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Jan 20, 2008
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Most U.S. Government spending on nuclear weapons-related programs is unclassified. But it is functionally secret since such spending is widely dispersed across many programs in several agencies and it is not formally tracked or reported.

A new study prepared for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace estimated that the cost of U.S. nuclear weapons and weapons-related programs exceeded $52 billion last year.

"That's a floor, not a ceiling," said Stephen I. Schwartz, who led the study with Deepti Choubey. The estimate does not include the costs of classified nuclear weapons programs or nuclear-related intelligence programs, among other limiting factors.

The $52 billion figure far exceeds the total annual budget for international diplomacy and foreign assistance ($39.5 billion) and comprises roughly 10% of all national defense spending.

Because nuclear weapons costs are not officially tracked, it has been difficult or impossible to perform "cost-benefit" analysis of nuclear policies or to debate priorities among competing nuclear weapons programs. Yet such priorities naturally emerge, undebated.

Thus, the majority of nuclear weapons spending (55.5%) is allocated towards upgrading, operating and sustaining the U.S. nuclear arsenal. A much smaller fraction (10%) is devoted to controlling the spread of nuclear weapons and technology, the study found.

"The disparity suggests that preserving and enhancing nuclear forces is far more important than preventing nuclear proliferation," said Mr. Schwartz.

The authors urge that a formal accounting of nuclear weapons spending be conducted by the government and reported to Congress and the public in order to provide greater clarity. And they recommend that an increased fraction of nuclear security spending be directed towards preventing nuclear proliferation.

The full report and the underlying data are available from the Carnegie Endowment. See "Nuclear Security Spending: Assessing Costs, Examining Priorities," by Stephen I. Schwartz with Deepti Choubey, January 2009.
A lot of US Defense spending is a government work program for defense companies and scientists. It seems to be very hard to stop. the only way to stop it, really, is to find a new mission for them. Some of the weapons labs are shifting to "green" energy technology.
The US government's latest offer to Iran:
"If Iran gives up their nuclear weapons development programme, we will increase trade with Iran."

Iran's Reponse:
"If the USA give up their nuclear weapons, we will send 20 trucks of pistachio nuts."
You know, I have nothing against the U.S.A., beautiful country, great people, however, they spend 52 BILLION ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS and YET complain about poor developing nations having the same dream like the U.S. once had?

Then again, like my history teacher used to say, the "U.S. is known and seen as a responsible state which will simply not use her nukes that easily, but when it comes to other nations, you might never know".
It's just the image the U.S. has, as some sort of judge around the globe, always fightning for "justice" etc, although it's not always like that.

Anyway, I just think it's hypocritical at times from the U.S. and their habit of not allowing others to procure the same dreams the U.S. once had, this is part of the reason why the U.S. is not so favored in quite some nations around the globe because of their hypocrisy.

The U.S. should be an example especially when it comes to nuclear energy and profileration, not a trendsetter.
A lot of US Defense spending is a government work program for defense companies and scientists. It seems to be very hard to stop. the only way to stop it, really, is to find a new mission for them. Some of the weapons labs are shifting to "green" energy technology.

Why they dont send the nuclear wastes to us? We surely can make some goods out of them! :coffee: Dont forget to send money with the wastes as well!
The US government's latest offer to Iran:
"If Iran gives up their nuclear weapons development programme, we will increase trade with Iran."

Iran's Reponse:
"If the USA give up their nuclear weapons, we will send 20 trucks of pistachio nuts."

:rofl: funny ..what no kebob?
Its kabab now that you mentioned it! pistachio nuts is very expensive! U.S has to give up its whole arsenal for that! we might send them some caviar as well! (bonus!).
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Its kabab now that you mentioned it! pistachio nuts is very expensive! U.S has to give up its whole arsenal for that! we might send them some caviar as well! (bonus!).

Throw in a few Persian Rugs and it's a deal :yahoo:
INDIA PROPOSE prohibition of nuclear weapons

India proposes prohibition of nuclear weapons - Yahoo! India News

Sat, Feb 7 02:20 PM

New Delhi, Feb 7 (ANI): India has proposed an international convention for complete prohibition of nuclear weapons to reduce the dangers posed by atomic weapons to humanity.

National Security Adviser M K Narayanan on Saturday said that India is perhaps the only nuclear weapons state to openly favour negotiation of a Nuclear Weapons Convention leading to global non-discriminatory and verifiable elimination of nuclear weapons.

Addressing an international security conference in Munich, Narayanan declared that India advocate's global verifiable and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament.

He urged for a universal legal binding agreement on non-use of nuclear weapons.

Narayanan also expressed regret on the failure in bringing change in the centrality of nuclear weapons in the security doctrines of the major nuclear weapon powers, even after the end of the Cold War.

Referring to the Action Plan proposed by India at the UN General Assembly in 1988 for complete elimination of all nuclear weapons in stages by 2010, he said "by far the most comprehensive initiative" is relevant even today.

The other proposals include reaffirmation of reduction of the salience of nuclear weapons in security doctrines, de-alerting nuclear weapons to prevent unintentional or accidental use of nuclear weapons. (ANI)
ya and once we get rid of nuclear weapons...india with its large conventional military can roll into Pakistan

its with nuclear weapons that countries like Israel and Pakistan survive
ya and once we get rid of nuclear weapons...india with its large conventional military can roll into Pakistan

its with nuclear weapons that countries like Israel and Pakistan survive

Nuclear weapons also prevented a third world war from breaking out between the West and the Soviet Union and China. Mutual assured destruction has worked to prevent catastophic violence for over 60 years.
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