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UAE Halts Talks to Buy French Rafale Fighter Jets

Lots of people here talk with no knowledge of the whole thing.

As someone who have been following this closely, the French lost the deal and UAE backed away because the French couldn't supply the terms UAE demanded. UAE demanded a stronger radar, stronger engine and specialized communication equipment on the Rafale.

The Rafale couldn't deliver because according to the French the UAE was asking for a whole new platform since Rafale reached its limits in all of the above aspects mostly due to power supply issues.

The Typhoon is better anyways for them, easier to integrate into our own combined forces. There were no arm twisting or anything of the sort, that is just Indians feeling ******** that their new jet has proven inferior to UAE demands. On the other hand the Typhoon will deliver once the upcoming update is complete.
Lots of people here talk with no knowledge of the whole thing.

As someone who have been following this closely, the French lost the deal and UAE backed away because the French couldn't supply the terms UAE demanded. UAE demanded a stronger radar, stronger engine and specialized communication equipment on the Rafale.

The Rafale couldn't deliver because according to the French the UAE was asking for a whole new platform since Rafale reached its limits in all of the above aspects mostly due to power supply issues.

The Typhoon is better anyways for them, easier to integrate into our own combined forces. There were no arm twisting or anything of the sort, that is just Indians feeling ******** that their new jet has proven inferior to UAE demands. On the other hand the Typhoon will deliver once the upcoming update is complete.

Thats why SA price upset with BEA (UK Govt.) when Reports came that BEA bribed SA price to bribe their typhoon. (Forget it)

USA has great influence over SA/ UAE etc , therefore you will US plane landing in that region.

India tested it and find the best plane among them , tested on world coldest place, tested on hottest place , sea test , every test is conducted and after that EU and Rafael is equally best.
What does "haven't been integrated with missiles..." mean? It uses the AMRAAM (for now).


Eurofighter: *News Detail

It still uses a series of American missiles.

The Meteor is still under development.

It can. Though maybe not as good as the Tornado in that category :P

Could be...:D

Algeria? OMG...since when!? From what I remember, there were speculations that country was to acquire the Rafale. Not having a live demonstration! Please, don't spread misinformation!

And against what? Some improper military and a bunch of wackjobs in turbans? That doesn't prove much does it? In fact, very little.

And if I get my troll mode on, so did the Typhoon in Libya.
Eurofighter's Combat Debut in Libya May Boost Sales of $106 Million Plane - Bloomberg

Oh, and...

Every fighter will have its missile specifications.. As for that, and for ground based ops, EFT are still undergoing tests....
It cannot fly too close to the ground than rafale, it was very tough to conduct ground attack missions than Rafale , it can be a good air superiorty fighter maybe...
Moreover, Rafale did most of the ground job and low level bombings in Libya , while EFT was involved in reconssainance... For british Tornado was the one which did the bombings, which EFT wasnt able to do...
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