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UK: we want Iran sanctions to hit people

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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UK: we want Iran sanctions to hit people

The British Defense Secretary has acknowledged that the western sanctions on Iran are targeted at the livelihood of the ordinary people, which he said are necessary so that Tehran feels an “existential threat” from economic pressure and ends its nuclear activities.

“We can definitely make the pain much greater. Nobody wants to cause the Iranian people to suffer unnecessarily but this mad scheme to build a bomb has to be brought to an end,” Philip Hammond told the Guardian.

“The only thing that is likely to budge the [government from its nuclear position] is if they see or sense an existential threat. If the level of economic pressure starts to translate into potentially [government]-threatening disruption and dissent on the streets of Tehran, then they may change course,” he added.

Hammond did mention Iranians’ repeated explanation that “they’re enriching uranium for peaceful purposes,” but he blatantly claimed, “Nobody believes them.”

This comes as there are more grounds to believe Hammond is lying rather than Tehran as the latter is pursuing all its nuclear activities under the close inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and that the agency has never offered any evidence on a deviation in Iran’s civilian nuclear activities.

Iran says its nuclear energy program is totally civilian and aimed at power generation adding it needs the 20-percent-enriched uranium it produces for production of fuel for a reactor that produces medicine for cancer and other patients.

His comments come ahead of the Conservative party annual conference and a meeting of EU ministers on October 15, when Britain, France and Germany are expected to push for more sanctions against Iran.

“There is talk of a general trade embargo and of shutting down the remaining access that Iran has to international banking channels,” Hammond said.

Iranian officials have long condemned the US and EU unilateral sanctions on the country as an “economic war” targeted at the people; a war commentators believe would further unify Iranians against their enemies.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has also condemned the western embargoes saying they have affected people’s livelihood and impeded patient’s access to much needed medicine.

“The sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran have had significant effects on the general population, including an escalation in inflation, a rise in commodities and energy costs, an increase in the rate of unemployment and a shortage of necessary items, including medicine," Ban said in a report to the UN General Assembly on Friday.

Iran has in the past described the Western propaganda storm against its nuclear energy program as a political game against a democracy Westerners cannot tolerate.

PressTV - UK: we want Iran sanctions to hit people
The west always targets the people... because they believe the people then will put pressure on the government.... that's how much the west cares about the people....

Did you know that that is the exact definition of terrorism?

"intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government".
Before commenting, please be aware that the source of news is press tv.
Before commenting, please be aware that the source of news is press tv.
So the sanctions are not against the people?? it doesn't matter where the article is from... what matter is logic... those sanctions are obviously against the people of Iran..
I think it is pretty obvious that sanctions are the safest mode of influencing a nation economically to persuade to come in terms what the sanction countries want...As long as West and EU holds the key to reserch,innovation and scientific inventions...West and EU will undoubtedly be the power of the world...China,India,Japan,Brazil and to some extent different nations are doing progress...But the key to self independency is about how can a nation survive without the product and material that is invented by West...

Take a basic example.....Unfortunately Iran is in sanction...technically speaking Iran has not done anything drastic that this country needs to be sanctioned....the issue of Iran is that if you want to fight it out with the powerful nation ...then you should prepare yourself in such a situation that you can withstand pressure....Now Iran raise all the issue of Palestine or trying to fight out with Israel....But is it not so strange, if we go by Iran's logic...Palestine should be a issue of all Muslim nations....Why you are alone sacrificing your people for a cause..which rest of your Muslim nation seems to be not doing much as Iran does it??? Why do Iran's political class want to put a stake on ordinary Iranian civilian for a cause where all the civilian of all Muslim nation should be part of it???

If Iran is doing for the sake of creating a new world order...then you should really follow China....I really admire the way China rise to the top....It s remarkable...One good part of China as a nation and its political class is that they are not a die hard emotional friend of any country nor they are enemy of any one....and China GOV does not talk non sense in media giving any empty threats...If they really mean to take any action they do it...Otherwise they prepare themselves silently and wait for weaker moment of enemy. to blow them out.........Iran should understand that if you want to fight with your enemy or you would like to leader of Islamic world...then you should make your nation so strong economically, Knowledge, Education wise that in case of any obstruction you can continue to develop without being impacted by any one....Now it seems..although USA is primarily targeting to Russia and China to corner....Iran and in turn Syria are used as just pawn in the big fight between the powerful nations...

Ultimately US,West,Russia and China will do business as usual...but each of these countries will always try to find their pawns who can fight their war.....So in this chessboard of war games...as of Now Syrian rebels are played by US/WEST/Turkey and Arab nations where as Syrian Gov backed by Iran is used by Russia and China...I feel time has come the regime of Iran,Syria should think wisely and take necessary steps..
Thats pretty sick. Britain deserves every bit of Anjem Chaudhury it gets on it. :angry:

I remember how Albright (US envoy to UN) said after starving about 2 mln. Iraqis to death: "it was well worth it." Of those dead Iraqis, 500.000-750.000 were children.

Post-Stalin, there is no more brutal country than US. Their crimes against humanity by far eclipse Israel and others, put together.
Iran has some of the worlds largest oil reserves. The UK has very little natural resources. Why is Iran not the one calling the shots here?
Fck sanctions and fck America. Iran's nuclear program is only for power generation, they've even allowed inspections. The only country that has not allowed inspections of its nuclear program is America's illegitimate child Israel.
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