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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

looks like its not over yet..i just hope there is no loss of life

If the agitators in the Eastern regions continue fanning the flames they will have pretext to invade.This could even be the actual plan.
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Whereas I strongly oppose US Adventurism & the World Policing that they are in a habit of doing; two wrongs can't possibly make a Right therefore I can't imagine how anyone could ethically support this blatant Russian Aggression that we saw first in Georgia & now here !

Brother, it was Georgia that attacked Russia first, even the West says that.

And it was the West who started it here again, by using pro-Western thugs to topple the democratically elected government of the Ukraine. Russia wants stability, it was the West who changed the status quo by meddling in Russia's turf, without provocation.

Those fascist pro-Western thugs in Western Ukraine did not ask for the opinions of Eastern Ukrainians, and Southern Ukrainians, who are pro-Russian.

They did not wait for elections, and completely ignored the Eastern and Southern Ukrainians as a part of their country... they just violently threw out the Government for their own benefit, not for the benefit of Eastern and Southern Ukrainians.

Given this, and the fact that they were historically a part of Russia, you can see why they are raising Russian flags all over Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
The Turkish Air Force scrambled eight F-16 fighter jets after a Russian surveillance plane flew parallel along its Black Sea coast, the military said on Tuesday, amid increased tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine.


Turkeys shiting in their pants.
I know you are trying to make fun of our carrier, but the fact of the matter is this, only China and US had the ability to put that thing into action.

IF you know much of restoring vintage cars, you would know how much work it is than to fix a new car.

If Muslim nation get united....we don't need any aircraft carrier...just put many military weapon on the closest Muslim nation within the conflict zone.......we can make oil price jump in a second....and we have so many brave men in any Muslim country ready to fight and die. We are the one who really can put anything into action.
If Muslim nation get united....we don't need any aircraft carrier...just put many military weapon on the closest Muslim nation within the conflict zone.......we can make oil price jump in a second....and we have so many brave men in any Muslim country ready to fight and die. We are the one who really can put anything into action.

for god sake
give your Islamic Umah a rest
why does it have to come over every where?

USA is backing the kind of people that are extreme right wings, far right, ultra fascist, Neo Nazi paramilitaries

nothing new here
violent Islamic jihadists were used in Lybia and Syria in Lybia the Americans messed up the country had their own Ambassador burnt alive and left the country to Al Qaeda and in Syria they supported cannibals, butchers & rapists.. the ultimate goal was to
to shun afterwords but this gambit failed and like Iraq, Lybia and Syria are now safe heavens of American sworn enemies.

in Ukriane, as the leaked phone covnersation shows, the Americans are follwing a all or nothing strategy backing a radical, Neo Nazi group which will further polarize the situation. with the Putins agressive response, the Americans are only left with rehtoric and rants and threatening Putin with "costs", (most likely expulsion from G8)

in case some one is getting butt hurt & having difficulty in believing what I am saying then I will only refer to two main points which the new thugish regime has implimented

removal of the ban on nazi symbolism
revoking rights of russian speakers

now process thatand then cry me a river over Putin's response.
bloody hypocacy of the "civilized world".

by the way not sure why thisreminds me of "off topic" song

"Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran, Bomb Iran"

who sings and says that?


no, "civilized" American leaders.
for god sake
give your Islamic Umah a rest
why does it have to come over every where?

No one can boast in this world while Muslim nations are still exist. Being a free state is already a good step for Muslim nations. It makes us much easier to go forward into the next step.
No one can boast in this world while Muslim nations are still exist. Being a free state is already a good step for Muslim nations. It makes us much easier to go forward into the next step.
thank you for your off topic and out of context post
No one can boast in this world while Muslim nations are still exist. Being a free state is already a good step for Muslim nations. It makes us much easier to go forward into the next step.

Bro, Muslim nations are not going to unite. I will put more money on US/Russia uniting than Muslim nations uniting.

You are better off working to make Indonesia strong by itself instead of wasting time wishing for Muslim unity.
Not really, Turkey doesnt see Russia as a threat, Russia has no balls to attack a NATO country.
As I see - Turkey also has bills to America,cause U.S. unceremoniously interfere in the internal affairs of Turkey. At this time, the position of Turkey and Russia may become closer.
As I see - Turkey also has bills to America,cause U.S. unceremoniously interfere in the internal affairs of Turkey. At this time, the position of Turkey and Russia may become closer.
so we are talking Ukriane crises and Putin's response and first some one throws the Muslim thing and then Tukey has become the subject of discussion
clearly we have run out of anything valuable to add on topic
so lets talk Donald Duck now

Muslim Unified aircraft carrier fleet
Donald Duck
and evil Klingons
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