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Under the given circumstances, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh did a fine job


Aug 15, 2011
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By Sunil Mittal

I have been meaning to write this piece for a few weeks, but every time I start, I hesitate to do so as I am reminded of the sermons I received from Shri Yashwant Sinha in this very paper, after I penned down an open letter to the opposition exhorting them to support some very important legislations that were stuck in Parliament for want of political support. " Politics is best left to politicians" was Yashwant Ji's response. I took it as a sound advice from an elder statesman and a well-wisher, who has always shown warmth and affection towards me. My purpose even then was not to indulge in politics.

Today, I hope I will again not meander into politics; for good measure, I have chosen to write this only after the last vote has been cast.

But if I end up sounding political without any intent to be so, I would seek the reader's generosity in understanding my sentiments towards a person I have come to admire and respect, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Two weeks ago, I hosted a dinner for close friends, which promised to be another fun evening. But as is the wont in any dinner in this capital city of Delhi, politics would certainly be a topic over some malt and wine, and this dinner was, therefore, no different. At the dinner table I could not but help ask a question— How do you rate Dr.Manmohan Singh? And knowing the general mood, added for good measure, "under the given circumstances." There were some mild protests on this qualification, but it soon settled down.

The rule I laid out was that everyone will give a rating on a scale of 10, and those who were between 4 and 7 need not explain, but those outside this range must explain in a short two-minute capsule so as to allow all to get their voice before we finished the dinner.

I invoked the host's prerogative to kick off first, wanting to set the tone. I gave a score of 8 and immediately, the noise and excitement level around the table went up with most groaning, but a few smiling knowing what I was trying to do...setting the tone. It was a table of 16, and what followed saddened me but did not surprise me.

Another guest who also had the benefit of knowing the Prime Minister was also at 8, a few at midpoint, but it was the majority which gave marks below the threshold that set the course of the discussion at the dinner that evening, with the minority led by me trying to hold the onslaught. After a feisty and animated evening, which went into wee hours, I retired for the night with mixed feelings.

Yes, I admire Dr Manmohan Singh and always will. I have reasons to and I feel that I should share some of these, even if it's not the most popular thing to do today. Another reason is Sanjaya Baru's recent book, 'The Accidental Prime Minister,' a very well written and enjoyable chronicle capturing some vital events, mood and the persona of Dr.Manmohan Singh. I just finished reading the book on flights to and back from Abuja, where I had gone to co-chair the World Economic Forum on Africa.

The book, which in large parts is a celebration of the Manmohan Singh era, easily resonated with me as the events in the book and importantly Dr. Singh's deep concern for the good of the nation has been witnessed by me, albeit from some distance.

I had the chance to witness the evolution of the Nuclear Deal into Dr. Singh's legacy as he assiduously, piece by piece, crafted the Indo-US nuclear deal against all odds including risking his government. As the president of CII, I led a very successful trip of business leaders to the US and also met Indian political leaders to play our part in the process.

Having participated in several important meetings led by the Prime Minister, in particular the CEO forums between India and the US, UK, Russia and Japan and many others, I have witnessed the deep impact he has made on the world stage espousing India's position and securing advantages for India and its industry.

As a member of the Prime Minister's Council on Trade and Industry, I have seen him dealing with critical national issues and ensuring that conflicting positions were resolved expeditiously.

One example that readily comes to my mind is the setting up of a Committee on Financial Inclusion when the telecom industry and the banking sector had a face off at a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister.

Amongst the list of members on the committee was a surprise inclusion, Rama Babu, late Shri Rama Prasad Goenka, doyen of Indian industry. I was intrigued as to why would the PM have Rama Babu on the committee given that the battle was between the march of technology and the strong apprehension the banking industry had about the participation of mobile companies in financial sector, an impregnable fortress of their industry. He was neither in banking nor telecom. But, he was an accomplished business man who would bear to the table his years of valuable experience, and the PM knew that he will play the role of an honest referee, which he indeed did with aplomb.

I have also personally experienced the huge admiration and extraordinary respect that Dr. Singh commands from his peer group across the world. In my wide travels across the world and my meetings with various Heads of States, be that Africa or South Asia, Singapore or in high level meetings in the US, UK or Japan, one common mention is about Dr. Singh's extraordinary reputation as a Wise Man, an outstanding Economist and a fine Gentleman.

His humility is seen as a rare trait amongst leaders and never mistaken as a weakness by international leaders. Unfortunately, he was not able to correct the perception back home.

Sanjay is right when he states that Dr.Singh is extremely relaxed in the company of intellectuals and academics, and enjoys talking about diverse issues concerning the globe. I can relate one incident in November of 2011 when the Board of Trustees of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a foremost think tank based out of Washington DC on which I serve, called upon the PM at 7RCR.

The conversations covered wide ranging topics and in particular Indo-US relations. Every time a member of the delegation started a conversation, Dr. Singh would end the sentence with a flourish. This kept on for over half an hour as we were all being regaled by stories from the glorious past of Indo-US relationship right from Nehru's time.

This despite the fact that we were way over our allotted time and the minders were reminding the PM to wind up. II being the only Indian in the room, (not counting Ashley Tellis of the Carnegie), could not but have my chest swell up with pride. What a moment it was to behold! The Prime Minister holding up his own to a galaxy of foreign policy and security experts singlehandedly.

I have also been witness to some of his speeches where he has made every Indian proud, be that his speech to the Joint Session at the Capitol Hill in DC or his acceptance speech while receiving his Doctorate from HRH Prince Phillips at a glittering ceremony at Cambridge. One cannot but feel good to have had a leader like Dr. Manmohan Singh representing India on the world stage.

Equally, he has done a lot for the Indian economy, be that opening up of FDI or promoting infrastructure projects. Yes, he could have asserted himself more and corrected the perception of inaction in the last couple of years. But I bring back the qualification "under the given circumstances" and stick my neck out to say, he did a fine job.

History, I have no doubt, will judge him better than some of the present day commentators, who chose to overlook both the goodness of the man and his extraordinary work.

As Sanjaya eloquently put it up in his book"...However, he remains not just a good man but, in the final analysis, also a good Prime Minister...a cut above the competition, be it from the ruling congress party, or....in other parties." There is a very good tradition followed in the west of utilising the services of the former Heads of State to deal with critical issues of national and international importance.

Whether it's to appoint Tony Blair to deal with the Middle East or climate issues, or Gordon Brown to deal with education of the poor girl child, or the former US Presidents representing their country on world stage, the present day leaders of nations use experience and talent of their predecessors to add weight to their political agenda. I hope India's next Prime Minister will make use of the vast experience and wisdom of Dr. Manmohan Singh for the benefit of the nation.

For it can be very lonely at the top especially when confronted with politically explosive situations. As I wish and pray for the glorious success of the next Prime Minister, I wish Dr. Manmohan Singh good health, happiness and a long life.

Sunil Mittal: Under the given circumstances, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh did a fine job - The Economic Times
He is the best you ever got, or perhaps will ever get, the food in your stomach, the money in your banks, all thanks to MMS, atleast the whole middle class of India should be thankful to this one man, who worked selflessly for his people...

yet there are few voices for such a great man... Alas, we hot-headed people lack the ability to judge on merit.
He is the best you ever got, or perhaps will ever get, the food in your stomach, the money in your banks, all thanks to MMS, atleast the whole middle class of India should be thankful to this one man, who worked selflessly for his people...

yet there are few voices for such a great man... Alas, we hot-headed people lack the ability to judge on merit.

This is how the nation saw him & the Congress party

Manmohan Singh:


The Congress Party :

He is the best you ever got, or perhaps will ever get, the food in your stomach, the money in your banks, all thanks to MMS, atleast the whole middle class of India should be thankful to this one man, who worked selflessly for his people...

yet there are few voices for such a great man... Alas, we hot-headed people lack the ability to judge on merit.

I thought he was an excellent Bureaucrat. But not at all cut out to be a politician.

Well, until Sonia screwed the pooch. His 'friends' like DMK engaged in scams after scams.

Unfortunately for Manmohan there was no P.V. Narasimha Rao this time.

And no, MMS is not the best we have got.

Lal Bahadur Shastri, A.B. Vajpayee, and P.V. Narsimha Rao were better.

@Leader But he is not as atrocious as other claim. :)
He is the best you ever got, or perhaps will ever get, the food in your stomach, the money in your banks, all thanks to MMS, atleast the whole middle class of India should be thankful to this one man, who worked selflessly for his people...

yet there are few voices for such a great man... Alas, we hot-headed people lack the ability to judge on merit.
do not try to act indian when u are not....
and if u are so impressed by him....why nt call him to ur country and ask for some guru-mantra of money and how to excel ur economy,... call him and vote for him and appoint him ur PM.....

and as far as given circumstances thing goes he failed miserably and and he sucks......
do not try to act indian when u are not....
and if u are so impressed by him....why nt call him to ur country and ask for some guru-mantra of money and how to excel ur economy,... call him and vote for him and appoint him ur PM.....

and as far as given circumstances thing goes he failed miserably and and he sucks......

Please go easy on @Leader

he is a friend of mine around here :D
I thought he was an excellent Bureaucrat. But not at all cut out to be a politician.

Well, until Sonia screwed the pooch. His 'friends' like DMK engaged in scams after scams.

Unfortunately for Manmohan there was no P.V. Narasimha Rao this time.

And no, MMS is not the best we have got.

Lal Bahadur Shastri, A.B. Vajpayee, and P.V. Narsimha Rao were better.

@Leader But he is not as atrocious as other claim. :)

you guys are inclined to BJP philosophy, nothing else, otherwise MMS saved India in 1989 from bankruptcy, and the current economic progress is all due to one man, MMS... never did before India had such progress.. anyhow, lets see what choice India makes..
you guys are inclined to BJP philosophy, nothing else, otherwise MMS saved India in 1989 from bankruptcy, and the current economic progress is all due to one man, MMS... never did before India had such progress.. anyhow, lets see what choice India makes..

Lal Bahadur Shastri and Narsimha Rao were congress Men :mad:

Lal Bahadur Shastri and Narsimha Rao were congress Men :mad:


I know, Was not speaking in that comparison reference, generally speaking by seeing the reaction, and though I have not studied their tenure, but I can bet MMS is far better.
I know, Was not speaking in that comparison reference, generally speaking by seeing the reaction, and though I have not studied their tenure, but I can bet MMS is far better.

MMS was better, because he was there during Economic liberalisation.

His first tenure was superb, but Sonia Gandhi had to ruin it because his precious son needs to be coddled into the PM seat.

I think a lot of the vitriol towards ManMohan is not deserved.

If he had put his foot down. Plus the economic climate was bad around the world too.

He was well liked around the world.

@Leader it is the unbridled hero worship of Modi that I cannot stand, more than Modi himself.

And yeah, I am still wary of the guy.
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By Arun Jaitley

Looking back at Dr.Manmohan Singh

The voting for the 2014 General Elections is over. The result is awaited. We have only the Exit Polls and our own analysis as a base to speculate upon. Dr. Manmohan Singh has announced that he would be stepping down as Prime Minister irrespective of the result and the mantle of the Congress Party leadership in Parliament would pass on to the next generation. I have had an opportunity of observing the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh from close quarters for the last ten years. In the last five years as Leader of Opposition I virtually have heard his every intervention in Parliament and dissected each one of his performances. I look upon him at the conclusion of his ten years tenure.

Unquestionably Dr. Manmohan Singh was a very good Finance Minister. He got a lot of support from his Prime Minister, PV Narasimha Rao for initiating the economic reforms in 1991. For a Congress Party government which had always professed the virtues of regulation a reformist approach was creditable. Shri PV Narasimha Rao has never been given the level of credit which he truly deserved. I am sure history will reassess him. I had recently suggested to the Prime Minister that I personally would be interested in reading his memoirs particularly those relating to the period 1991-96. The footprints he left behind as a Finance Minister during this period will be remembered for a long time.

Dr. Manmohan Singh became a Prime Minister on account of certain circumstances which compelled Smt. Sonia Gandhi to withdraw her name from the reckoning. He was literally a Prime Minister announced by Sonia ji. He had to function within that limitation.

There were two strong qualities of Prime Minister that I discovered. Firstly, whenever you discussed a serious subject with the Prime Minister he came out as a man of scholarship . He was what we call to as "a Syana aadmi". His words were measured and he would reflect before making a comment. Secondly, his personal integrity was always above board. With an element of scholarship he was always be well read and well prepared on any subject that he dealt with.

And yet, when he addressed the country, he never came out as a leader. The reason for not coming out as a leader was clear. He never wanted to rock the boat. He knew that he was vested with limited power and on all major decisions he had to keep the party and its first family in good humor. Thus when the reform process was blocked on account of decisions of the National Advisory Council or when Rahul Gandhi tore apart the papers of objectionable ordinance, the Prime Minister was perceived as a non-leader who had to accept everything without his opinion mattering significantly. It was his inability to overrule people which affected his functioning. He did not have the last word. Had he overruled his Finance Minister on the retrospective tax law knowing fully well the consequences of a retrospective taxation, the Prime Minister would have stood out. If he had stood up and cancelled the Coal Blocks allocation once the fraud was revealed or cancelled the 2G licenses himself rather than wait for the Court to do it I have no doubt that history would have recorded him very differently. It was the inability to speak up within his own party that may compel the historians to take a different view of the man.

As curtains draw to a close and a ten year long period of providing leadership to the Government of India, the Prime Minister goes out with dignity and grace. He will remain an elder statesman and a man of credibility to guide the nation. Only if he had stood up at the right time and disagreed he would have been regarded with still a greater honour.

I wish the Prime Minister a very good health and many more years of public service. If he were to write his memoirs and I will always want to read the chapter which deals with 1991-96 period.

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