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Unmanned Convenience Store In Shanghai 无人便利商店上海亮相

Published on Jun 16, 2017
This Bingo Box store is located in Yangpu district, close to Auchan's headquarter in China. It operates 24 hours a day and doesn't have a cashier. Shoppers scan a QR code when they enter the shop, pick up the products and pay with their mobile phones before leaving the shop.

The store is only about 15 square meters, carrying 800 SKUs in both food and non-food.

Retailers have been testing unmanned stores, such as Amazon Go in the US and 7-Eleven Signature in South Korea. Auchan's Bingo Box seems to require the least investment and is easier to scale up. In a market like China, where the big stores are struggling under the pressure from ecommerce and mobile payments are widely adopted, this is an innovative way for Auchan to expand into small formats. Besides the trial of unmanned store, Auchan China has also joined JD's online to offline (O2O) grocery delivery platform.



Why should thief steal cheap grocery?

Well there are always people looking to abuse a system to earn a profit, if they wear a mask, grab large bin bags and throw as much merchandise in there as possible, it's quite a lot of money lost. Later they can resell the merchandise to shady street vendors etc.
i like the fact it can be moved on wheels great if the nighbourhood gets corrupted or bussiness down then i just move along for better economy. just add gps just incase man with pick truck decides to move it.
Well there are always people looking to abuse a system to earn a profit, if they wear a mask, grab large bin bags and throw as much merchandise in there as possible, it's quite a lot of money lost. Later they can resell the merchandise to shady street vendors etc.
But the question remains bro, why should people bother to steal almost worthless grocery?
24-hour 'unmanned' convenience store opens in Shanghai
2017/06/15 ShanghaiDaily.com


A new pioneering, effective and cheaper convenience store has opened its doors in Shanghai. BingoBox, an unmanned 24-hour, self-service store, has been launched near the parking lot of Auchan Supermarket's Changyang Road shop in Yangpu District. It is the first BingoBox store in Shanghai.

The shop, which is more than 10 meters square, has no staff and customers can only enter the store if they scan a QR code on the door. Once you enter, the door locks behind you and shoppers can wander around unattended and purchase products on their own. The store is not large but it still features a great variety of goods, although BingoBox has emphasized quality rather than quantity to ensure all of its products remain fresh.

Another highlight of the store is that the goods in BingoBox are cheaper than those in other convenience stores. For example, a bag of Lay's potato chips costs 7 yuan in Family Mart (note: one of the leading convenience store chains) while costing only 5 yuan in BingoBox.

An exclusive label on each product allows the customer to calculate the price of each item at the electronic cashier and once the shopper has paid they can leave the store. It is possible to browse around the store without purchasing anything. A quick QR scan on the wall at the entrance will open the locked door. If anyone tries to leave the shop with any unpaid products an alarm is triggered at the door.

Customers need to be aware that they have to register via their mobile phone before they can use BingoBox.

A second BingoBox store in the city has been unveiled at the headquarters of RT-Mart.

Best way to destroy any social fabrics is to make things as anonymous and little interaction with human as possible. Heck, why need human at all, machines should populate this earth, they don't complain, need little maintenance, can work 24/7, are less erratic etc.

What is human? My question still stands....
Interesting concept. Hope to see more such stores popping up.

So what happens if the thief wears a mask and changes clothes?

Maybe the QR code serves as a form of identification?
Interesting concept. Hope to see more such stores popping up.

Maybe the QR code serves as a form of identification?

Why not get chipped? 100% safety and zero chance to escape, 24/7 big brother watching after you and taking care for you. With the chip in your body, the gov. will tell you when need to go to the doctor or if have eaten too much sugar and when you don't change your eating habit, the gov. might punish you for your misbehaviour, e.g. switching off the banking function of the chip for a week. That way, all people will become perfect citizens. If you still misbehave and after the third warning, they swich on the little cyanide capsule in the chip. :enjoy:
amazon is also trying to build the same thing. it is a race. see which one takes off first.
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