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Update on Activism to expel Afghan Refugees from Pakistan


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
Hi guys,

I have written on this forum on and off on the issue of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

I just wanted to update like minded individuals on where I'm at.

I am putting my thoughts into action and have started:

1. A twitter account twitter.com/pakistani342 - please do follow me if you also believe that Afghan refugees should be expelled from Pakistan.

2. I have also started a blog to archive my arguments: pakistani342.blogspot.com

3. I have also been posting this blurb on Youtube on Pakistan / Afghanistan videos:
Pakistan and Afghanistan disentanglement is desired:
1. Pakistan should expel all 3 million Afghans refugees from Pakistan - there is no need to host a people who are ungrateful and hostile to Pakistanis
2. The resources Afghans consume in Pakistan: schools, hospitals, universities should go to Pakistanis - no point in giving these to a people, Afghans, who hate us Pakistanis
3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghans - it will reduce drugs and guns in Pakistan.

4. I'm also researching matters that relate to this issue and Afghan / Pakistan issues.

5. My hope is to build a following and then after the elections are over have like minded individuals campaign pakistani journalists (Anchors) to raise this issue.

6. If all goes well I might use personal funds to take out Ads in Pakistani Newspapers.

Would appreciate feedback and support - I'd like to elicit volunteers who can spread the word.

Well I think that is why we need to build up popular support on this issue.

This is a good time to build a coalition of like minded people and then push the issue once the elections are over. So say in the June timeframe.
Also, Afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah.
Also, Afghan refugees are the price Pakistan has to pay for participating in the Jihad fi sabilillah.
Ok fair enuff...
I think we have paid the price with interest, now how about leaving? :)

Personally i think all those who were born in Pakistan, have lived most of their life in Pak, have no criminal background & are not involved in anti state activities should not be expelled forcefully. They must be allowed to live & work freely as long as they abide by the local law.
I'm with you on this brother. This issue's been lying in the corner gathering dust since the Cold War. The pretext under which the expulsion should take place is not hostility but rather the worn-out drum of regional reconciliation. We tell the refugees there plight has been recognized and they can go home now, to better quarters and the families they left behind. The headlines read stuff like 'Closure, Solace and Hope - Return to the Motherland' or 'End of the Road - Home Sweet Home' and we even give them a peck on the cheek and a hug.

But it'll have to be done with a great deal of restraint. Some of the Afghans are now Pakistani citizens so they have every right to stay and contribute. Those that are waging their clandestine war against state elements need to be identified and deported immediately, their families follow suit. Those that are still unregistered are sent home too.

There will be a great deal of administrative difficulties that will have to be overcome. Where will they be sent? We can't just drop them off at the border. How do we deal with those who resist eviction? Military force? Let's do it with the least amount of bloodshed. The Foreign Office will have to intimate our intentions to the Afghan government....they may refuse to accept them back. How do we deal with that? It's undeniable that there is a humanitarian crises in Afghanistan and sending 3 million refugees back to it may not float well with our allies and accepted international practices. We could obviously plead necessity but heck all these and many more questions will need to be addressed effectively.

But that does not stop us from taking the initiative. These people need a home, we need to move on with our country. Either accommodate them or return them.
So you are admitting that afghans are punishment from God.

I don't believe in acts of God. Lets look at this logically.

There would be no refugees if the ISI had not supported the Mujahedeen. As noble as their struggle was, they ruined the country by bringing retaliation from Russia. Instead, they would be quickly dealt with, and Afghanistan would be a communist country like Uzbekistan today where we would be speaking Russian and our names would end in -ov. Not ideal, but far better than the current situation.

Pakistan's support for bloodthirsty warlords like Gulbuddin caused the destruction of Kabul and even more refugees. Then, when they backed the Taliban there was another stream of refugees.

Finally, when the West invaded, more than 5 million people have returned to Afghanistan. If Pakistan is truly serious about bringing peace so Afghans can return home, they would not back the Taliban.

First take care of your country which is annexed by different countries time to time day dreamer

NATO has not annexed Afghanistan, they support the current government which chosen by the people.

In the future, we will see the end of the failed experiment that is Pakistan and the return of land to its rightful owner. I am not a Pashtun, but I fully support their struggle.
I don't believe in acts of God. Lets look at this logically.

There would be no refugees if the ISI had not supported the Mujahedeen. As noble as their struggle was, they ruined the country by bringing retaliation from Russia. Instead, they would be quickly dealt with, and Afghanistan would be a communist country like Uzbekistan today where we would be speaking Russian and our names would end in -ov. Not ideal, but far better than the current situation.

Pakistan's support for bloodthirsty warlords like Gulbuddin caused the destruction of Kabul and even more refugees. Then, when they backed the Taliban there was another stream of refugees.

Finally, when the West invaded, more than 5 million people have returned to Afghanistan. If Pakistan is truly serious about bringing peace so Afghans can return home, they would not back the Taliban.

NATO has not annexed Afghanistan, they support the current government which chosen by the people.

In the future, we will see the end of the failed experiment that is Pakistan and the return of land to its rightful owner. I am not a Pashtun, but I fully support their struggle.

Well then good luck
My dear,

The fact is keeping Afghans in Pakistan makes no sense - we are a poor country and cannot afford to keep Afghans - further there is no reason to keep an hostile and ungrateful people.

The framework for this argument is the *interest based framework between two sovereign people* that Afghans seem to be insisting upon - this is a bit new for Pakistanis but so be it.

Now as a side note on Pakistan's interference in Afghanistan - If you do want to travel back in history why not travel back a few more decades. Let's start the clock with Daud Kahn interfering in Pakistan. Had Daud Khan not interfered in Pakistan, Pakistan would not have interfered in Afghanistan - hmmm don't like being paid in our your coin do you?

Oh and to set the record straight the USSR was very reluctant to intervene in Afghanistan - declassified Soviet records show that - it was actually Afghans who invited the USSR in - remember Taraki?


I don't believe in acts of God. Lets look at this logically.

There would be no refugees if the ISI had not supported the Mujahedeen. As noble as their struggle was, they ruined the country by bringing retaliation from Russia. Instead, they would be quickly dealt with, and Afghanistan would be a communist country like Uzbekistan today where we would be speaking Russian and our names would end in -ov. Not ideal, but far better than the current situation.

Pakistan's support for bloodthirsty warlords like Gulbuddin caused the destruction of Kabul and even more refugees. Then, when they backed the Taliban there was another stream of refugees.

Finally, when the West invaded, more than 5 million people have returned to Afghanistan. If Pakistan is truly serious about bringing peace so Afghans can return home, they would not back the Taliban.

NATO has not annexed Afghanistan, they support the current government which chosen by the people.

In the future, we will see the end of the failed experiment that is Pakistan and the return of land to its rightful owner. I am not a Pashtun, but I fully support their struggle.

Many thanks for the support guys, I would like to post my message on other Pakistani forums - could I get your help in identifying forums where such a post would be appropriate.

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