know Bhai Zakir you are desperate its understood but next time use a link that people can access and post complete information.P.s Bhai Zakir if you are so bothered by Muslims wtf are you doing being a Muslim convert already.

During the six centuries of its storied existence, there was nothing else quite like Nalanda University. Probably the first-ever large educational establishment, the college – in what is now eastern India – even counted the Buddha among its visitors and alumni. At its height, it had 10,000 students, 2,000 staff and strove for both understanding and academic excellence. Today, this much-celebrated centre of Buddhist learning is in ruins.

After a period during which the influence and importance of Buddhism in India declined, the university was sacked in 1193 , "It was destroyed in a war. It was [at] just the same time that Oxford was being established. The fire is said to have burned and smouldered for several months.

Now this famed establishment of philosophy, mathematics, language and even public health is poised to be revived. A beguiling and ambitious plan to establish an international university with the same overarching vision as Nalanda – and located alongside its physical ruins – has been spearheaded by a team of international experts and leaders, among them the Nobel-winning economist Amartya Sen. This week, legislation that will enable the building of the university to proceed is to be placed before the Indian parliament.

"At its peak it offered an enormous number of subjects in the Buddhist tradition, in a similar way that Oxford [offered] in the Christian tradition – Sanskrit, medicine, public health and economics," Mr Sen said yesterday in Delhi.

. It has a fairly extraordinary history – Cambridge had not yet been born." He added, with confidence: "Building will start as soon as the bill passes."

The plan to resurrect Nalanda – in the state of Bihar – and establish a facility prestigious enough to attract the best students from across Asia and beyond, was apparently first voiced in the 1990s. But the idea received more widespread attention in 2006 when the then Indian president, APJ Abdul Kalam set about establishing an international "mentoring panel". Members of the panel, chaired by Mr Sen, include Singapore's foreign minister, George Yeo, historian Sugata Bose, Lord Desai and Chinese academic Wang Banwei.

A key challenge for the group is to raise sufficient funds for the university. It has been estimated that $500m will be required to build the new facility, with a further $500m needed to sufficiently improve the surrounding infrastructure. The group is looking for donations from governments, private individuals and religious groups. The governments of both Singapore and India have apparently already given some financial commitments.
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