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U.S. Blocks Taiwan's F-16 Request Again

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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U.S. Blocks Taiwan's F-16 Request Again

Taiwan's June 24 petition to submit a letter of request (LoR) for new F-16 fighter jets was blocked by the U.S. State Department under orders from the U.S. National Security Council, sources in Taipei and Washington said.

A recent report commissioned by Lockheed Martin estimates the sale could be as high as $8.7 billion and generate 16,000 annual jobs for the life of the program.

A U.S. defense industry source said that Taiwan's de facto embassy in Washington, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), was preparing to submit its fourth LoR for price-and-availability data for 66 F-16C/D Block 50/52 fighters to the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). But it was told by AIT that the LoR would not be accepted. AIT declined to comment.

"AIT is not opposed to the sale," the source said. "This is a State Department and National Security Council issue."

The issue has become a Catch-22 for Taiwan, in which TECRO cannot submit an LoR to AIT because it is under State Department orders to deny it, and then TECRO is told by the State Department that the LoR cannot be processed because it was not received, he said.

Taiwan's requests for F-16C/Ds and an upgrade package for 146 aging F-16A/B fighters have been on hold since 2006 and 2009, respectively. The U.S. government blocked three earlier LoR attempts for C/Ds made between 2006 and 2007.

Pro-Taiwan groups in Washington are urging Taiwan to formally request the right to resubmit the LoR before the opportunity passes.

"They need to [resubmit] if they're going to take advantage of this window," said Rupert Hammond-Chambers, president of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council. "If they do nothing, the moment will pass."

Support for an F-16 sale has gained momentum over the past month as members of the U.S. Congress, Lockheed and pro-Taiwan lobby groups have been working in concert to push the White House to release the fighters.

"They have submitted an LoR on three occasions and had it rejected," said Mark Stokes, a former U.S. defense official, now with the Project 2049 Institute. He said this is one reason the U.S. and Taiwan should bring back the annual arms sales talks held between 1982 and 2001.

"At least Taiwan could make its requests formally" to the U.S. government, he said.

After 2001, the arms talks were replaced with a policy that allowed for LoRs to be submitted when ready to AIT, instead of holding them until the next round of talks with the Pentagon.

The clock is running out for Taiwan. Lockheed indicates that unless there are new orders, the F-16 production line will end in 2013. Taiwan has already begun preparing for the worst.

In 2009, it began a $588 million, four-year upgrade program for 71 Ching Kuo Indigenous Defense Fighters (IDFs), allowing them to handle greater payloads at longer ranges.

Taiwan has 126 IDFs produced by the state-run Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. during the 1990s. On June 30, the first batch of upgraded IDFs will be handed over to the Taiwan Air Force in an official ceremony in Taichung. If additional F-16s are not released, the Air Force has the option of upgrading the rest of the IDF fleet.

However, new F-16C/Ds are needed to replace older F-5 and Mirage 2000 fighters scheduled for retirement within the next five to 10 years. Upgrading additional IDFs will not fill the fighter gap Taiwan is facing against China's fighter modernization efforts.

In December, China unveiled its first fifth-generation stealth fighter, the J-20. Sea trials are expected in July of China's first aircraft carrier. And China has been replacing older fighters with newer Su-27/J-11, Su-30 and J-10 fighters over the past 10 years.

U.S. Blocks Taiwan's F-16 Request Again - Defense News
Same happened with BD 10 yrs back.
F-16 requests were denied and the result
were Russian birds!
There are a lot of Taiwan who wants unification, so high tech equip to Taiwan end up with China anyway. LOL
Same happened with BD 10 yrs back.
F-16 requests were denied and the result
were Russian birds!

Taiwan still operates quite a number of F-16s. Though, they are aging. According the Henry Kissinger, small countries are of no consequence. I'd like to ask if that applied to Israel :D
If I am not mistaken US finally agreed on upgrading the existing fleet of F-16A/B to C/D. Obama tried hard to keep the balance with China.
There is a great amount of logic to this decision, the Americans think long term when it comes to supplying military hardware, unlike the Europeans and Russians who are virtually willing to do anything to garner export orders.
Taiwan's existence is, to a great extent, a product of Chinese reluctance to invade...and as the nation strengthens into an even greater global power, it will be hard pressed to be stopped, if and when, it decides to take Taiwan...so obviously the Americans would prefer sensitive equipment to not get into Chinese hands. The last thing a country wants is for its more secretive tech to be in the hands of a nation that may, very well, stand up to its global hegemony someday.
ehhhh.... thats no problem....

Feds make 3/4 trillion a year with income tax alone.... im sure if we just budget the money we will be ok..... how is Sir Lanka doing? still in the middle ages?

Lol dont know what people are thinking of us economy these days it will take just a year of carefull spending and every thing will be back to normal
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