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Oct 3, 2005
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United States
In the coming weeks. We will be upgrading the site in regards to the performance and its ability to handle traffic. This upgrade should make the site faster, and easier to browse.

Just an update.

Thanks. :enjoy:
The first page itself is very heavy Webby. It take ages to download, whenever I try from my home line. My suggestion is to try to make the first page as light as possible, for quick view keeping most of the features intact.
I agree, whenever i view from a dialup, it takes AGES to get the first page.

Webby also for those who use slow connections, the photos on the top of every page are absolute killers. Couldnt you remove them with something different. This site should be AS easy and fast to acess as possible.

EDIT: Tried the litening 2 skin...great for dialup users i think!
I know its crap right now. The load is just too much. We should be on a good server soon.
Ahsan bhai, Yar My name is not showing in memnber galleries list :frown:
EDIT: Tried the litening 2 skin...great for dialup users i think!

and makes PFF green like PDF:lol:

the homepage loads quickly to me but I sometimes run across database error of the website.

good to see the upgrade.:tup:
I have modified it a bit more so it matches the current template too.

Enjoy! :enjoy:
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