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U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

Offering to Aid Talks, U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

HANOI, Vietnam — Opening a new source of potential friction with China, the Obama administration said Friday that it would step into a tangled dispute between China and its smaller Asian neighbors over a string of strategically significant islands in the South China Sea.
The New York Times

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking at an Asian regional security meeting in Vietnam, stressed that the United States remained neutral on which regional countries had stronger territorial claims to the islands. But she said that the United States had an interest in preserving free shipping in the area and that it would be willing to facilitate multilateral talks on the issue.

Though presented as an offer to help ease tensions, the stance amounts to a sharp rebuke to China. Beijing has insisted for years that all the islands belong to China and that any disputes should be resolved by China. In March, senior Chinese officials pointedly warned their American counterparts that they would brook no interference in the South China Sea, which they called part of the “core interest” of sovereignty.

Many of the islands are just rocks or spits of sand, but they are rich in oil and natural gas deposits, and China views them as important outposts that extend its territorial waters far into the busy shipping lanes in the sea.

“The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea,” Mrs. Clinton said.

The announcement was a significant victory for the Vietnamese, who have had deadly clashes in past decades with China over some of the islands. Vietnam’s strategy has been to try to “internationalize” the disputes by bringing in other players for multilateral negotiations.

The administration’s decision to get involved appeared to catch China flat-footed and angered its foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, at a time when the country is already on edge over naval exercises the United States and South Korea will hold starting this weekend off the Korean Peninsula.

Twelve of the 27 countries at the security meeting spoke out in favor of a new approach to the South China Sea, prompting Mr. Yang to observe that the American effort seemed orchestrated.

International concern has been deepening about China’s maritime ambitions, which have expanded with its economic and military muscle. China raised tensions with Vietnam this year with plans to develop tourism in one of the island groups, the Paracels, which the two nations fought over in 1974 before China assumed full control. They had another lethal clash in 1988 over the Spratly island group.

In recent months, administration officials said, China has harassed fishing boats and leaned on energy companies that have tried to make offshore deals with other countries.

Although American relations with China on political and economic matters are regarded as stable, military ties have become strained over United States arms sales to Taiwan and American concerns about China’s growing naval ambitions. In June, China withdrew an invitation to host a visit by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, and the two have largely suspended regular military-to-military talks.

This week, China was already bristling over the joint American-South Korean naval exercises because some drills are to take place in the Yellow Sea, which China claims as a military operation zone.

At the security meeting, other tensions flared on the familiar front of North Korea, with a North Korean official threatening a “physical response” to the naval exercises. The United States made no secret that it intended the drills to be a deterrent to North Korean aggression. It announced them after an investigation led by South Korea found the North responsible for torpedoing a South Korean ship, the Cheonan, in March.

The North Korean official, Ri Tong-il, said, “This is not defensive training,” noting that the United States was deploying one of its most formidable nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, the George Washington, in the exercises. “It is a grave threat to the Korean Peninsula and also to the region of Asia as a whole.”

But North Korea has opened a small window of engagement on the issue. Military officers from North Korea and the United Nations Command met on the inter-Korean border on Friday for the second time this month to discuss the sinking. Meeting at the border village of Panmunjom, colonels from both sides “exchanged ideas and further details for convening a joint assessment group” to investigate “the cause of the armistice violations that led to the sinking,” the American-led United Nations Command said.

It remained unclear whether North Korea accepted the proposal. North Korea has so far insisted that it conduct its own investigation by sending a team of “inspectors” to South Korea.

On Friday, the United Nations Command notified North Korea of plans to hold another joint America and South Korean military exercise: an annual drill from Aug. 16 to Aug. 26. As is normal for the annual drill, no location was announced.

Mrs. Clinton’s stop in Hanoi wrapped up a grueling trip that amounted to a tour of American wars, past and present: from Afghanistan to the demilitarized zone in South Korea, and finally to Vietnam, where, in a sunset ceremony, she watched the remains of three American soldiers killed in the war placed on an Air Force transport plane to be returned to the United States.

Mrs. Clinton sought to apply lessons from the American experience in the Korean War to Afghanistan. “We saw South Korea struggle to become a functioning democracy — huge amounts of instability, coups, corruption, scandal, you name it,” she said. “It’s good to remind ourselves: the United States has stood with countries that went through a lot of ups and downs for a lot longer than eight years.”

Choe Sang-hun contributed reporting from Seoul, South Korea, and Edward Wong from Beijing.

U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

Offering to Aid Talks, U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

HANOI, Vietnam — Opening a new source of potential friction with China, the Obama administration said Friday that it would step into a tangled dispute between China and its smaller Asian neighbors over a string of strategically significant islands in the South China Sea.
The New York Times

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking at an Asian regional security meeting in Vietnam, stressed that the United States remained neutral on which regional countries had stronger territorial claims to the islands. But she said that the United States had an interest in preserving free shipping in the area and that it would be willing to facilitate multilateral talks on the issue.

Though presented as an offer to help ease tensions, the stance amounts to a sharp rebuke to China. Beijing has insisted for years that all the islands belong to China and that any disputes should be resolved by China. In March, senior Chinese officials pointedly warned their American counterparts that they would brook no interference in the South China Sea, which they called part of the “core interest” of sovereignty.

Many of the islands are just rocks or spits of sand, but they are rich in oil and natural gas deposits, and China views them as important outposts that extend its territorial waters far into the busy shipping lanes in the sea.

“The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea,” Mrs. Clinton said.

The announcement was a significant victory for the Vietnamese, who have had deadly clashes in past decades with China over some of the islands. Vietnam’s strategy has been to try to “internationalize” the disputes by bringing in other players for multilateral negotiations.

The administration’s decision to get involved appeared to catch China flat-footed and angered its foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, at a time when the country is already on edge over naval exercises the United States and South Korea will hold starting this weekend off the Korean Peninsula.

Twelve of the 27 countries at the security meeting spoke out in favor of a new approach to the South China Sea, prompting Mr. Yang to observe that the American effort seemed orchestrated.

International concern has been deepening about China’s maritime ambitions, which have expanded with its economic and military muscle. China raised tensions with Vietnam this year with plans to develop tourism in one of the island groups, the Paracels, which the two nations fought over in 1974 before China assumed full control. They had another lethal clash in 1988 over the Spratly island group.

In recent months, administration officials said, China has harassed fishing boats and leaned on energy companies that have tried to make offshore deals with other countries.

Although American relations with China on political and economic matters are regarded as stable, military ties have become strained over United States arms sales to Taiwan and American concerns about China’s growing naval ambitions. In June, China withdrew an invitation to host a visit by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, and the two have largely suspended regular military-to-military talks.

This week, China was already bristling over the joint American-South Korean naval exercises because some drills are to take place in the Yellow Sea, which China claims as a military operation zone.

At the security meeting, other tensions flared on the familiar front of North Korea, with a North Korean official threatening a “physical response” to the naval exercises. The United States made no secret that it intended the drills to be a deterrent to North Korean aggression. It announced them after an investigation led by South Korea found the North responsible for torpedoing a South Korean ship, the Cheonan, in March.

The North Korean official, Ri Tong-il, said, “This is not defensive training,” noting that the United States was deploying one of its most formidable nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, the George Washington, in the exercises. “It is a grave threat to the Korean Peninsula and also to the region of Asia as a whole.”

But North Korea has opened a small window of engagement on the issue. Military officers from North Korea and the United Nations Command met on the inter-Korean border on Friday for the second time this month to discuss the sinking. Meeting at the border village of Panmunjom, colonels from both sides “exchanged ideas and further details for convening a joint assessment group” to investigate “the cause of the armistice violations that led to the sinking,” the American-led United Nations Command said.

It remained unclear whether North Korea accepted the proposal. North Korea has so far insisted that it conduct its own investigation by sending a team of “inspectors” to South Korea.

On Friday, the United Nations Command notified North Korea of plans to hold another joint America and South Korean military exercise: an annual drill from Aug. 16 to Aug. 26. As is normal for the annual drill, no location was announced.

Mrs. Clinton’s stop in Hanoi wrapped up a grueling trip that amounted to a tour of American wars, past and present: from Afghanistan to the demilitarized zone in South Korea, and finally to Vietnam, where, in a sunset ceremony, she watched the remains of three American soldiers killed in the war placed on an Air Force transport plane to be returned to the United States.

Mrs. Clinton sought to apply lessons from the American experience in the Korean War to Afghanistan. “We saw South Korea struggle to become a functioning democracy — huge amounts of instability, coups, corruption, scandal, you name it,” she said. “It’s good to remind ourselves: the United States has stood with countries that went through a lot of ups and downs for a lot longer than eight years.”

Choe Sang-hun contributed reporting from Seoul, South Korea, and Edward Wong from Beijing.


USA can't stop China from rising but she keeps trying to make things uneasy for China - Tibet and Xinjiang. And now USA is trying to gang up with Southeast Asia to give China a hard time on the Paracel Islands.
US goes fishing for trouble

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

There is a good deal of evidence to indicate that China is not trying to ratchet up tensions in the South China Sea, at least not vis-a-vis its southern neighbors.

Rather, it appears that the United States is once again using a contentious issue to exacerbate a problem, isolate China diplomatically, and to make room for an expanded role for Washington as the protector of the interests of China's smaller and more anxious neighbors - while diverting attention from certain provocative US actions.

People get to see what democracy is really all about !
People get to see what democracy is really all about !

“The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea,” Mrs. Clinton said.

I really want to see what Mrs. Clinton will say if China deploys its navy in the Caribbeans and say "China has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to America’s maritime commons and respect for international law in the Caribbeans".

Considering that the USA is in the American continent I don't see why America interest would ever stretch to the far reaching south china sea and yellow sea (between china and korea) and deploy their fleets there.

If vietnam and china are in conflict then let it be and there is nothing to do with america, considering neither vietnam and china are true friends of america. i don't think america will want to see china disputes and get involved in the invasion of iraq and afghanistan as well. so america pls just stop being a busybody...
If China can claim the islands in south china sea and seas around it then it makes it harder for USN to be near Hainan.
I think China should be careful how to play its card on this issue. While the ASEAN countries don't have strong navies, they are not push-arounds. Most of these countries have military ties with US and wouldn't mind calling US for help.

I think the US here is trying to put itself in the spotlight, that they are still relevant to security of SE Asia region. Basically they want to convey the message that 'If you guys got any problem with China, you'll know where to find me.'

While I might add it is also plausible that the US is trying to deflect Chinese attention from the Korean peninsula. You know how in the first Korean war, China was occupied with Tibet.
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Most ASEAN countries are friendly to China, they prefer dialogue and negotiation rather than military confrontation, Vietnam could be exception though.

Mrs Clinton actual raised the tension in South China Sea. It is better to keep the the situation as it is now with-out any provocation from any side.
The Vietnamese defeated China in a war only a few years after the U.S. departed from Southeast Asia. The Vietnamese know who their real (that is, long-term) enemies are, that is why they are eager to have us Americans return.

As I understand it by international law China, as a continental power, may not justly claim to be sovereign over seas that are in greater proximity to other nations, nor may it claim as much sovereignty over nearby seas as an island nation can. Yet I do not like the fact that the U.S. is speaking in terms of "freedom of navigation" in what is really a territorial dispute.
ok so now U.S is going more and more stringent,first taiwan and now in south china sea(i think i issue is about paracel islands,which Vietnam also claim),let see how china responds to it
I think China should be careful how to play its card on this issue. While the ASEAN countries don't have strong navies, they are not push-arounds. Most of these countries have military ties with US and wouldn't mind calling US for help.

Of course you'd say that it's your islands we're taking.
The Vietnamese defeated China in a war only a few years after the U.S. departed from Southeast Asia. The Vietnamese know who their real (that is, long-term) enemies are, that is why they are eager to have us Americans return.

As I understand it by international law China, as a continental power, may not justly claim to be sovereign over seas that are in greater proximity to other nations, nor may it claim as much sovereignty over nearby seas as an island nation can. Yet I do not like the fact that the U.S. is speaking in terms of "freedom of navigation" in what is really a territorial dispute.

Oh god the troll made it to the China defence forum.
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The Vietnamese defeated China in a war only a few years after the U.S. departed from Southeast Asia. The Vietnamese know who their real (that is, long-term) enemies are, that is why they are eager to have us Americans return.

As I understand it by international law China, as a continental power, may not justly claim to be sovereign over seas that are in greater proximity to other nations, nor may it claim as much sovereignty over nearby seas as an island nation can. Yet I do not like the fact that the U.S. is speaking in terms of "freedom of navigation" in what is really a territorial dispute.

Damn, another Vietnamese in the U.S. trying to re-write history... If you hadn't noticed, during the war, Vietnamese forces retreated during the Chinese advance, which resulted in China taking control of the Parcels in the first place...

I can't understand the fact how Vietnamese can ever position themselves as appreciated citizens of the West...
Wasn't a defeat in military terms but political terms.

china completely failed in its object,Vietnam continued with its invasion of Cambodia,after initial success Chinese military have no option other than retreat from Vietnam,that was not only a political lose but also a lose in military terms
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