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U.S. to boost naval forces as China develops carrier: Admiral Scott Van Buskirk


Oct 12, 2010
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U.S. to boost naval forces as China develops carrier: Admiral Scott Van Buskirk

(Reuters) - The U.S. navy will continue to upgrade its military capabilities in the Pacific given its steadfast commitment to the region, a U.S. vice admiral said on Monday, while urging China's growing navy to avoid provocation.

China's swelling defense budgets, rapid development of advanced systems including aircraft carriers and anti-satellite missiles, and its growing naval aggression in bordering seas, have unnerved regional neighbors and the United States in recent years.

"It is our sincere hope that as China continues to develop a blue-water navy, one which may soon include an aircraft carrier, it will employ that navy in a way that is responsible and constructive," said Vice admiral Scott Van Buskirk during a visit to Hong Kong.

The vice admiral who commands the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet -- the largest forward deployed military force with up to 70 ships and 300 aircraft -- also urged China not to utilize such military hardware in a "threatening or provocative manner."

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last month a U.S. military presence in the Pacific is essential to restrain Chinese assertiveness.

Following on from Gate's comments that China's military advances in cyber and anti-satellite warfare technology could challenge the ability of U.S. forces to operate in the Pacific, Van Buskirk said the United States would upgrade its hardware there.

A new Littoral combat ship (LCS) will be deployed to the area soon, carrier fighter squadrons upgraded, attack submarine attack capabilities increased, and surface destroyers rekitted to "boost their ability to detect and kill enemy submarines", Van Buskirk said.

Faster P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft will replace P-3 Orion planes in the next two years.

"We remain committed. We remain engaged," he said.

While Gates breakthrough visit to Beijing last month reestablished high-level strategic level ties, Van Buskirk said much more needed to be done at a tactical level to ensure encounters at sea wouldn't escalate or lead to conflict.

"We're just not as successful in receiving return communications," said Van Buskirk of attempts by U.S. ships to hail Chinese vessels on the high seas.

U.S. to boost naval forces as China develops carrier: admiral | Reuters
U.S. Navy Commander Addresses China's Rise


HONG KONG—The top U.S. naval commander for the Asian-Pacific region called on China to be "responsible and constructive" as it prepares to deploy its first aircraft carrier, while stressing that America retains substantial firepower and surveillance capacity in the region.

"It is our sincere hope that as China continues to develop a blue-water navy—one that may soon include an aircraft carrier—it will employ that navy in a way that is responsible and constructive," Vice Adm. Scott Van Buskirk, commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, said in prepared remarks Monday to a forum in Hong Kong.

The admiral ran down a list of improvements meant to reassure Washington's allies that the U.S. navy isn't lowering its profile in the region. These included weapons that appear specifically targeted at potential threats from China and North Korea, including antimine equipment and new sonar to better detect quiet submarines.

"Some worry that the U.S., with our sluggish economy and continued military engagement in Afghanistan, is weakening its position and its commitment to Asia," Adm. Van Buskirk said. "From where I sit as the U.S. Seventh Fleet commander, I can tell you that our commitment to this region has never been stronger."

China's rising economic power and growing military strength have raised alarms among neighbors such as India, Japan and Vietnam at a time when U.S. economic problems are prompting cuts in Washington's defense spending. Besides developing a diesel-powered aircraft carrier that allows it to project force far beyond its borders for the first time, China tested a prototype stealth jet fighter in January—just as U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Beijing for talks.

Conflicting interests have put pressure on U.S. and Chinese military ties. On the one hand, military cooperation helps both countries maintain stable trade to keep their economies humming. On the other, the two countries have differing geopolitical ambitions in the region, especially concerning Taiwan, the island China claims as its own but for which the U.S. provides weapons.

The U.S. has irked Beijing with a renewed pledge to stay involved in the Asia-Pacific region, especially after North Korea shelled a South Korean island last November in one of the most brazen provocations by the isolated dictatorship. Though the attack tested the patience of China, North Korea's sole ally, Beijing condemned the U.S. for holding war games with South Korea shortly afterward.

And ties remain limited to high-ranking dialogue, creating opportunity for potentially lethal misunderstandings on the high seas as the U.S. and Chinese navies have more encounters.

U.S. and Chinese navy forces are in regular communication in the Middle East as part of antipiracy efforts there. But in Asia, Chinese ships don't respond to routine bridge-to-bridge courtesy calls, Adm. Van Buskirk said. Better communication could avoid "any misunderstandings or confusion that could inadvertently lead to incident or crisis," he said.

Adm. Van Buskirk, who is based in Japan, overseas some 70 ships patrolling the waters from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. His visit aboard the flagship U.S.S. Blue Ridge underscores how China has kept the key port of Hong Kong generally open to American warships even after the ex-British territory's return to Chinese sovereignty more than a decade ago.

U.S. Navy Commander Addresses China's Rise - WSJ.com
More provocation from US as peaceful china just wants to build its ships to patrol its natural god given right and waters - more of the same from US interfering with other nation's business
What about the Japanese naval aggression in the Daiku and Kuril Islands. It is Japan which is the current aggrssive nation in Asia Pacific. However the US like to protray China as the aggressor while Japan has territorial conflicts with Russia leading to Russia sending troops to the Kurils. What is the response of the US Navy Wardogs and US war criminals with regards to this conflict which could lead to World War III. Japan has similar conflicts with South Korea which could have lead to a naval war between both in 2009 and not to mention conflicts with Taiwan and China. Contrary to Germany Japan has never apologizes for the civilian massacre and atrocities committed in Mandchuria and in China, to the vivisection of CHinese civilians, killings and mass tortures of US and UK commonwealth prisoners. Japanese war criminals had sought asylum in US and now they are living good life. US is harbouring the largest number of War Criminals including US politicians and ex-President having their hand full of blood of innocent women and children mass killed in Afganistan, Gaza and Iraq. The Lahaye Tribunal should launch an enquiry however this will never happen as this tribunal is under the hands of the EU and US.
China doesn't need a lot of carriers as it is trying to develop the lasergun and railgun.

There is chance that the battleship mode returns in the future.
Lets hope Iran build up its fleet in the Massess LOL !

its not in irans interest to build their navy in large numbers since they know they be sitting ducks for the usa in case of a war. so they instead build up their missile inventory for countries like yours who without our help would probably be destroyed by now. so try not to make jokes about them unless you can take care of them on your own.
Tbh i think iran is more danger to us than china but i could be wrong, they have already made anti navy ballistic missile something china has not done. we should stop trying to make china our enemy...
China doesn't need a lot of carriers as it is trying to develop the lasergun and railgun.

There is chance that the battleship mode returns in the future.

where is your evidence that china are trying to make lasergun and railgun i love you to show me proof..
china is long time away from reaching our level.
China doesn't need a lot of carriers as it is trying to develop the lasergun and railgun.

There is chance that the battleship mode returns in the future.

US will have them before China does. The range of a laser and railgun is far more limited than that of a carrier.
its not in irans interest to build their navy in large numbers since they know they be sitting ducks for the usa in case of a war. so they instead build up their missile inventory for countries like yours who without our help would probably be destroyed by now. so try not to make jokes about them unless you can take care of them on your own.
Tbh i think iran is more danger to us than china but i could be wrong, they have already made anti navy ballistic missile something china has not done. we should stop trying to make china our enemy...

US will have them before China does. The range of a laser and railgun is far more limited than that of a carrier.

china is less likely at the current time to have a war with the us compared to iran, also what you wanna believe about iranian talk vs chinese silence is up to you.

also i do think the US will have rail-guns actively deployed before china but the concept isn't that difficult, if i remember right the navy did a test using a 32-MJ pulse power system from the 80s(along with a new 9 mj cap bank). hell even i have one made from a disposable camera circuit, the main problem is rail deterioration from the heat and insulation for the whole system to make it smaller which will eventually be solve(material science is an area china is very god at)
it was anticipated by me. US feels its position as world's sole super power is threatened so it will take some actions. much along the anticipated lines.
china is less likely at the current time to have a war with the us compared to iran, also what you wanna believe about iranian talk vs chinese silence is up to you.

also i do think the US will have rail-guns actively deployed before china but the concept isn't that difficult, if i remember right the navy did a test using a 32-MJ pulse power system from the 80s(along with a new 9 mj cap bank). hell even i have one made from a disposable camera circuit, the main problem is rail deterioration from the heat and insulation for the whole system to make it smaller which will eventually be solve(material science is an area china is very god at)

it would really be something if china manage to pull it off, there is no doubt that china is a scientific force. i hope my comment before did not piss you off.
where is your evidence that china are trying to make lasergun and railgun i love you to show me proof..
china is long time away from reaching our level.

It has many leaked information/pics in the Chinese military forum, we keep maintaining a low profile doesn't mean we don't have these toys.

That Varyag carrier is a joke to be our flagship, but merely a training ship at most.
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