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U.S. Congress Urged to Call For Ahmadi Muslim Prisoners’ Release in Saudi Arabia


May 7, 2013
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United Kingdom
An important U.S. Congressional hearing on Plight of Prisoners of Conscience was held by the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission at Capitol Hill today, it is reported.

The Chairman of the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Dr. Robert George,testified before the Commission highlighting incidents after incidents of persecution resulting from free exercise of conscience in many parts of the world.

Representing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, its national director of public affairs, Amjad Mahmood Khan, Esq., also submitted his written testimony as part of the U.S. Congressional record.

USCIRF Chairman in his testimony before the commission highlighted the plight of Ahamdis due to the infamous blasphemy and anti-Ahmadi laws in Pakistan and specially underscored the case of two Ahmadi Muslim prisoners in Saudi Arabia.

Dr. George said the Saudi government continues to prosecute, convict, and imprison individuals charged with crimes such as apostasy, blasphemy, and sorcery.

Speaking specifically about the two men who were arrested in May 2012 by the Saudi government for apostasy when they joined the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Dr. George said all information about the prisoners is being withheld by the Saudi government.

“These blank pages are all that we have available -- all that I have -- to call attention to these victims of oppression and prisoners of conscience,” said Dr. George while holding up the blank pages from prisoners’ case files . “We cannot even obtain pictures.”

“While they are facing the death penalty for apostasy they have been disappeared and their current whereabouts and status are unknown.”

Dr. George called on the Saudi government “to release these men who are guilty of no crime other than to exercise their right as human beings to religious freedom.”

Dr. George further demanded that the US government “press the Saudi government for the release of these Ahmadi prisoners and to cease and desist the harassment of this and other minorities.”

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community representative in his written testimony, in addition to the imprisonment case of Sultan and Saud al-Enezis in Saudi Arabia, also highlighted the cases of Dr. Masood Ahmadand three Ahmadis recently detained in Rajanpur, Pakistan.

Attorney Khan reminded the panel through his written submission that “in Pakistan, Ahmadi Muslims can be jailed for up to three years for “posing as Muslims” and using Islamic names or epithets for their places of worship or religious rituals.”

Mr Amjad Khan asserted that the Community is persecuted primarily by religious extremists "who espouse a militant perversion of Islam."

“Our Community strongly believes that all such religious extremism must be cut at its root,” Amjad Khan stressed in his testimony. “We welcome any and all efforts by the U.S. Government to release all prisoners of conscience regardless of their religious beliefs or affiliation.”

U.S. Congress Urged to Call For Ahmadi Muslim Prisoners’ Release in Saudi Arabia - Los Angeles Islam | Examiner.com
Quite frankly I don't want to see that new cult in KSA or its members. So let them be kept in prisons and deported right afterwards. Harsh? Maybe.

Looks like they may be locals though so where will you deport them?

Saudis don't listen to anyone. I don't see these prisoners coming out anytime soon.

The dates mentioned are really old for all we know they may already be dead.
Looks like they may be locals though so where will you deport them?

The dates mentioned are really old for all we know they may already be dead.

Locals? I highly doubt it. Most Ahmadis in KSA are from South Asia. After all it is a new cult originating in South Asia.
True most ahmadis are south Asian but this link seems to say they were Saudi citizens.

SAUDI ARABIA: Ahmadis persecuted in the Kingdom — Asian Human Rights Commission

LOL. In all seriousness I don't really want them in KSA but I know that there are maybe 100-200 local Saudi Arabians who have been converted by those Ahamadis from South Asia who are living in KSA.

Anyway what are your opinion of them? I have seen quite a few members from Pakistan on this forum. Fair to say that they did not like my opinions.:lol:

LOL. In all seriousness I don't really want them in KSA but I know that there are maybe 100-200 local Saudi Arabians who have been converted by those Ahamadis from South Asia who are living in KSA.

Anyway what are your opinion of them? I have seen quite a few members from Pakistan on this forum. Fair to say that they did not like my opinions.:lol:

:lol: You messed up.

My personal opinion is that their beliefs are heresy but I don't think its anyone's job to police them. One of my friends here is an Ahmadi though hes a good dude but they are a tight knit bunch I mean he is not even that religious but he won't enter a mosque but that of his own. There are like 3 or 4 of them on this forum.
:lol: You messed up.

My personal opinion is that their beliefs are heresy but I don't think its anyone's job to police them. One of my friends here is an Ahmadi though hes a good dude but they are a tight knit bunch I mean he is not even that religious but he won't enter a mosque but that of his own. There are like 3 or 4 of them on this forum.

Chop, chop.:lol:

Come on. I have nothing against the individuals. It is just their damn cult. I mean how can any sane person belief in that and call himself a Muslim? Probably I would have no problem with them being Ahmadis and living in KSA just don't propagandize their beliefs which they do otherwise there would be no local Saudi Arabians who became Ahmadis.

What is their opinion of the "ban" in Pakistan? I mean they are not allowed to call themselves Muslims from what I am aware.

How correct is the information about them on Wiki?

Those that were on this forum were a strange bunch. They considered all other Muslims as wrong. OK.
Quite frankly I don't want to see that new cult in KSA or its members. So let them be kept in prisons and deported right afterwards. Harsh? Maybe.

It will be really ironic when the west turns against certain Muslims, your kind will be the first one to shout about human rights.
Quite frankly I don't want to see that new cult in KSA or its members. So let them be kept in prisons and deported right afterwards. Harsh? Maybe.

Some of them are locals you do know that right?

Chop, chop.:lol:

Come on. I have nothing against the individuals. It is just their damn cult. I mean how can any sane person belief in that and call himself a Muslim? Probably I would have no problem with them being Ahmadis and living in KSA just don't propagandize their beliefs which they do otherwise there would be no local Saudi Arabians who became Ahmadis.

Those that were on this forum were a strange bunch. They considered all other Muslims as wrong. OK.

To me wahabism sounds more like a cult then Ahmadiyyat. If you leave Ahmadiyyat then no one bothers you, you are free to do whatever you want. Whereas if you leave Wahabi cult you get killed by the Government or the mob.

Chop, chop.:lol:

Come on. I have nothing against the individuals. It is just their damn cult. I mean how can any sane person belief in that and call himself a Muslim? Probably I would have no problem with them being Ahmadis and living in KSA just don't propagandize their beliefs which they do otherwise there would be no local Saudi Arabians who became Ahmadis.

What is their opinion of the "ban" in Pakistan? I mean they are not allowed to call themselves Muslims from what I am aware.

How correct is the information about them on Wiki?

Those that were on this forum were a strange bunch. They considered all other Muslims as wrong. OK.

Ahmadiyyat is actually spreading pretty fast in the Arab world. We even have large community of them in a certain Arab Country(not going to say the location in public for their own safety).

:lol: You messed up.

My personal opinion is that their beliefs are heresy but I don't think its anyone's job to police them. One of my friends here is an Ahmadi though hes a good dude but they are a tight knit bunch I mean he is not even that religious but he won't enter a mosque but that of his own. There are like 3 or 4 of them on this forum.

The Grand Mufti of Ghana recognizes Ahamdis as Muslims. Stop following Mullahs madly sir.
I think that a cult member showed up.:lol:

Your cult is not recognized as a Muslim sect and you are not welcome in KSA. Trust me. So get lost or face the consequences of deportation or punishment.
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Ahmadis can do whatever they want I don't care but don't label ur self as a Muslim it's an insult to Islam and our belief hence why u guys always get persecuted, call ur selfs something other than Muslims and 100% of ur problems will be solved
Ahmadis can do whatever they want I don't care but don't label ur self as a Muslim it's an insult to Islam and our belief hence why u guys always get persecuted, call ur selfs something other than Muslims and 100% of ur problems will be solved

They can live in KSA as long as they don't propagandize their false beliefs and cult but as you see your Ahmadi compatriot even boosted about spreading his cult. And then we are not ought to be hostile/negative towards them?

99,9% of all Arabs have not even heard about that cult in the first place.

If people want to follow new cults then let them do so but don't do it in our country the cradle of Islam. We will not like this.
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They can live in KSA as long as they don't propagandize their false beliefs and cult but as you see your Ahmadi compatriot even boosted about spreading his cult. And then we are not ought to be hostile/negative towards them?

99,9% of all Arabs have not even heard about that cult in the first place.
He can dream all he wants... I have no sympathy for ahmadis they are causing these problems them selves yes ur free to belief what ever u want, but when u hijack a pious religion such as Islam and try and call ur self a Muslim that's where I have a problem.
They can live in KSA as long as they don't propagandize their false beliefs and cult but as you see your Ahmadi compatriot even boosted about spreading his cult. And then we are not ought to be hostile/negative towards them?

99,9% of all Arabs have not even heard about that cult in the first place.

In Pakistan they aren't allowed to propagate their beliefs or to identify themselves as Muslims; they were given a chance to explain their beliefs before the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan but after listening to them the Parliamentarians decided that their beliefs violated the essentials of Islam & hence cannot henceforth identify themselves as Muslims !

I dunno what to make of it all ! :(
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